This weekend, I bought some cod. I made it for dinner last night - added some bread crumbs, salt and pepper, and baked it. Nothing special. When I bought it and made it, I fully intended it to be for Brian and me. I didn't figure the boys would touch it.
Getting ready for dinner, I put a little piece of fish on each of the boys plates, along with some vegetables. I wanted them to at least try it, then I was planning to make them "Daddy Sandwiches" (a.k.a. peanut butter and jelly). Imagine my surprise when the fish disappeared before the vegetables - and then they asked for more!
Cod will be added to our normal list of dinners, and I'll have to buy more the next time than I did this weekend!
Our Family
Monday, April 30, 2012
Watch out Mommy. Coming Through.
Jackson is obsessed with wagon rides. He would spend all day in the wagon if we let him.
Friday night when we got home from work, he had it in his head he was going for a wagon ride. We explained it was raining, and we couldn't take a ride...but he didn't care.
As soon as I got him out of his car seat, he was after the wagon. He grabbed the handle and was pulling it down between the van and the truck. I of course, was standing in the way. What does he say? "Watch out Mommy. Coming through."
I guess that was my fair warning.
It was funny enough that he said it, but what makes it even funnier for us - he learned it from a tow truck hauler toy that the boys have! He said it JUST like the truck - well, other than the Mommy part.
Friday night when we got home from work, he had it in his head he was going for a wagon ride. We explained it was raining, and we couldn't take a ride...but he didn't care.
As soon as I got him out of his car seat, he was after the wagon. He grabbed the handle and was pulling it down between the van and the truck. I of course, was standing in the way. What does he say? "Watch out Mommy. Coming through."
I guess that was my fair warning.
It was funny enough that he said it, but what makes it even funnier for us - he learned it from a tow truck hauler toy that the boys have! He said it JUST like the truck - well, other than the Mommy part.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Lincoln's first trip to the dentist
Last weekend, Lincoln tripped over his feet, and fell into a cart. He has quite the little raspberry burn on his chin, and he chipped his lower left tooth. It hasn't been bothering him, but we were advised to have it checked out by a dentist, just in case.
So, yesterday, I took him to see a pediatric dentist. I was nervous about the visit...afraid it might be like haircuts where we have to hold him in the chair, listen to him cry, and hope she doesn't buzz too much off.
The waiting room at the dentist office was great - they had toys for the kids to play with. Lincoln found one he liked, and drug it over by my chair. He played really well while I filled out all the preliminary paperwork. There were other kids in the play area, so he was hesitant to go and get another toy when he grew bored with his. Instead, he started looking at the pictures on the wall behind us, and telling me what was in the pictures, and what colors they were. He was really sweet and cute!
The doctor was running behind schedule, but he was a very patient little boy. We practiced in the morning how to show the dentist his teeth - he would open up really wide and say "Ahhhhh". I thought we were in good shape - until they took us back, and we sat in the chair. He got really quiet, looking around at all the equipment.
Luckily, they had him stay on my lap, like we do at the pediatrician's office. He was doing good till they wanted him to lay down and open his mouth. He fought a little bit, but definitely not as bad as it could have been. Thankfully, the chip isn't a big deal! The tooth next to it is a little loose, so we have to be careful to keep him from biting into things for a week, but otherwise, good.
After the dentist checked out his teeth, she asked if he wanted a balloon animal, and if so what animal. His face lit up. She mentioned a doggie, or a giraffe...all he did was smile. I told them that he loves animals, and any animal would do, but then we started saying different animals, and when I said a baby elephant...well, his smile went even wider! So, we walked out of the office with piece of mind knowing he is fine...and a gray baby elephant balloon animal in tow!
The baby elephant had to sit with us at the table last night for dinner...and again at breakfast this morning. After breakfast, Lincoln actually gave his baby elephant to Jackson! It was so sweet for him to share something that he loves with his brother, as he knew his brother would love it too!
Definitely made this mom proud, and gave me hope that we are doing something right raising these boys!
So, yesterday, I took him to see a pediatric dentist. I was nervous about the visit...afraid it might be like haircuts where we have to hold him in the chair, listen to him cry, and hope she doesn't buzz too much off.
The waiting room at the dentist office was great - they had toys for the kids to play with. Lincoln found one he liked, and drug it over by my chair. He played really well while I filled out all the preliminary paperwork. There were other kids in the play area, so he was hesitant to go and get another toy when he grew bored with his. Instead, he started looking at the pictures on the wall behind us, and telling me what was in the pictures, and what colors they were. He was really sweet and cute!
The doctor was running behind schedule, but he was a very patient little boy. We practiced in the morning how to show the dentist his teeth - he would open up really wide and say "Ahhhhh". I thought we were in good shape - until they took us back, and we sat in the chair. He got really quiet, looking around at all the equipment.
Luckily, they had him stay on my lap, like we do at the pediatrician's office. He was doing good till they wanted him to lay down and open his mouth. He fought a little bit, but definitely not as bad as it could have been. Thankfully, the chip isn't a big deal! The tooth next to it is a little loose, so we have to be careful to keep him from biting into things for a week, but otherwise, good.
After the dentist checked out his teeth, she asked if he wanted a balloon animal, and if so what animal. His face lit up. She mentioned a doggie, or a giraffe...all he did was smile. I told them that he loves animals, and any animal would do, but then we started saying different animals, and when I said a baby elephant...well, his smile went even wider! So, we walked out of the office with piece of mind knowing he is fine...and a gray baby elephant balloon animal in tow!
