I tell stories about the things the boys say all the time, but I think some of you doubt me. However, my friend Barb recently drove the boys around a bit, and she was laughing telling me about all the things they were pointing out to her!
So today, I thought I would share the normal banter/comments the boys have on our early morning drive to daycare. Pretty much the same things everyday...and they notice if there is anything unusual!
(Boys) Bye house, flowers, truck, wagon rides, (etc. - usually said as we are pulling out of the garage)
(Jackson) Look - the van is all gone! (of course it is, cause we are riding in it!)
(Boys) Look - a water tower. (Mommy) yes, are we going to drive by the water tower? (Boys) Yes, we drive by the water tower
(Boys) The firetrucks are out (when the doors on the fire station are open, or the trucks are sitting outside)
(Jackson) Oh - the lights are on! (when they are testing all the lights on the firetruck)
(Boys) Water tower. A big water tower (as we drive by the previously mentioned water tower)
(Boys) No pup-pups today (OR) Pup-pup! Pup-pup! Look it's a pup-pup (comments we hear as we drive by the park)
(Boys) Green flag. (it flies outside one of the businesses we drive by. they point it out cause it is different than the other flags)
(Boys) Water! (we actually hear this a few times, every time we pass any body of water, especially if it has a fountain) Geese! (if the geese are out) Geese are swimming (if the geese are in the water)
(Boys) Yellow truck (OR) No yellow truck! All gone today. (there is a yellow truck that sits at the one gas station we drive by every day. The boys know to look for it, and now they even tell us when it is NOT there)
(Boys) I count the yellow firemen....one....two....three (they now count the fire hydrants on the way to school).
(Boys) We made it! We go to Toddler's room! (their exclamation each day as we pull into daycare)
Our Family
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Throw them away!
For quite a while now, we've been sitting each of the boys on the big boy potty before they get in the bath tub at night. Everyone once in a while, one of them would pee-pee, but it was very inconsistent. Then, we went through a period of time where we had to fight with Jackson to get him to even sit on the potty.
Everything changed a few weeks ago with Jackson.
He sat on the potty one night, and he went pee-pee. The next night, he fought me and didn't want to sit on it. The next night, he sat right down and went pee-pee again. He has went pee-pee in the big boy potty every night for about 2 weeks now! I think when he was fighting with us, he didn't have to go, and he knew that!
So, after he again went potty last night, and we made a big deal about it, I told him I think its about time to throw his diapers away. We've talked about how he needs to tell mommy and daddy (and Miss Bianca at daycare) when he needs to go potty. And that when he does that, he gets to wear big boy underwear like daddy, and we'll throw the diapers away.
So, after our conversation last night, Brian walked into the bathroom to help with baths. I looked at Jackson and I said, "Jackson, what are we going to do with your diapers?" His response, "Throw them away!"
Guess I just need to get serious and get him trained to tell us that he needs to go so we can "throw them away!".
Everything changed a few weeks ago with Jackson.
He sat on the potty one night, and he went pee-pee. The next night, he fought me and didn't want to sit on it. The next night, he sat right down and went pee-pee again. He has went pee-pee in the big boy potty every night for about 2 weeks now! I think when he was fighting with us, he didn't have to go, and he knew that!
So, after he again went potty last night, and we made a big deal about it, I told him I think its about time to throw his diapers away. We've talked about how he needs to tell mommy and daddy (and Miss Bianca at daycare) when he needs to go potty. And that when he does that, he gets to wear big boy underwear like daddy, and we'll throw the diapers away.
So, after our conversation last night, Brian walked into the bathroom to help with baths. I looked at Jackson and I said, "Jackson, what are we going to do with your diapers?" His response, "Throw them away!"
Guess I just need to get serious and get him trained to tell us that he needs to go so we can "throw them away!".
What getting dressed leads to....
Sorry, it's been a few busy weeks, and I've neglected the blog. I promise to share LOTS of stories soon!
There is one story I'm sharing now, as it is too cute!
This morning, Brian was getting Lincoln dressed while I cleaned breakfast off Jackson. I imagine that Brian was probably talking Lincoln through what he wanted him to do (put his arm through here, put his leg in here, etc.). I don't know who took it a step further, but the next thing I knew, Lincoln was singing and dancing the "Hokey Pokey" in the middle of the living room.
