Jackson has become infatuated with High 5's.
He has learned to buckle the top portion of his car seat, and after he gets it snapped, he puts his hand up and says "High 5!"
We do high 5's at home after we wash our hands, or after we get a diaper change. Anytime really when he does what we ask him too, and praise him for it. But yesterday was the cutest EVER!.
I mentioned Jackson's ear infection is back, and I took him to the doctor. They wanted to get his current weight, but he is a little timid. Lincoln hopped on without hesitation, and he is up to 36 pounds now (not bad since he was 35 pounds in January). Since his big brother did it, Jackson then jumped on the scale, and instantly put his hands on his belly (we've been working on it at home). The nurse told him what a good boy he was, and Jackson instantly put his hand up and said "High 5!" The nurse chuckled, but graciously did High 5's with my little man. He was smiling from ear to ear!
Just for the record, Jackson is up to 34 pounds! The way he's been eating, I'm surprised its not closer to 40!
Our Family
Thursday, June 28, 2012
What do you think when you see...
When you see something like this....
What do you think of?
Upon first seeing question marks, my mind automatically goes to the riddler in Batman. I don't know why, it just does.
Yesterday, I had to take Jackson (and subsequently Lincoln too) to the doctor. Unfortunately, Jackson's ear infection is back. He had blood coming out of his ear yesterday morning, so we went to check it out.
We were looking through some Eye Spy books while we were waiting for the doctor, and Lincoln pointed to the questionmark on the front of the book and said "Mystery Mouse-ka-tools. OOOOHHHHH Toodles!"
After getting over the inital shock that he associated the question mark with that, I couldn't help but laugh at the little guy. It was totally cute! He was totally impressed with himself too that he made Mommy laugh!
What do you think of?
Upon first seeing question marks, my mind automatically goes to the riddler in Batman. I don't know why, it just does.
Yesterday, I had to take Jackson (and subsequently Lincoln too) to the doctor. Unfortunately, Jackson's ear infection is back. He had blood coming out of his ear yesterday morning, so we went to check it out.
We were looking through some Eye Spy books while we were waiting for the doctor, and Lincoln pointed to the questionmark on the front of the book and said "Mystery Mouse-ka-tools. OOOOHHHHH Toodles!"
After getting over the inital shock that he associated the question mark with that, I couldn't help but laugh at the little guy. It was totally cute! He was totally impressed with himself too that he made Mommy laugh!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Jackson has always been strong...physically.
When we were taking him to therapy for his neck, the therapist commented on the strength of our little man.
When we had hair cuts several weeks ago, and I had to try to hold onto him, the lady in the chair next to us commented on how strong Jackson is (and how strong I must be to have handled him as well as I did).
And believe me, we know how strong he is, but sometimes, he even surprises us.
A few weeks ago, we went to Sam's Club after work to get a few things. The boys were pretty good while we were in the store, but always get a bit ancy when it comes to check out time. We were pulling up, and Jackson wanted to help put things on the counter. Cautiously, we let him, watching to ensure nothing was too heavy and might be dropped and broken. The guy in line behind us stood and watched as Jackson put the big container of strawberries on the counter, then 2 separate gallons of milk. The man smiled with surprise and amazement at this little 2 year old picking these things up!
The big surprise came though when we got to the van. Jackson again wanted to lift things out of the cart, and hand them to Brian to put in the van. This time though - Jackson picked up both gallons of milk at the same time.
Wow. Brian and I both thought that was pretty impressive.
But Tuesday morning, he totally blew us away.
Brian is finally feeling better, and Monday night he did some work with some hand weights. They were laying on the floor in the bedroom, but are usually in the closet. Jackson walked over, picked up both 8 pound weights (one in each hand) and walked them into the closet to put them away. That's 16 pounds - almost half his body weight - and he did it effortlessly!
Maybe he is the incredible hulk, and we just don't realize it?
When we were taking him to therapy for his neck, the therapist commented on the strength of our little man.
When we had hair cuts several weeks ago, and I had to try to hold onto him, the lady in the chair next to us commented on how strong Jackson is (and how strong I must be to have handled him as well as I did).
And believe me, we know how strong he is, but sometimes, he even surprises us.
A few weeks ago, we went to Sam's Club after work to get a few things. The boys were pretty good while we were in the store, but always get a bit ancy when it comes to check out time. We were pulling up, and Jackson wanted to help put things on the counter. Cautiously, we let him, watching to ensure nothing was too heavy and might be dropped and broken. The guy in line behind us stood and watched as Jackson put the big container of strawberries on the counter, then 2 separate gallons of milk. The man smiled with surprise and amazement at this little 2 year old picking these things up!
The big surprise came though when we got to the van. Jackson again wanted to lift things out of the cart, and hand them to Brian to put in the van. This time though - Jackson picked up both gallons of milk at the same time.
Wow. Brian and I both thought that was pretty impressive.
But Tuesday morning, he totally blew us away.