The baby elephant had to sit with us at the table last night for dinner...and again at breakfast this morning. After breakfast, Lincoln actually gave his baby elephant to Jackson! It was so sweet for him to share something that he loves with his brother, as he knew his brother would love it too!
Definitely made this mom proud, and gave me hope that we are doing something right raising these boys!
"Sock-Her" ball
Spring is definitely here. The kids are outside playing, the trees leaves are filling in. It's been an amazingly calm winter.
Jackson has become our personal spotter when we are in the van driving everywhere. He points out the school buses, water, and balls! We drive by a few different soccer facilities on our way home from work each night, and he doesn't get excited about the kids that are playing, but that they have a soccer ball! It is absolutely adorable, and makes Brian and I smile widely each time he says it. Trying to get it on video for future happy memories, but you know how kids are!
Jackson has become our personal spotter when we are in the van driving everywhere. He points out the school buses, water, and balls! We drive by a few different soccer facilities on our way home from work each night, and he doesn't get excited about the kids that are playing, but that they have a soccer ball! It is absolutely adorable, and makes Brian and I smile widely each time he says it. Trying to get it on video for future happy memories, but you know how kids are!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
It is amazing how fast kids change and pick up on things.
Both of the boys know our route to and from daycare. In the mornings, Jackson knows that when we round this one turn, there is "wah-ter"....a small pond that has a fountain in it. He points out the "wah-ter" every day. He also knows there is more "wah-ter" at the one stop light - and that one also gets a special "goose" call-out. He now points out water everywhere!
One night last week, we ventured away from our usual route home as we needed to go to the grocery store. The boys were concerned, and began telling us "No - this way" and pointing in the direction we normally take. We explained we were going to the store, then we would go home. Now, each night, the boys try to tell us which way to go - "No, this way daddy." And they point in whichever direction they want to go.
I remember being five or so before I knew when my parents took a different route to my grandparents house, but these boys are only 2. Do they seriously KNOW our route? Should we be mixing it up more?
Both of the boys know our route to and from daycare. In the mornings, Jackson knows that when we round this one turn, there is "wah-ter"....a small pond that has a fountain in it. He points out the "wah-ter" every day. He also knows there is more "wah-ter" at the one stop light - and that one also gets a special "goose" call-out. He now points out water everywhere!
One night last week, we ventured away from our usual route home as we needed to go to the grocery store. The boys were concerned, and began telling us "No - this way" and pointing in the direction we normally take. We explained we were going to the store, then we would go home. Now, each night, the boys try to tell us which way to go - "No, this way daddy." And they point in whichever direction they want to go.
I remember being five or so before I knew when my parents took a different route to my grandparents house, but these boys are only 2. Do they seriously KNOW our route? Should we be mixing it up more?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Watch out for the cart...
Saturday night, my family held a Euchre tournament to raise money for our Relay for Life event coming up in June. We didn't have quite as good of a turn out as we had hoped, but it was a really fun night with those who were able to attend!
We held the tournament in the basement at the school in Blakeslee. The boys were excited from the time we pulled in as it has a very nice big playground. They played outside with Brian for a while so that I could help get things set up inside. When they came inside they were just crazy - running around, full of energy.
Unfortunately, Lincoln was running a bit too much. He tripped over his feet and fell into a cart that is there for moving food and supplies from the stock closet to the kitchen. At first, we didn't think it was too bad, as there wasn't any blood. However, before long, the skid mark started showing on his chin. After that, we noticed that he chipped his bottom left tooth!
It doesn't seem to be bothering him, but the dentist recommended getting it checked out to ensure there isn't any damage to the root which would affect his permanent tooth when it comes in. We go Thursday - wish us luck with our first trip to the dentist!
His chin looks pretty bad - it bruises a little bit more each day. Guess he hit harder than we thought!
We held the tournament in the basement at the school in Blakeslee. The boys were excited from the time we pulled in as it has a very nice big playground. They played outside with Brian for a while so that I could help get things set up inside. When they came inside they were just crazy - running around, full of energy.
Unfortunately, Lincoln was running a bit too much. He tripped over his feet and fell into a cart that is there for moving food and supplies from the stock closet to the kitchen. At first, we didn't think it was too bad, as there wasn't any blood. However, before long, the skid mark started showing on his chin. After that, we noticed that he chipped his bottom left tooth!
It doesn't seem to be bothering him, but the dentist recommended getting it checked out to ensure there isn't any damage to the root which would affect his permanent tooth when it comes in. We go Thursday - wish us luck with our first trip to the dentist!
His chin looks pretty bad - it bruises a little bit more each day. Guess he hit harder than we thought!
Hold you....
Seems both of my boys are like their cousin Lylah!
I spent a few days at home last week with Jackson, who had an ear infection. He was quite the little cuddler when he wasn't feeling well.
Evidently, when he got a bit fussy, I would say "Do you want me to hold you?" and he would say yes. After he was feeling better (and even again this morning), he reached up for me and said "Hold you Mommy!" Again, Lylah used to say this all the time! Love it!
I spent a few days at home last week with Jackson, who had an ear infection. He was quite the little cuddler when he wasn't feeling well.
Evidently, when he got a bit fussy, I would say "Do you want me to hold you?" and he would say yes. After he was feeling better (and even again this morning), he reached up for me and said "Hold you Mommy!" Again, Lylah used to say this all the time! Love it!
My oh boys never cease to amaze me!