Of course, when Jackson heard it, he had to join in. So, he put his arm in and his leg in and shook them all about before I swept him off for his diaper change. While he was laying on the changing table, he was still singing it, then abruptly stopped and said "Wait - I need to put my head in!"
So, as soon as the diaper was on, we returned to the family room, and Jackson got to put his head in and shake it all about.
The Hokey Pokey....now that's what its all about!
There is one story I'm sharing now, as it is too cute!
This morning, Brian was getting Lincoln dressed while I cleaned breakfast off Jackson. I imagine that Brian was probably talking Lincoln through what he wanted him to do (put his arm through here, put his leg in here, etc.). I don't know who took it a step further, but the next thing I knew, Lincoln was singing and dancing the "Hokey Pokey" in the middle of the living room.
Of course, when Jackson heard it, he had to join in. So, he put his arm in and his leg in and shook them all about before I swept him off for his diaper change. While he was laying on the changing table, he was still singing it, then abruptly stopped and said "Wait - I need to put my head in!"
So, as soon as the diaper was on, we returned to the family room, and Jackson got to put his head in and shake it all about.
The Hokey Pokey....now that's what its all about!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Weekend recap...
Often times, our weekends are summed up by where we've went, and what we've gotten done. But weekends should really be about making memories.
This past weekend, we accomplished a few things that we needed to do, but by Monday, our list of accomplishments were forgotten.
However, the special moments will live forever.
Late last week, we started watching "Cars" with the boys - we would watch 20-30 minutes a night, then pause it, and pick up where we left off the next day. By the third night, the boys were asking for "the race movie", and Jackson wanted to watch "My Mater."
Saturday night we were wrapping the movie up, and Lincoln wanted to lay with me. We snuggled a bit with him laying in my lap, but my back started hurting a bit. I grabbed a pillow and we layed down on the floor. He insisted we had to have a blanket too. Before I knew it, Jackson was grabbing a pillow of his own, and diving between Lincoln and me. Within 5 minutes, they were begging Daddy to join us, so all four of us were laying on the floor with our pillows, and a single blanket. The boys started playing "tent" and were laughing and carrying on. Sweet, sweet memory.
Sunday was a challenging day. We went to church with the intention of leaving the boys in the nursery for the first time. However, the boys had a different plan, so we headed upstairs to church with them. Jackson then wanted to go back downstairs and play with the other kids, but by then, the nursery was full. Unfortunately, we left church with a screaming Jackson in tow.
We headed off to have lunch, and went for a drive to find an ice cream shop. The boys fell asleep while we were driving, and Brian and I just explored some different areas of town. When the boys woke up, we stopped at Dairy Queen for some sundaes, and headed home for a snack on the patio.
The afternoon was hot and muggy, so we stayed indoors most of the day. After dinner, we were playing a bit before bathtime, and something inspired me to grab each of the boys hands, and start singing "Ring around the Rosie". Both the boys started singing along with me, and we all fell down at the end. I bet the neighbors could hear the laughter. The three of us did this quite a few times, then the boys decided Daddy again needed to join the fun. It was our first family Ring around the Rosie event.
We continue to have our challenges with the terrible 2's, but focusing on these special moments gets us through. I know someday we will remember these days, and only the happy moments will remain. We look forward to making more memories in the coming months!
This past weekend, we accomplished a few things that we needed to do, but by Monday, our list of accomplishments were forgotten.
However, the special moments will live forever.
Late last week, we started watching "Cars" with the boys - we would watch 20-30 minutes a night, then pause it, and pick up where we left off the next day. By the third night, the boys were asking for "the race movie", and Jackson wanted to watch "My Mater."
Saturday night we were wrapping the movie up, and Lincoln wanted to lay with me. We snuggled a bit with him laying in my lap, but my back started hurting a bit. I grabbed a pillow and we layed down on the floor. He insisted we had to have a blanket too. Before I knew it, Jackson was grabbing a pillow of his own, and diving between Lincoln and me. Within 5 minutes, they were begging Daddy to join us, so all four of us were laying on the floor with our pillows, and a single blanket. The boys started playing "tent" and were laughing and carrying on. Sweet, sweet memory.