Brian is finally feeling better, and Monday night he did some work with some hand weights. They were laying on the floor in the bedroom, but are usually in the closet. Jackson walked over, picked up both 8 pound weights (one in each hand) and walked them into the closet to put them away. That's 16 pounds - almost half his body weight - and he did it effortlessly!
Maybe he is the incredible hulk, and we just don't realize it?
That's a big ant
We had quite an interesting breakfast conversation Monday morning.
I had just sat down to eat my breakfast, and I noticed that Lincoln hadn't touched his food. This is very unusual. Then, I noticed that he was focused on something on the floor. Before I could see what it was, I heard him say, "Wow, that's a big ant. Look Mommy."
I leaned over to look at what he was pointing at, and indeed, it was a big ant - because it was a spider!
I calmly told Lincoln that it was a spider, and both of the boys instantly said "Daddy - get it!"
Daddy was eating his breakfast too, and much to our dismay, wanted to finish eating before taking care of the spider.
While we waited, neither of the boys ate, as they were not letting the "big ant" out of their site. I was a bit concerned that I was going to have to have the circle of life talk with the boys, as the spider was actually in a small web, and he had caught another bug in it. Not what I was hoping to see at breakfast. Thankfully, Daddy finished breakfast before we had to watch the spider eat his.
The boys continued calling the spider an ant, and I corrected them again, so then we broke into a verse of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. All in a days work. After the song was over, Daddy captured the spider, and told the boys he was taking it to the garage to set it free.
Tuesday morning, the boys asked where the spider was.
Mommy - oh, it's in the garage
Boys - You sure Mommy?
Mommy - oh, I'm sure it's stillin the paper towel daddy captured it in, and it's in the garbage in the garage.
I had just sat down to eat my breakfast, and I noticed that Lincoln hadn't touched his food. This is very unusual. Then, I noticed that he was focused on something on the floor. Before I could see what it was, I heard him say, "Wow, that's a big ant. Look Mommy."
I leaned over to look at what he was pointing at, and indeed, it was a big ant - because it was a spider!
I calmly told Lincoln that it was a spider, and both of the boys instantly said "Daddy - get it!"
Daddy was eating his breakfast too, and much to our dismay, wanted to finish eating before taking care of the spider.
While we waited, neither of the boys ate, as they were not letting the "big ant" out of their site. I was a bit concerned that I was going to have to have the circle of life talk with the boys, as the spider was actually in a small web, and he had caught another bug in it. Not what I was hoping to see at breakfast. Thankfully, Daddy finished breakfast before we had to watch the spider eat his.
The boys continued calling the spider an ant, and I corrected them again, so then we broke into a verse of the Itsy Bitsy Spider. All in a days work. After the song was over, Daddy captured the spider, and told the boys he was taking it to the garage to set it free.
Tuesday morning, the boys asked where the spider was.
Mommy - oh, it's in the garage
Boys - You sure Mommy?
Mommy - oh, I'm sure it's still
No more crying!
It started about 3 weeks ago. Lincoln would cry every day when we would drop him off at daycare. He would walk in the room, and burst into tears. Then, we would go and press his little face up against the glass patio door and whale as he watched us leave.
Worst feeling in the world for a parent.
Then, it got worse. He started crying before we even got in the door. We even had 2 days were it started in the van - he didn't want to get out of his seat. He even re-buckled his seat belt so I had to pry him out. Then, he clung to me the whole walk in.
I wanted to quit my job and stay home with him forever. Then I remembered all the things he has learned at daycare that I wouldn't have even known to teach him. And I listened to my gut, which told me it was just a phase and he would outgrow it.
But it was a tough few weeks!
The switch finally flipped last week.
Brian was home all week with strep, so I was single mom with the daycare drop offs and pick ups. I think the change of routine was good. It was a little more hectic in the mornings trying to get everyone fed, dressed and out the door on my own. Evidently I said more than once that we had to get going cause mommy had to get to work, and Lincoln picked up on it.
It was mid-week when I heard Lincoln say it in the car. "Mommy has to go to work. I go to Toddlers". Good thing I had toughened up and realized everything is as it should be, or that would have totally pushed meover the edge to stay home. It helped him deal with his separation anxiety. Plus, Miss Kathy was good about distracting him when we would drop him off - taking him to get a book.
I'm happy to report that we haven't had any tears this week. He still says Mommy has to go to work from time to time, and I'm ok with that. He now walks in the daycare room, still goes to the window, but stands there and waves and smiles at us. I love that little smile. And I love the bigger smile on his face when we pick him up even more!
Worst feeling in the world for a parent.
Then, it got worse. He started crying before we even got in the door. We even had 2 days were it started in the van - he didn't want to get out of his seat. He even re-buckled his seat belt so I had to pry him out. Then, he clung to me the whole walk in.
I wanted to quit my job and stay home with him forever. Then I remembered all the things he has learned at daycare that I wouldn't have even known to teach him. And I listened to my gut, which told me it was just a phase and he would outgrow it.
But it was a tough few weeks!
The switch finally flipped last week.