Sunday we were at Beth and Sean's celebrating Alissa's First Communion. Lincoln was eating something (might have been "birthday cake"), and Uncle Sean asked him if it was any good. His response - "Tasty!".
I really have no idea where he heard this one from....but I do recall Lylah saying something like that at my house a few years ago about yogurt!
Sunday we were at Beth and Sean's celebrating Alissa's First Communion. Lincoln was eating something (might have been "birthday cake"), and Uncle Sean asked him if it was any good. His response - "Tasty!".
I really have no idea where he heard this one from....but I do recall Lylah saying something like that at my house a few years ago about yogurt!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A day to remember...
It is pretty rare that I get to spend time with just one of the boys, and when I do, they are usually sick. But even when they aren't feeling well, it is still an opportunity to make memories.
I was home with Jackson yesterday and today. He started running a fever in the night on Monday. Motrin would take it down, but it was coming back in just 4 short hours. So, yesterday was the usual sick him motrin for his fever, cuddling with him (which is very unusual for Jackson), and wondering if I should take him to the doctor. I gave in and took him at 4:00 because he just wasn't himself. Thankfully I did, as he has an ear infection - his first ever.
Although we had given him his medicine, last night was rough. He woke up shortly before midnight - fever in tow again. I gave him another dose of his antibiotic and some motrin, and put him back to bed. But it wasn't long till he was back up again. He just wants to be close to Brian slept in the office with him till 3:30, tried to put him back to bed, then brought him to our bed as he wanted his mommy.
So, the day started out with a great memory. I woke up before him, and just listened to his breathing. So peaceful. He woke up around 7:30, and was my happy little boy. I asked him if he wanted to get up, and he said "No. Stay here with Mommy." Who could argue with that? He jabbered a bit, and snuggled way down in the covers for a while. When he was ready for breakfast, he told me. Wow, these are the days.
He didn't eat much breakfast, but drank all his milk, so I was happy. He didn't have a fever either, so another bonus! We played a bit, and he destroyed the living room throwing toys all over the place. We chatted, and played, then picked up toys together. A happy, easy going morning.
He ate really well for lunch - 2 helpings of green beans and some meatloaf. After lunch, he had his milk, watched Calliou, and when I asked if he was ready for a nap, he shook his head yes. He went right down for his nap too - not a peep!
When he woke up, I was finishing getting ready, and he asked to brush his teeth with me. It was sweet. As I was getting him dressed, he looked at me and said "I hold you Mommy". I picked him up, and he hugged me so tightly, and I was taken back a few years. Lylah always said the same thing to Lyn when she wanted held. It was very very sweet.
We headed out to Sam's club, as we were a little low on Kleenex. He wanted to put his sunglasses on, and actually wore them on the drive to the store and part way through the store. He was so cute. He was very good in the store, so after we checked out, we got a soft pretzel and shared it.
After our shopping trip, we came home. Around 5:15, I needed to start getting dinner ready. Jackson accompanied me to the kitchen. He handed me carrots to peel for a little while, till he decided it was more fun to just put them in the water in the sink. Then, he very carefully handed me mushrooms one by one for me to clean to add to our steak fajitas. He took his job very seriously. He was a great helper in the kitchen!
He loves to be the little helper!
And even now, as I return to my writing after calming Jackson down and putting him back to bed, another sweet moment to share. I just love holding my boys in my arms, and rocking them to sleep. I love watching them return to such a peaceful place, knowing that they are safe in mommy's arms. There is nothing in the world like watching your baby sleep in your arms.
So, my day ended as it began, watching my baby sleep, and that and all the precious moments in between I will cherish for years to come.
And I'm secretly hoping for another sick day soon so I can make more memories with my boys.
I was home with Jackson yesterday and today. He started running a fever in the night on Monday. Motrin would take it down, but it was coming back in just 4 short hours. So, yesterday was the usual sick him motrin for his fever, cuddling with him (which is very unusual for Jackson), and wondering if I should take him to the doctor. I gave in and took him at 4:00 because he just wasn't himself. Thankfully I did, as he has an ear infection - his first ever.
Although we had given him his medicine, last night was rough. He woke up shortly before midnight - fever in tow again. I gave him another dose of his antibiotic and some motrin, and put him back to bed. But it wasn't long till he was back up again. He just wants to be close to Brian slept in the office with him till 3:30, tried to put him back to bed, then brought him to our bed as he wanted his mommy.
So, the day started out with a great memory. I woke up before him, and just listened to his breathing. So peaceful. He woke up around 7:30, and was my happy little boy. I asked him if he wanted to get up, and he said "No. Stay here with Mommy." Who could argue with that? He jabbered a bit, and snuggled way down in the covers for a while. When he was ready for breakfast, he told me. Wow, these are the days.
He didn't eat much breakfast, but drank all his milk, so I was happy. He didn't have a fever either, so another bonus! We played a bit, and he destroyed the living room throwing toys all over the place. We chatted, and played, then picked up toys together. A happy, easy going morning.
He ate really well for lunch - 2 helpings of green beans and some meatloaf. After lunch, he had his milk, watched Calliou, and when I asked if he was ready for a nap, he shook his head yes. He went right down for his nap too - not a peep!
When he woke up, I was finishing getting ready, and he asked to brush his teeth with me. It was sweet. As I was getting him dressed, he looked at me and said "I hold you Mommy". I picked him up, and he hugged me so tightly, and I was taken back a few years. Lylah always said the same thing to Lyn when she wanted held. It was very very sweet.