Sunday was a challenging day. We went to church with the intention of leaving the boys in the nursery for the first time. However, the boys had a different plan, so we headed upstairs to church with them. Jackson then wanted to go back downstairs and play with the other kids, but by then, the nursery was full. Unfortunately, we left church with a screaming Jackson in tow.
We headed off to have lunch, and went for a drive to find an ice cream shop. The boys fell asleep while we were driving, and Brian and I just explored some different areas of town. When the boys woke up, we stopped at Dairy Queen for some sundaes, and headed home for a snack on the patio.
The afternoon was hot and muggy, so we stayed indoors most of the day. After dinner, we were playing a bit before bathtime, and something inspired me to grab each of the boys hands, and start singing "Ring around the Rosie". Both the boys started singing along with me, and we all fell down at the end. I bet the neighbors could hear the laughter. The three of us did this quite a few times, then the boys decided Daddy again needed to join the fun. It was our first family Ring around the Rosie event.
We continue to have our challenges with the terrible 2's, but focusing on these special moments gets us through. I know someday we will remember these days, and only the happy moments will remain. We look forward to making more memories in the coming months!
Yellow firemen
The boys have been obsessed with the color yellow for quite some time.
It started out with school buses - they pointed them out everywhere. Then, they were pointing out yellow cars and trucks as well. You wouldn't believe how many yellow vehicles are on the road!
With summer starting, and school buses disappearing, we needed to find other yellow objects to focus on during our drives. I pointed out the yellow fire hydrants to Jackson a few times, and then simply forgot about them. But Jackson didn't forget.
Fire hydrant isn't very easy for a 2 year old to say. The first few times he tried to point them out to me, it took a while for me to figure out what he was saying. Luckily, there weren't too many other yellow items around, and I narrowed it down.
In the past week, Lincoln has wanted to join in the fun. However, he has led us down another path. I don't know if he didn't understand the word hydrant, or if he just made his own interpretation, but he calls fire hydrants firemen. He points them all out now - yellow firemen, pink firemen. It doesn't matter what color they are.
It makes sense - they do look like little firemen, with their hats on.
So, next time you see a fire hydrant, think of my little guys, and call it a fireman!
It started out with school buses - they pointed them out everywhere. Then, they were pointing out yellow cars and trucks as well. You wouldn't believe how many yellow vehicles are on the road!
With summer starting, and school buses disappearing, we needed to find other yellow objects to focus on during our drives. I pointed out the yellow fire hydrants to Jackson a few times, and then simply forgot about them. But Jackson didn't forget.
Fire hydrant isn't very easy for a 2 year old to say. The first few times he tried to point them out to me, it took a while for me to figure out what he was saying. Luckily, there weren't too many other yellow items around, and I narrowed it down.
In the past week, Lincoln has wanted to join in the fun. However, he has led us down another path. I don't know if he didn't understand the word hydrant, or if he just made his own interpretation, but he calls fire hydrants firemen. He points them all out now - yellow firemen, pink firemen. It doesn't matter what color they are.
It makes sense - they do look like little firemen, with their hats on.
So, next time you see a fire hydrant, think of my little guys, and call it a fireman!
2012 July Celebrations
July 2 - We remember the anniversary of Grandma and Grandpa Hart. It would have been 46 years
July 9 - Great Uncle Shorty and Great Aunt Eileen Bruns celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary
July 12 - Nick and Monica Wappes celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary
July 25 - Seth and Angie Coles celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary
- July 1 - Denny Brunswick turns 79
- July 6 - Great Aunt Jean Muehlfeld turns 53
- July 17 - cousin Addison Young turns 14
- July 19 - Jeff Hart turns 47
- July 20 - cousin Andrea Haas turns 19
- July 21 - Kate Hart turns 38
- July 22 - Pat Brocki turns 48
- July 24 - Great Uncle John Hart turns 64
- July 28 - Great Aunt Shirley Maier turns 65; Baby Nash Willinger turns ONE!
- July 29 - cousin Wes Maier turns 41
July 2 - We remember the anniversary of Grandma and Grandpa Hart. It would have been 46 years
July 9 - Great Uncle Shorty and Great Aunt Eileen Bruns celebrate their 63rd wedding anniversary
July 12 - Nick and Monica Wappes celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary
July 25 - Seth and Angie Coles celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary
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