Brian was home all week with strep, so I was single mom with the daycare drop offs and pick ups. I think the change of routine was good. It was a little more hectic in the mornings trying to get everyone fed, dressed and out the door on my own. Evidently I said more than once that we had to get going cause mommy had to get to work, and Lincoln picked up on it.
It was mid-week when I heard Lincoln say it in the car. "Mommy has to go to work. I go to Toddlers". Good thing I had toughened up and realized everything is as it should be, or that would have totally pushed me
I'm happy to report that we haven't had any tears this week. He still says Mommy has to go to work from time to time, and I'm ok with that. He now walks in the daycare room, still goes to the window, but stands there and waves and smiles at us. I love that little smile. And I love the bigger smile on his face when we pick him up even more!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Gator rides
This past weekend, we headed north to spend a quiet weekend with my parents. We didn't have any plans for the weekend - just visiting, getting a Father's day gift for my dad, and I wanted to see my Gram.
As the weekend drew closer last week, we shared with the boys that we'd be making the trip to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house. They were excited, and asked if they would get to take a gator ride (on my Dad's John Deere Gator). We told them yes, and upon hearing that, Jackson said "I take a gator ride with Pawpaw, brother, and Daddy". I thought it was cute, and told him that Mommy wanted to take a gator ride with all of them too. What he told me next astounded me..."No Mommy, no gator ride, you stay and make dinner!"
You see, often times when we get home from daycare, the boys want to go for a wagon ride or a walk. Often times, I tell them they have to talk to Daddy because Mommy needs to go in and make dinner. So, I guess I shot myself in the foot!
On Saturday morning, my dad got the gator out, and Brian and Lincoln could hardly wait to go for a ride. Jackson however didn't want to go - he wanted to stay with me. I was getting ready so we could go visit my Grandma. So, we hung out at the house while the rest of the boys went for a ride. On Sunday morning though, my dad took all 4 of us for a ride, and it was great spending time with the 4 most important men in my life!
As the weekend drew closer last week, we shared with the boys that we'd be making the trip to Mawmaw and Pawpaw's house. They were excited, and asked if they would get to take a gator ride (on my Dad's John Deere Gator). We told them yes, and upon hearing that, Jackson said "I take a gator ride with Pawpaw, brother, and Daddy". I thought it was cute, and told him that Mommy wanted to take a gator ride with all of them too. What he told me next astounded me..."No Mommy, no gator ride, you stay and make dinner!"
You see, often times when we get home from daycare, the boys want to go for a wagon ride or a walk. Often times, I tell them they have to talk to Daddy because Mommy needs to go in and make dinner. So, I guess I shot myself in the foot!
On Saturday morning, my dad got the gator out, and Brian and Lincoln could hardly wait to go for a ride. Jackson however didn't want to go - he wanted to stay with me. I was getting ready so we could go visit my Grandma. So, we hung out at the house while the rest of the boys went for a ride. On Sunday morning though, my dad took all 4 of us for a ride, and it was great spending time with the 4 most important men in my life!
Time to get up....
Yesterday morning, I had to wake the boys up for daycare. Jackson said "No, no, Mommy. I don't want to get up yet. I go back to sleep". Unfortunately, that wasn't an option.
This morning, I again had to wake them up, but this time Lincoln had a few choice words for me. He told me he wasn't going to get up, and that he was going to stay in bed all day long.
Both the boys are tired from a fun weekend at Mawmaw and Pawpaws, and they are missing their daddy terribly. Brian hasn't been feeling well this week, and has had to stay away from the boys so they don't get sick. I've told the boys that Daddy isn't feeling well, that he needs his rest, and somewhere along the line, I must have said that he had been in bed all day.
Brian has been keeping his germs away from me too - he's been sleeping in the office. This morning, he was actually up with me and the boys, but observed from a distance. He did tell me though that he heard Jackson in the night. He fussed a bit, then Brian heard him say "Clock blue. I go back to sleep".
And he must have, because I didn't hear a thing!
Although I've had to wake the boys every day this week, I'm sure they will be up bright and early on Saturday!
This morning, I again had to wake them up, but this time Lincoln had a few choice words for me. He told me he wasn't going to get up, and that he was going to stay in bed all day long.
Both the boys are tired from a fun weekend at Mawmaw and Pawpaws, and they are missing their daddy terribly. Brian hasn't been feeling well this week, and has had to stay away from the boys so they don't get sick. I've told the boys that Daddy isn't feeling well, that he needs his rest, and somewhere along the line, I must have said that he had been in bed all day.
Brian has been keeping his germs away from me too - he's been sleeping in the office. This morning, he was actually up with me and the boys, but observed from a distance. He did tell me though that he heard Jackson in the night. He fussed a bit, then Brian heard him say "Clock blue. I go back to sleep".
And he must have, because I didn't hear a thing!
Although I've had to wake the boys every day this week, I'm sure they will be up bright and early on Saturday!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Twins complement each other, right?
Our boys have always shared a special twin bond, even though they are very different boys. They seem to complement each other's characteristics - Jackson is very stubborn, Lincoln more easy going. Jackson is very athletic, and Lincoln loves to read books and cuddle. We definitely got the best of both worlds.