We headed out to Sam's club, as we were a little low on Kleenex. He wanted to put his sunglasses on, and actually wore them on the drive to the store and part way through the store. He was so cute. He was very good in the store, so after we checked out, we got a soft pretzel and shared it.
After our shopping trip, we came home. Around 5:15, I needed to start getting dinner ready. Jackson accompanied me to the kitchen. He handed me carrots to peel for a little while, till he decided it was more fun to just put them in the water in the sink. Then, he very carefully handed me mushrooms one by one for me to clean to add to our steak fajitas. He took his job very seriously. He was a great helper in the kitchen!
He loves to be the little helper!
And even now, as I return to my writing after calming Jackson down and putting him back to bed, another sweet moment to share. I just love holding my boys in my arms, and rocking them to sleep. I love watching them return to such a peaceful place, knowing that they are safe in mommy's arms. There is nothing in the world like watching your baby sleep in your arms.
So, my day ended as it began, watching my baby sleep, and that and all the precious moments in between I will cherish for years to come.
And I'm secretly hoping for another sick day soon so I can make more memories with my boys.
Egg coloring
Easter weekend, the boys had their first egg coloring experience, with cousins Lylah and Knox. I thought they would be more surprised when the eggs came out a different color, but they were just too enamored with the markers for coloring on the eggs.
They loved it...even though it was for different reasons than I expected.
They loved it...even though it was for different reasons than I expected.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Easter Bunny cake
Brian signed us up to make a birthday cake for Lori and Tyler for Easter with the Harts. I got a crazy idea in my head to do a bunny cake since it was also Easter.
Keep in mind, I have NEVER had much luck frosting a cake and making it look good, little own decorating one. But I think this one turned out ok!
The boys fell in love with the bunny...We had to say goodbye to it 3 times the one morning - and that was before I put the face on it. We explained that it was a birthday cake for Aunt Lori and Uncle Tyler, so then they sang Happy Birthday to the bunny - several times.
I think we might need to make this an annual tradition. "Hoppy Birthday" Lori and Tyler!
Keep in mind, I have NEVER had much luck frosting a cake and making it look good, little own decorating one. But I think this one turned out ok!
The boys fell in love with the bunny...We had to say goodbye to it 3 times the one morning - and that was before I put the face on it. We explained that it was a birthday cake for Aunt Lori and Uncle Tyler, so then they sang Happy Birthday to the bunny - several times.
I think we might need to make this an annual tradition. "Hoppy Birthday" Lori and Tyler!
Weekend fun...
This past weekend was just what I needed.
Pat and Barb Brocki stopped in Friday night to visit us on their way back from Nashville. The evening didn't go quite as I had hoped - we drove up to Lebanon to check out a new (to us) Mexican restaurant, and it was closed due to plumbing issues. So, we drove most of the way back home to another restaurant. Despite it being after 7, and it taking forever to order and get our food, the boys did pretty well. Lincoln was totally digging the salsa, and it was even a bit too spicy for me!
After dinner (and sharing a pitcher of margharitas with Mr. Brocki) we headed back to our house. We picked up a case of beer on the way , just in case anyone was still thirsty. Brian thought a 12 pack would be sufficient, but at the end of the night, there were only 7 beers left. Yes, we stayed up a bit later than we should have, but enjoyed time with our friends whom we don't see often enough.
Saturday morning, I was up with the boys at 6:30 (5 hours of sleep...). Others started coming downstairs around 8:00. By that time, I had baked 2 loaves of banana bread, fed the boys poptarts and cereal bars, started 2 loads of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and was working on the rest of breakfast - a sausage and hot fruit dish, and a fluffy egg roll. Pretty productive morning.
We had breakfast and continued our visit with the Brocki's. Unfortunately, they needed to head home early to catch up on chores. However, we caught up on our sleep by taking a nap when we put the boys down around 12:30! It was great!
Saturday afternoon, I went and pulled my laptop out to upload some pictures to share, and Lincoln gave me his puppy dog eyes and said "Uncle Rod? Puppies?" I showed them pictures of Uncle Rod's puppies a few weeks ago, and the boys fell in love. So, I quickly messaged Rod to see if he was available to Skype - and he was! The boys got to see the actual puppies, and Uncle Rod. Hope he enjoyed the craziness of our visit!
The rest of the day was a lazy one. It was raining, and gloomy, so it was Jammie day. I finally took a shower after I put the boys to bed that night. After showering, Brian and I even had a quiet night watching a movie together. It was GREAT!
Sunday morning I had a terrible headache. I rebounded late in the morning and fed the boys lunch, did some more laundry and dishes, and baked 2 loaves of pumpkin streussel bread. I also stirred up meatloaf for dinner. We had green bean casserole with the meatloaf. Lincoln ate at least 3 helpings of meatloaf, and 2 helpings of green beans! I'm surprised his belly didn't explode!
All in all, a nice weekend - filled with friends, rest, and good food! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Pat and Barb Brocki stopped in Friday night to visit us on their way back from Nashville. The evening didn't go quite as I had hoped - we drove up to Lebanon to check out a new (to us) Mexican restaurant, and it was closed due to plumbing issues. So, we drove most of the way back home to another restaurant. Despite it being after 7, and it taking forever to order and get our food, the boys did pretty well. Lincoln was totally digging the salsa, and it was even a bit too spicy for me!