Last week, I noticed something about the two of them, and it made me chuckle a little bit.
We pray each night before we eat dinner. The boys caught onto "Amen" a long time ago, but have recently picked up on the sign of the cross before and after the prayer.
Here is Lincoln's version:
Here is Jackson's version:
Do you see what's so funny?
Last week, I noticed something about the two of them, and it made me chuckle a little bit.
We pray each night before we eat dinner. The boys caught onto "Amen" a long time ago, but have recently picked up on the sign of the cross before and after the prayer.
Here is Lincoln's version:
Here is Jackson's version:
Do you see what's so funny?
Lincoln's friends...
First, let me say Brian was in rare form on the way home from work last night after the "Some Buddy's" birthday issue.
We continued on our drive home, and Lincoln mentioned his friend Evie. We think Lincoln has a little crush on Evie, as we hear about her a lot. She is older than Lincoln, but she is tiny and adorable (especially compared to Lincoln who is both the tallest and heaviest kid in his class!). Brian asked Lincoln if he and Evie played together today, and Lincoln said "Yes, Daddy. I played with Adam too".
The next thing I know Brian is doubled over in the van seat laughing. He finally said "He played with Adam and Evie today...were they in the garden of Eden?"
Yes, it was his sense of humor that made me fall in love with him. They say if you can find a man who makes you laugh, marry him. Guess I got something right!
We continued on our drive home, and Lincoln mentioned his friend Evie. We think Lincoln has a little crush on Evie, as we hear about her a lot. She is older than Lincoln, but she is tiny and adorable (especially compared to Lincoln who is both the tallest and heaviest kid in his class!). Brian asked Lincoln if he and Evie played together today, and Lincoln said "Yes, Daddy. I played with Adam too".
The next thing I know Brian is doubled over in the van seat laughing. He finally said "He played with Adam and Evie today...were they in the garden of Eden?"
Yes, it was his sense of humor that made me fall in love with him. They say if you can find a man who makes you laugh, marry him. Guess I got something right!
It's Somebody's Birthday!
Yesterday, the boys daycare celebrated it's 47th anniversary of being in business. Each year, when the anniversary comes around, they have spirit week, and they celebrate the birthday of their mascot "Good Buddy". (They have lots of themes at the school about being a Good Buddy to others, etc.)
We've had crazy hair day, wear your favorite sports team shirt, and backwards day this week. Yesterday was the actual birthday celebration - they line the driveway with 47 little "Good Buddies" and tie balloons to them. They do field day activities, and they celebrate with birthday cupcakes.
When we picked up the boys yesterday, we received certificates indicating they participated in field day, and what their favorite activity was. Jackson's favorite activity was the bean bag toss, and Lincoln's certificate said "Cupcakes!". Miss Paula (his teacher) told us how funny he was, as he tried to shove the whole cupcake in his mouth (typical Lincoln) and had crumbs and frosting everywhere. He makes me so proud.
Once we got the boys in the van, we were asking them about their day and the field activities. Jackson saw all the "Good Buddies" and balloons, and got so excited. He kept telling us "It's Somebody's Birthday! It's Somebody's birthday!" Brian was cracking up laughing. Jackson didn't quite understand that they were saying it was Good Buddy's birthday....so he was saying it was Some Buddy's birthday!
We've had crazy hair day, wear your favorite sports team shirt, and backwards day this week. Yesterday was the actual birthday celebration - they line the driveway with 47 little "Good Buddies" and tie balloons to them. They do field day activities, and they celebrate with birthday cupcakes.
When we picked up the boys yesterday, we received certificates indicating they participated in field day, and what their favorite activity was. Jackson's favorite activity was the bean bag toss, and Lincoln's certificate said "Cupcakes!". Miss Paula (his teacher) told us how funny he was, as he tried to shove the whole cupcake in his mouth (typical Lincoln) and had crumbs and frosting everywhere. He makes me so proud.
Once we got the boys in the van, we were asking them about their day and the field activities. Jackson saw all the "Good Buddies" and balloons, and got so excited. He kept telling us "It's Somebody's Birthday! It's Somebody's birthday!" Brian was cracking up laughing. Jackson didn't quite understand that they were saying it was Good Buddy's birthday....so he was saying it was Some Buddy's birthday!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Putting our colors to use
The boys received a "Tot Clock" for their birthday back in January. So far, it's been a great night light in the boys room, and helps Brian and me keep track of what time it is when we are up with the boys during the night.
Now that the boys know their colors, I'm hoping it will be even more useful!
Earlier this week, I explained to the boys that if they woke up and the clock was blue, they should go back to sleep. I didn't push it too much as through the week it's not a big deal if the boys get up a little early. However, I am trying to get them to let US sleep in a bit on the weekends. 5:30 a.m. is too early for a Saturday/Sunday!
I went into the boys room this morning to get them up. Jackson was awake, laying in his crib smiling at me. I was selecting clothes for the boys to wear today when I heard Jackson say "Clock is yellow." I turned and looked at him and asked him what that meant. He very confidently told me "It's time to get up. Clock blue - I go back to sleep!"