After dinner (and sharing a pitcher of margharitas with Mr. Brocki) we headed back to our house. We picked up a case of beer on the way , just in case anyone was still thirsty. Brian thought a 12 pack would be sufficient, but at the end of the night, there were only 7 beers left. Yes, we stayed up a bit later than we should have, but enjoyed time with our friends whom we don't see often enough.
Saturday morning, I was up with the boys at 6:30 (5 hours of sleep...). Others started coming downstairs around 8:00. By that time, I had baked 2 loaves of banana bread, fed the boys poptarts and cereal bars, started 2 loads of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and was working on the rest of breakfast - a sausage and hot fruit dish, and a fluffy egg roll. Pretty productive morning.
We had breakfast and continued our visit with the Brocki's. Unfortunately, they needed to head home early to catch up on chores. However, we caught up on our sleep by taking a nap when we put the boys down around 12:30! It was great!
Saturday afternoon, I went and pulled my laptop out to upload some pictures to share, and Lincoln gave me his puppy dog eyes and said "Uncle Rod? Puppies?" I showed them pictures of Uncle Rod's puppies a few weeks ago, and the boys fell in love. So, I quickly messaged Rod to see if he was available to Skype - and he was! The boys got to see the actual puppies, and Uncle Rod. Hope he enjoyed the craziness of our visit!
The rest of the day was a lazy one. It was raining, and gloomy, so it was Jammie day. I finally took a shower after I put the boys to bed that night. After showering, Brian and I even had a quiet night watching a movie together. It was GREAT!
Sunday morning I had a terrible headache. I rebounded late in the morning and fed the boys lunch, did some more laundry and dishes, and baked 2 loaves of pumpkin streussel bread. I also stirred up meatloaf for dinner. We had green bean casserole with the meatloaf. Lincoln ate at least 3 helpings of meatloaf, and 2 helpings of green beans! I'm surprised his belly didn't explode!
All in all, a nice weekend - filled with friends, rest, and good food! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Like father, like son...
For the nearly 10 years that Brian and I have been together, he has always enjoyed making up his own lyrics to songs. More than once, I've told him he could give Weird Al a run for his money.
Well, this morning we realized that Jackson truely is a "mini-me" of Brian.
We were driving to daycare, and of course, we saw a school bus (the slug bug game continues).
The boys started singing "The Wheels on the bus". Oh...just our typical morning commute.
The wheels went round and round.
The doors went open and shut.
The mommy said Shhhh Shhhh Shhhh
Next came a verse we were unfamiliar with....
I don't know how the verse started, but here is what we heard....
...I love you Daddy and the Daddy says "I love you too" - ALL through the town!
If that doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will!
The alternate verse for Daddy is the Daddy says "You BEHAVE!"
Guess Jackson was feeling the love today....
Well, this morning we realized that Jackson truely is a "mini-me" of Brian.
We were driving to daycare, and of course, we saw a school bus (the slug bug game continues).
The boys started singing "The Wheels on the bus". Oh...just our typical morning commute.
The wheels went round and round.
The doors went open and shut.
The mommy said Shhhh Shhhh Shhhh
Next came a verse we were unfamiliar with....
I don't know how the verse started, but here is what we heard....
...I love you Daddy and the Daddy says "I love you too" - ALL through the town!
If that doesn't melt your heart, I don't know what will!
The alternate verse for Daddy is the Daddy says "You BEHAVE!"
Guess Jackson was feeling the love today....
Old MacDonald...a few surprises...
We definitely had a lot of fun in the bathtub last night.
The boys were great - and we were singing a lot of songs. Of course, Old MacDonald is one of the boys favorites, so it was one of the first ones they started singing.
Mommy: Old MacDonald had a farm
Boys: E-I-E-I-O
Mommy: And on that farm he had a .....
Lincoln: Zebra!
Well, that one stumped me a bit. Usually, a cow is the first animal. And yes, we've ventured outside the normal farm animals before, and included a baby elephant, but we had never had a zebra on Old MacDonald's farm.
What does a zebra say? All I could do was laugh. And Lincoln loved that he had stumped mommy!
We continued on singing about cows and horses, and then it was Jackson's turn to pick what animal was on the farm....he decided Old MacDonald needed a Lincoln! Lincoln's of course say "Hi! Hi!" for future reference. Then, the boys decided to continue giving Old MacDonald more family members, so he had a Jackson too. But we can't stop came a Daddy "with a daddy daddy here, and a daddy daddy there..." - pretty clever little boys. Don't worry - Mommy made it to Old MacDonalds farm too!
With 2 very smart and crazy two year old learn to roll with just about anything!
The boys were great - and we were singing a lot of songs. Of course, Old MacDonald is one of the boys favorites, so it was one of the first ones they started singing.
Mommy: Old MacDonald had a farm
Boys: E-I-E-I-O
Mommy: And on that farm he had a .....
Lincoln: Zebra!
Well, that one stumped me a bit. Usually, a cow is the first animal. And yes, we've ventured outside the normal farm animals before, and included a baby elephant, but we had never had a zebra on Old MacDonald's farm.
What does a zebra say? All I could do was laugh. And Lincoln loved that he had stumped mommy!
We continued on singing about cows and horses, and then it was Jackson's turn to pick what animal was on the farm....he decided Old MacDonald needed a Lincoln! Lincoln's of course say "Hi! Hi!" for future reference. Then, the boys decided to continue giving Old MacDonald more family members, so he had a Jackson too. But we can't stop came a Daddy "with a daddy daddy here, and a daddy daddy there..." - pretty clever little boys. Don't worry - Mommy made it to Old MacDonalds farm too!