The good news is, he remembers what I told him. Now, we just have to see if he understands and actually does it!
Now that the boys know their colors, I'm hoping it will be even more useful!
Earlier this week, I explained to the boys that if they woke up and the clock was blue, they should go back to sleep. I didn't push it too much as through the week it's not a big deal if the boys get up a little early. However, I am trying to get them to let US sleep in a bit on the weekends. 5:30 a.m. is too early for a Saturday/Sunday!
I went into the boys room this morning to get them up. Jackson was awake, laying in his crib smiling at me. I was selecting clothes for the boys to wear today when I heard Jackson say "Clock is yellow." I turned and looked at him and asked him what that meant. He very confidently told me "It's time to get up. Clock blue - I go back to sleep!"
The good news is, he remembers what I told him. Now, we just have to see if he understands and actually does it!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
2 Mickey's!
A few weeks ago when we were in Toledo, we stopped to see our friends the Wagners. They had recently returned from a visit to Disney, and they brought the boys some wonderful gifts.
One of the gifts the gave the boys is the Mickey Mouse version of The Prince and the Pauper.
Jackson is absolutely infatuated with this book. He insists we read it every night.
We had only read it a few times, and he began picking up on things. He has to count the ice cream cones on the first page each time we read it, and he gets so excited when it gets to the part where Pauper Mickey meets the Prince - "2 Mickey's! Look Mommy - 2 Mickey's".
Last night, he was pretending to read the book...including the note that the Wagners put on the inside cover! The note says something about To Lincoln and Jackson - hope you enjoy discovering the magic of Disney, or something like that. I don't remember exactly what Jackson said, but it was something like "Hope Jackson enjoys this story about Mickey". It was totally adorable. I'll have to pay closer attention next time!
One of the gifts the gave the boys is the Mickey Mouse version of The Prince and the Pauper.
Jackson is absolutely infatuated with this book. He insists we read it every night.
We had only read it a few times, and he began picking up on things. He has to count the ice cream cones on the first page each time we read it, and he gets so excited when it gets to the part where Pauper Mickey meets the Prince - "2 Mickey's! Look Mommy - 2 Mickey's".
Last night, he was pretending to read the book...including the note that the Wagners put on the inside cover! The note says something about To Lincoln and Jackson - hope you enjoy discovering the magic of Disney, or something like that. I don't remember exactly what Jackson said, but it was something like "Hope Jackson enjoys this story about Mickey". It was totally adorable. I'll have to pay closer attention next time!
My friendly child...
I told you all about our trip to the park on Sunday earlier this week. But I forgot one thing until something reminded me the other night....
Sunday, Lincoln was walking beside me. A woman was walking the trail coming toward us, and all of a sudden, Lincoln started waving at her like crazy! He acted like he knew her! I was just surprised, as up to that point, he had been very quiet when we passed people, unless they had "pup-pups". The lady thought it was cute, and he didn't do it to anyone else that day.
Monday night however, we were in the living room relaxing a bit before bedtime. Lincoln was drawn to the patio door for some reason, and was watching everything going on outside. Suddenly, he began waving again - as if he saw someone he knew! It was someone walking a dog, and he was trying to say hi, not understanding that they weren't looking for him, and probably didn't see him. But he sure got excited waving and saying hello to the people walking!
Sunday, Lincoln was walking beside me. A woman was walking the trail coming toward us, and all of a sudden, Lincoln started waving at her like crazy! He acted like he knew her! I was just surprised, as up to that point, he had been very quiet when we passed people, unless they had "pup-pups". The lady thought it was cute, and he didn't do it to anyone else that day.
Monday night however, we were in the living room relaxing a bit before bedtime. Lincoln was drawn to the patio door for some reason, and was watching everything going on outside. Suddenly, he began waving again - as if he saw someone he knew! It was someone walking a dog, and he was trying to say hi, not understanding that they weren't looking for him, and probably didn't see him. But he sure got excited waving and saying hello to the people walking!
Special dates
I'm not sure how, but I completely forgot to post special dates for May! I hope everyone knows they were thought of!
Birthdays celebrated in May:
• Aunt Lisa Haas turned 45 on the 6th
• Eli Hart turned 3 on the 9th
• Uncle Ralph Gels turned 68 on the 12th and Aunt Lorae Gels turned 67
• Grandma Janice Hart would have been 65 on the 17th; and Aunt Janet Gels turned 64
• cousin Taylor Zank turned 21 on the 20th
• Brian's Goddaughter Ashley turned 5 on the 21st
• Uncle Rodney Muehlfeld turned 42 on the 24th
• Alyssa Maier turned 13 on the 27th
• cousin Chad Muehlfeld turned 34 on the 29th, and Davis Brown turned 18
Anniversaries celebrated in May:
• Nate and Jess Wappes celebrated their 4th anniversary on the 17th
• Jay and Tracy Wagner celebrated their anniversary on the 21st
• Matt and Jennifer Schug celebrated their 16th anniversary on the 25th
Upcoming June celebrations:
• June 3 - Parker Muehlfeld turns 3
• June 9 - Eli Burkholer turns 25
• June 18 - Grandma Emmie turns 84
• June 21 - Seth O'Connor turns 6
• June 22 - Uncle Ken Gels turns 81 and Aunt Lois Ann Brunswich turns 78
• June 23 - Brian turns 42
• June 25 - Grandpa Joe Hart would have turned 68
• June 30 - Brody Wyldes turns 3
• June 2 - Dave and Ruth Wappes celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary
• June 4 - Clifford and Shirley Simon celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary; Steve and Jennifer Ginter celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary
• June 8 - Jerry and Lisa Haas celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary
• June 11 - Jason and Maria Hart celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary
• June 14 - Wes and Jen Maier celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary
• June 26 - Derek and Marcy Wyldes celebrate their 8th wedding annivesary
Other dates to note:
Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads/grandpas' out there on June 17th.
Best Wishes to Lori Hart and Tyler Lentz on their marriage on June 23rd!
Birthdays celebrated in May:
• Aunt Lisa Haas turned 45 on the 6th
• Eli Hart turned 3 on the 9th
• Uncle Ralph Gels turned 68 on the 12th and Aunt Lorae Gels turned 67
• Grandma Janice Hart would have been 65 on the 17th; and Aunt Janet Gels turned 64
• cousin Taylor Zank turned 21 on the 20th
• Brian's Goddaughter Ashley turned 5 on the 21st
• Uncle Rodney Muehlfeld turned 42 on the 24th
• Alyssa Maier turned 13 on the 27th
• cousin Chad Muehlfeld turned 34 on the 29th, and Davis Brown turned 18
Anniversaries celebrated in May:
• Nate and Jess Wappes celebrated their 4th anniversary on the 17th
• Jay and Tracy Wagner celebrated their anniversary on the 21st
• Matt and Jennifer Schug celebrated their 16th anniversary on the 25th
Upcoming June celebrations:
• June 3 - Parker Muehlfeld turns 3
• June 9 - Eli Burkholer turns 25
• June 18 - Grandma Emmie turns 84
• June 21 - Seth O'Connor turns 6
• June 22 - Uncle Ken Gels turns 81 and Aunt Lois Ann Brunswich turns 78
• June 23 - Brian turns 42
• June 25 - Grandpa Joe Hart would have turned 68
• June 30 - Brody Wyldes turns 3
• June 2 - Dave and Ruth Wappes celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary
• June 4 - Clifford and Shirley Simon celebrate their 22nd wedding anniversary; Steve and Jennifer Ginter celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary
• June 8 - Jerry and Lisa Haas celebrate their 21st wedding anniversary
• June 11 - Jason and Maria Hart celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary
• June 14 - Wes and Jen Maier celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary
• June 26 - Derek and Marcy Wyldes celebrate their 8th wedding annivesary
Other dates to note:
Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads/grandpas' out there on June 17th.
Best Wishes to Lori Hart and Tyler Lentz on their marriage on June 23rd!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Bad mommy....
I tend to think that I am a pretty observant parent. I notice when the boys are eating more than usual, or when they consistently refuse to eat certain foods. I notice scratches and scrapes that they get from playing at daycare. And most days, I can even tell you what clothes I put on them for the day.
Evidently, I fell down on the job the past few weeks.
We played "dentist" last night after baths, which means Mommy inspects the boys teeth after they brush them. Jackson went first, and he giggled when I brushed his teeth because it tickles his gums. When I was brushing Lincoln's teeth, something looked a little odd to me. It even took a few seconds for me to realize what it was. He has two teeth behind his i-teeth on the bottom!
I guess sometime in the past few weeks, both of his bottom 2 year molars came through - and I didn't even notice. What kind of mom am I????
Evidently, I fell down on the job the past few weeks.
We played "dentist" last night after baths, which means Mommy inspects the boys teeth after they brush them. Jackson went first, and he giggled when I brushed his teeth because it tickles his gums. When I was brushing Lincoln's teeth, something looked a little odd to me. It even took a few seconds for me to realize what it was. He has two teeth behind his i-teeth on the bottom!
I guess sometime in the past few weeks, both of his bottom 2 year molars came through - and I didn't even notice. What kind of mom am I????
Keeping me laughing...
I am confident that I will never need to worry about laughter lacking in our house.
Last night after dinner and before baths, the boys were playing in the room. Brian sat down on the floor to play with them, and the next thing I knew they were both fighting for "Daddy Rides" - which meant BOTH of the boys were trying to crawl up on Brian's back at the same time, with Brian down on his hands and knees. They have done this before. But last night, Lincoln got pretty good position on Brian's back, and Jackson crawled on top of Lincoln! That was funny enough, but it got even better when BOTH the boys then went sliding off the one side of Brian's back. After breathing a sigh of relief that no one went through the patio door, I heard Jackson exclaim "I LOVE that!" and he was back trying to climb on top of Brian's back again.