With 2 very smart and crazy two year old learn to roll with just about anything!
Maybe next time it will go IN...
As a parent, I've learned not to expect things to go perfectly, and to always expect the unexpected. However, last night, I left my guard down on the second part of that phrase. Luckily, I'm an easy going mom.
Last night after dinner, Brian decided he needed to mow the lawn. That meant I was on my own with bath time for the boys. No big deal - done it before, and we have a pretty good system down. The boys were being VERY good and listening, and we were all having fun. We picked out our jammies, got the diapers out for after bath, had the towels and washclothes laid out, and the water warmed up.
We were all ready to go, so I took Lincoln's diaper off of him, and put him on the potty (we've been doing this for a few weeks results). I folded up Lincoln's diaper and took it out to put it in the diaper genie. I came back into the bathroom, and asked Lincoln if he was ready for bath time. He had a very puzzled look on his face, which I wasn't expecting. I noticed he was messing with the toilet seat a bit too - also unusual. Upon closer investigation, he was trying to wipe liquid off the cup protector part of the potty seat.
That's when it hit me - he had went pee-pee!
Evidently, he was messing around (like usual) and was arching his back, and his little private part got up over the cup protector - just at the moment that he tinkled! The confused look on his face was realizing the sensation was coming, and then wondering if mommy was going to be upset with him - so he was trying to hide the evidence.
I was so excited that he went that I didn't even care about the mess. He had dribbled on his little potty seat, and there was a stream straight out from the toilet on the floor too. We quickly cleaned it up, and put Lincoln in the bath tub - and made a HUGE deal about how he had pee-peed on the potty!
However, I had a little sidebar conversation with him that next time...let's aim for in the potty!
And for the record, I put Jackson on the potty...but I didn't leave him unattended!
Happy Friday!
Last night after dinner, Brian decided he needed to mow the lawn. That meant I was on my own with bath time for the boys. No big deal - done it before, and we have a pretty good system down. The boys were being VERY good and listening, and we were all having fun. We picked out our jammies, got the diapers out for after bath, had the towels and washclothes laid out, and the water warmed up.
We were all ready to go, so I took Lincoln's diaper off of him, and put him on the potty (we've been doing this for a few weeks results). I folded up Lincoln's diaper and took it out to put it in the diaper genie. I came back into the bathroom, and asked Lincoln if he was ready for bath time. He had a very puzzled look on his face, which I wasn't expecting. I noticed he was messing with the toilet seat a bit too - also unusual. Upon closer investigation, he was trying to wipe liquid off the cup protector part of the potty seat.
That's when it hit me - he had went pee-pee!
Evidently, he was messing around (like usual) and was arching his back, and his little private part got up over the cup protector - just at the moment that he tinkled! The confused look on his face was realizing the sensation was coming, and then wondering if mommy was going to be upset with him - so he was trying to hide the evidence.
I was so excited that he went that I didn't even care about the mess. He had dribbled on his little potty seat, and there was a stream straight out from the toilet on the floor too. We quickly cleaned it up, and put Lincoln in the bath tub - and made a HUGE deal about how he had pee-peed on the potty!
However, I had a little sidebar conversation with him that next time...let's aim for in the potty!
And for the record, I put Jackson on the potty...but I didn't leave him unattended!
Happy Friday!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Home...don't want to get up
Monday morning was rough on all of us. It always is, but this past Monday was worse than ususal, as we were tired from all of our Easter traveling.
The boys nap was a little later than usual on Sunday, so they didn't go to bed easily Sunday night. It was a bit later than usual too. But, all of that meant they slept well once they went to sleep, which was good for us.
When we woke the boys up Monday morning, Jackson just laid in his bed (usually, he stands up and reaches for me to pick him up and hold him). He sleepily looked at me, and said "Home." Then he smiled. Guess he missed his bed Friday and Saturday night. I reassured him that yes, we were home, and that it was nice to be home. Next he said "Don't want to get up."
If only life were about doing what we want to do, instead of what we need to do. Sorry Buddy, that you had to learn that, even though you are only two!
The boys nap was a little later than usual on Sunday, so they didn't go to bed easily Sunday night. It was a bit later than usual too. But, all of that meant they slept well once they went to sleep, which was good for us.
When we woke the boys up Monday morning, Jackson just laid in his bed (usually, he stands up and reaches for me to pick him up and hold him). He sleepily looked at me, and said "Home." Then he smiled. Guess he missed his bed Friday and Saturday night. I reassured him that yes, we were home, and that it was nice to be home. Next he said "Don't want to get up."
If only life were about doing what we want to do, instead of what we need to do. Sorry Buddy, that you had to learn that, even though you are only two!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sleeping kids at daycare....
I mentioned yesterday that we left work early on Friday to hit the road. When we got to daycare though, the boys were fast asleep. They let us come in the room, and they showed us all the kids sleeping on their cots, and which ones were ours.
Jackson was in the corner by the door, blanket pulled up over his head, but we could see the blonde hair peeking out. Lincoln was in the opposite corner, blanket over his head, but his little shoes were sticking out.
Imagine our surprise when we went back to pick them up, and figured out we didn't really know what we saw the first time we were there!
We peaked through the door, and I looked at the little one that I THOUGHT was Jackson...still sleeping on the cot, blanket over its face. But next to that cot, I saw Lincoln awake and looking at us. First, I thought Lincoln had woken up and come up front near Jackson, but quickly realized who I thought was Jackson before, wasn't. I was totally looking at the wrong cot!