Brian and I both burst out laughing, which then made the boys laugh too. Laughter means we have happy boys, and that makes me the richest Mommy in the world!
Last night after dinner and before baths, the boys were playing in the room. Brian sat down on the floor to play with them, and the next thing I knew they were both fighting for "Daddy Rides" - which meant BOTH of the boys were trying to crawl up on Brian's back at the same time, with Brian down on his hands and knees. They have done this before. But last night, Lincoln got pretty good position on Brian's back, and Jackson crawled on top of Lincoln! That was funny enough, but it got even better when BOTH the boys then went sliding off the one side of Brian's back. After breathing a sigh of relief that no one went through the patio door, I heard Jackson exclaim "I LOVE that!" and he was back trying to climb on top of Brian's back again.
Brian and I both burst out laughing, which then made the boys laugh too. Laughter means we have happy boys, and that makes me the richest Mommy in the world!
Beautiful weekend
This past weekend was one of our most productive yet enjoyable weekends this year.
We started off the weekend in true summer style - grilling. We grilled chicken breasts, zucchini, mushrooms, and the best - my new favorite fruit pineapple!
The boys went to bed at their usual time shortly after 8, and Brian and I curled up on the couch to watch a movie. About 20 minutes in, Brian was asleep, but I enjoyed the movie.
Saturday morning, the boys were up bright and early, just before six. Since Brian got some extra rest the night before, he got up with the boys. I slept for a little longer, and when I got up I was very happy to find Brian had tidied up a bit, and had some laundry started. The boys were finished with breakfast too! Brian took the boys to run a few errands, and it was pure heaven! I was able to get some things put away around the house, and start cleaning without two little distractions. By the end of the day, the house was nearly all cleaned, and Brian (hopefully) fixed the evespouting and drain pipe that keeps flooding our basement.
Sunday however was the best day of all.
Lincoln woke up around 5:20 Sunday morning. Brian went and got him out of his bed, but Jackson started fussing. So, Brian sent Lincoln to our room. He crawled in bed with me, and cuddled - not for long, but long enough. He giggled, and wanted me to "play tent" (pull the covers up over our heads), and I loved those few special moments with him. Brian and Jackson followed shortly, and we all snuggled in our bed together. We decided the night before that if the boys were up early again, we'd just get around and go to church at 7:30. So, that's exactly what we did.
The boys weren't great in church, but they weren't terrible either. Some fellow parishioners were surprised to hear such little voices say "Look Mommy - it's Jesus! See him up there?", but it makes me proud.
After church, we headed to the grocery store. The boys were really good, and I still love seeing how excited they get when they see the fishies and lobsters.
After the store, we went home to put the groceries away. We packed a lunch, and headed off to the park for a picnic and wagon ride. It was a perfect day. We found a sunny spot on top of a hill to spread our blanket out and have our picnic. The boys were fascinated with the butterflies and the airplanes flying overhead. We finished our lunch, and hit the trail.
The trail around Sharon Woods is about 2 1/2 miles long. We figured the boys would walk to begin with, then get tired and graciously sit in the wagon and enjoy being pulled the remainder of the way. Boy were we wrong! Jackson walked the whole time, and even pulled or pushed the wagon almost the whole way. Lincoln walked quite a bit, but got scared when he could see the majority of the lake. He really didn't like the idea of THAT much water! So, he alternated his time between walking, asking Mommy to carry him, fighting with Jackson over pulling the wagon, and riding piggy-back with Mommy.
As challenging as our walk was at times, there were other times that were perfection. My boys continue to amaze me with the innocence of young boys, and the crazy things they come up with.
After our nap, I snuck out to run a few errands. The boys needed more shorts for the summer, and I had a few baby gifts I needed. I enjoyed the time out alone, but didn't dawdle too much. I miss my boys when I am away from them.
The rest of the evening was usual - I made a nice dinner, gave the boys a bath, and we read books before putting them to bed. Later that night, my husband was a peach and washed the dishes while I prepared dinner for Monday night. I don't think Brian will ever know how much I appreciated his help with those dishes!
If only every day could be like that - spending time outdoors with the three most important guys in my life. It just doesn't get any better than that.
We started off the weekend in true summer style - grilling. We grilled chicken breasts, zucchini, mushrooms, and the best - my new favorite fruit pineapple!
The boys went to bed at their usual time shortly after 8, and Brian and I curled up on the couch to watch a movie. About 20 minutes in, Brian was asleep, but I enjoyed the movie.
Saturday morning, the boys were up bright and early, just before six. Since Brian got some extra rest the night before, he got up with the boys. I slept for a little longer, and when I got up I was very happy to find Brian had tidied up a bit, and had some laundry started. The boys were finished with breakfast too! Brian took the boys to run a few errands, and it was pure heaven! I was able to get some things put away around the house, and start cleaning without two little distractions. By the end of the day, the house was nearly all cleaned, and Brian (hopefully) fixed the evespouting and drain pipe that keeps flooding our basement.