And I thought Lincoln was in the other corner, but it was Jackson. They explained that they have to separate the 2 of them, or they fight over the same cot. Plus, Jackson needs to be off in the corner by himself - if they do that, he goes right to sleep.
All of the kids were cute - and like to put their blankets over their faces evidently!
Brian...he just loved the little camo blankets...
Jackson was in the corner by the door, blanket pulled up over his head, but we could see the blonde hair peeking out. Lincoln was in the opposite corner, blanket over his head, but his little shoes were sticking out.
Imagine our surprise when we went back to pick them up, and figured out we didn't really know what we saw the first time we were there!
We peaked through the door, and I looked at the little one that I THOUGHT was Jackson...still sleeping on the cot, blanket over its face. But next to that cot, I saw Lincoln awake and looking at us. First, I thought Lincoln had woken up and come up front near Jackson, but quickly realized who I thought was Jackson before, wasn't. I was totally looking at the wrong cot!
And I thought Lincoln was in the other corner, but it was Jackson. They explained that they have to separate the 2 of them, or they fight over the same cot. Plus, Jackson needs to be off in the corner by himself - if they do that, he goes right to sleep.
All of the kids were cute - and like to put their blankets over their faces evidently!
Brian...he just loved the little camo blankets...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The funny things kids say....
Friday, we took off work early to head north for Easter weekend. The boys had napped at daycare, so they were awake the entire 3 1/2 hour car ride. They were very happy...but they talked the whole time!
At one point I heard Jackson in the back seat..."! Hot!" He was pointing out the window at a factory that had steam coming out a chimney. He knows that steam means something is hot!
On Saturday, we took the boys to the sorority Easter Egg Hunt in Edon. The boys did GREAT during the hunt! Afterwards, we were standing in line to receive their special prize, and Lincoln looked at me and said "Animals next Mommy?" The previous weekend, we took them to an Easter event at Winton Woods, and after the easter egg hunt there, they got to go see and pet lots of animals. He assumed he'd get to do it again!
I keep telling everyone these boys are TOO smart!
At one point I heard Jackson in the back seat..."! Hot!" He was pointing out the window at a factory that had steam coming out a chimney. He knows that steam means something is hot!
On Saturday, we took the boys to the sorority Easter Egg Hunt in Edon. The boys did GREAT during the hunt! Afterwards, we were standing in line to receive their special prize, and Lincoln looked at me and said "Animals next Mommy?" The previous weekend, we took them to an Easter event at Winton Woods, and after the easter egg hunt there, they got to go see and pet lots of animals. He assumed he'd get to do it again!
I keep telling everyone these boys are TOO smart!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Morning goodbyes...
I think it all started around Christmas time, when the boys would say goodmorning and goodnight to the Christmas tree. That's when they starting greeting inanimate objects as they would people.
We haven't really discouraged it, as it helps the boys learn and remember new words. But I realized this morning that it is maybe getting a little out of control.
Do you know how many things they say goodbye to as we are pulling out of the driveway in the morning?
First, they say goodbye to whatever vehicle we aren't driving (Bye truck).
Now, they understand that we are leaving our house - our home - so that is next on the list (Bye house)
With spring, the boys are loving all the flowers they get a special nod now too (Bye flowers)
Some mornings, we say goodbye to the moon and stars (if they are out), or have a lengthy discussion about how they are sleeping if we aren't able to find them.
When it's just me and the boys, we also have to say goodbye to Daddy - even though he can't hear them.
I think the topper for me this morning was saying goodbye to the easter bunny cake I am doing for Sunday - at least THREE times!
And I am sure that when we get home, we will greet all of these same items...because they are all part of our family in the eyes of our two year olds.
Hope everyone has a great day!
We haven't really discouraged it, as it helps the boys learn and remember new words. But I realized this morning that it is maybe getting a little out of control.
Do you know how many things they say goodbye to as we are pulling out of the driveway in the morning?
First, they say goodbye to whatever vehicle we aren't driving (Bye truck).
Now, they understand that we are leaving our house - our home - so that is next on the list (Bye house)
With spring, the boys are loving all the flowers they get a special nod now too (Bye flowers)
Some mornings, we say goodbye to the moon and stars (if they are out), or have a lengthy discussion about how they are sleeping if we aren't able to find them.
When it's just me and the boys, we also have to say goodbye to Daddy - even though he can't hear them.
I think the topper for me this morning was saying goodbye to the easter bunny cake I am doing for Sunday - at least THREE times!
And I am sure that when we get home, we will greet all of these same items...because they are all part of our family in the eyes of our two year olds.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Go Reds!
Today is opening day in Cincinnati.
Our day started out like every other work day...showers and getting around for work before getting the boys up. Brian was ready first, so off he went to wake them. A smile automatically came to my face when I heard Brian singing "Take me out to the ballgame"! What other wake up song is there on OPENING DAY??? Of course, it is "Root, Root, Root for the Redlegs..." in our house! It is so special to see Brian share and try to instill his love for baseball (and the Reds) in our boys! And believe wouldn't have mattered if they were girls!
Next of course, we had to pick out appropriate opening day attire!
I recently went shopping for spring clothes for the boys, and knowing Brian's love of baseball, I made sure we had some baseball themed shirts. So, although they weren't official "Red's" shirts, they had baseballs and were at least partially red in color!
With everyone dessed and fed, we headed off to daycare. Trying to get in on all this male bonding, I worked with the boys a bit, and before we finished our 10 minute drive, they both said "Goooo Reds!"