Sunday however was the best day of all.
Lincoln woke up around 5:20 Sunday morning. Brian went and got him out of his bed, but Jackson started fussing. So, Brian sent Lincoln to our room. He crawled in bed with me, and cuddled - not for long, but long enough. He giggled, and wanted me to "play tent" (pull the covers up over our heads), and I loved those few special moments with him. Brian and Jackson followed shortly, and we all snuggled in our bed together. We decided the night before that if the boys were up early again, we'd just get around and go to church at 7:30. So, that's exactly what we did.
The boys weren't great in church, but they weren't terrible either. Some fellow parishioners were surprised to hear such little voices say "Look Mommy - it's Jesus! See him up there?", but it makes me proud.
After church, we headed to the grocery store. The boys were really good, and I still love seeing how excited they get when they see the fishies and lobsters.
After the store, we went home to put the groceries away. We packed a lunch, and headed off to the park for a picnic and wagon ride. It was a perfect day. We found a sunny spot on top of a hill to spread our blanket out and have our picnic. The boys were fascinated with the butterflies and the airplanes flying overhead. We finished our lunch, and hit the trail.
The trail around Sharon Woods is about 2 1/2 miles long. We figured the boys would walk to begin with, then get tired and graciously sit in the wagon and enjoy being pulled the remainder of the way. Boy were we wrong! Jackson walked the whole time, and even pulled or pushed the wagon almost the whole way. Lincoln walked quite a bit, but got scared when he could see the majority of the lake. He really didn't like the idea of THAT much water! So, he alternated his time between walking, asking Mommy to carry him, fighting with Jackson over pulling the wagon, and riding piggy-back with Mommy.
As challenging as our walk was at times, there were other times that were perfection. My boys continue to amaze me with the innocence of young boys, and the crazy things they come up with.
- Shade - as an adult, we understand that trees are tall, and they provide protection from the sun. I never considered how a child sees it. As we walked along, I noticed Lincoln saying "Dark Mommy", then he would say "Light on. Light off." He was noticing how the sun was shining down on us at times, but then it was gone and "dark" at other times. I loved how he associated it with a light switch.
- Uninhibited joy - the trail around Sharon Woods is hilly. Jackson loved pulling the wagon, and he wasn't intimidated by the hills at all. He pulled the wagon up some of the steepest hills there without help, and insisted on pulling it down the other side too. Going down hill is actually more challenging, as the wagon would get going so fast, and Jackson's little legs were a peddling away. He was practically running to stay ahead of the wagon - laughing and smiling the whole time. He didn't have a care in the world, while Brian and I were imagining the wagon running him down, and praying he didn't lose any teeth, and the blood was minimal.
- More water - like the shade, Lincoln didn't quite understand the concept of the lake, and how we could see it, then it was gone, then we would see it again. I can't even tell you how many times I heard "more water" or "another water". He thought that every time he saw water, it was a different body of water!
- Determination - I've said for a long time that Jackson looks like his daddy. It's really hard for me to see anything that resembles me in that little face. But yesterday, I saw qualities that our little man definitely got from me. Jackson decided he wanted to push the wagon instead of pulling it - but he didn't want anyone to pull it. Brian told him over and over that it wouldn't work. Jackson simply kept telling him "I can do it Daddy." And sure enough, he did. He figured out how to push the wagon, and keep it going in the right direction without anyone pulling it. I pity anyone who tries to tell this little boy that he can't do something, or that something can't be done, because he will be determined to find a way to prove them wrong!
After our nap, I snuck out to run a few errands. The boys needed more shorts for the summer, and I had a few baby gifts I needed. I enjoyed the time out alone, but didn't dawdle too much. I miss my boys when I am away from them.
The rest of the evening was usual - I made a nice dinner, gave the boys a bath, and we read books before putting them to bed. Later that night, my husband was a peach and washed the dishes while I prepared dinner for Monday night. I don't think Brian will ever know how much I appreciated his help with those dishes!
If only every day could be like that - spending time outdoors with the three most important guys in my life. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Recently, we've been working with the boys to get them to tell people their names. They were getting really good at telling us their first names when we asked them, so I thought we would start working on last name too. For me, it's a safety thing. If they would ever get lost, if they can tell someone their first and last name, it helps. We were driving home from daycare one night when I first asked them what their last name was. Both the boys seemed a bit confused at first, but Brian told them "It's Hart. Lincoln Hart and Jackson Hart."
I heard Jackson say "Jackson Hart. KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM." I was driving so I couldn't see him, but Brian was laughing. Brian then explained that Jackson had his hand on his chest, and when he said "KA-BOOM", he was patting his chest. Evidently, they have learned in school that their "heart" is in their chest, and it beats "KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM."
I heard Jackson say "Jackson Hart. KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM." I was driving so I couldn't see him, but Brian was laughing. Brian then explained that Jackson had his hand on his chest, and when he said "KA-BOOM", he was patting his chest. Evidently, they have learned in school that their "heart" is in their chest, and it beats "KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM. KA-BOOM."
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