Yep. Two happy boys, and one very proud Daddy.
Our day started out like every other work day...showers and getting around for work before getting the boys up. Brian was ready first, so off he went to wake them. A smile automatically came to my face when I heard Brian singing "Take me out to the ballgame"! What other wake up song is there on OPENING DAY??? Of course, it is "Root, Root, Root for the Redlegs..." in our house! It is so special to see Brian share and try to instill his love for baseball (and the Reds) in our boys! And believe wouldn't have mattered if they were girls!
Next of course, we had to pick out appropriate opening day attire!
I recently went shopping for spring clothes for the boys, and knowing Brian's love of baseball, I made sure we had some baseball themed shirts. So, although they weren't official "Red's" shirts, they had baseballs and were at least partially red in color!
With everyone dessed and fed, we headed off to daycare. Trying to get in on all this male bonding, I worked with the boys a bit, and before we finished our 10 minute drive, they both said "Goooo Reds!"
Yep. Two happy boys, and one very proud Daddy.
Silly mommy...
As the boys continue to talk and understand more and more every day, Mommy and Daddy get sillier and sillier!
For me, I just want to enjoy each and every minute with my boys. So, as they grow up, I find myself acting their age instead of my own. Because, let's be honest...when you have kids, you can get away with doing almost ANYTHING in public!
I'm sure I've shared stories in the past about embarrassing Brian by running through parking lots or grocery aisles pushing the boys in a cart. Or, I also remember a time when the boys were still in their car seats, and I played peek-a-boo with one of them in Costco (stopping in the middle of the main aisle, ducking down below where they could see me, then popping up saying "Peek-A-Boo"). We drew a lot of attention, a few points, but most people smiled and loved seeing me have fun with my babies. Brian was mortified - look at all the people looking at us! But see...I made a memory that I won't ever forget!
Over the past few weeks, I've gotten in the habit of pointing out to the boys when they or Daddy are being silly. For example, I asked the boys one night what they wanted for dinner the next night. They replied "Dessert"! I explained that we needed something other than dessert - Silly boys! Well, now the phrase is being turned around on me!
Last night, we went to Costco on our way home. Jackson was insistent on being with Mommy, so I held his hand as we walked through the parking lot. I wanted to make him laugh and giggle, so I started shaking my arm, which made his arm and most of his body shake as well. Then, I would stop, wait a few seconds, and start again. Every time I did it, he laughed. Next, I heard him say "Silly Mommy!" which caught Brian and Lincoln's attention, so they all chimed in about how silly mommy was being!
I'm ok with being a silly mommy....I can shoulder that burden!
For me, I just want to enjoy each and every minute with my boys. So, as they grow up, I find myself acting their age instead of my own. Because, let's be honest...when you have kids, you can get away with doing almost ANYTHING in public!
I'm sure I've shared stories in the past about embarrassing Brian by running through parking lots or grocery aisles pushing the boys in a cart. Or, I also remember a time when the boys were still in their car seats, and I played peek-a-boo with one of them in Costco (stopping in the middle of the main aisle, ducking down below where they could see me, then popping up saying "Peek-A-Boo"). We drew a lot of attention, a few points, but most people smiled and loved seeing me have fun with my babies. Brian was mortified - look at all the people looking at us! But see...I made a memory that I won't ever forget!
Over the past few weeks, I've gotten in the habit of pointing out to the boys when they or Daddy are being silly. For example, I asked the boys one night what they wanted for dinner the next night. They replied "Dessert"! I explained that we needed something other than dessert - Silly boys! Well, now the phrase is being turned around on me!
Last night, we went to Costco on our way home. Jackson was insistent on being with Mommy, so I held his hand as we walked through the parking lot. I wanted to make him laugh and giggle, so I started shaking my arm, which made his arm and most of his body shake as well. Then, I would stop, wait a few seconds, and start again. Every time I did it, he laughed. Next, I heard him say "Silly Mommy!" which caught Brian and Lincoln's attention, so they all chimed in about how silly mommy was being!
I'm ok with being a silly mommy....I can shoulder that burden!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I've been trying to be a good sister and post a story or two everyday for my brother Rodney in Arizona. He ALWAYS sends me a message when he's checked the blog and found new stories. He tells me that he checks every day, and that he loves the blog as it helps him feel like he is here and a part of our everyday lives.
So...this is for you Rodney!
The joke in our family is how soon till my boys and Lyn's boys get the "Muehlfeld eyebrow scar". You see, somewhere between 2 and 3 years old, Rod had to go to the ER for stiches above his eybrow. 11 years later, Aaron collected almost an identical matching scar! Most scoffed and thought it was just a coincidence.
Then, Rachelle finally had her son, and guess what? Yes, somewhere between his 2nd and 3rd birthday Brady made a trip to the ER for the Muehlfeld eyebrow scar. (Brady has been there for a few other visits as well...he was an adventurous boy!)
Well, for a moment last night, I thought it was our turn.
Brian and Lincoln went down the hall into the boys room to do something while Jackson was in our bedroom with me. Suddenly, Jackson wanted to go see Daddy, so off he went tearing down the hallway. Lincoln got all excited as he could hear Jackson coming, and decided to run out to greet him.
They collided at the bend in the hallway.
I will tell you, it was a sound I won't ever forget - kind of like the night the deer ran into the side of my truck.
Both the boys were crying, and as I ran down the hallway I saw the blood. Luckily (I guess) it was just a bloody nose for Jackson. It took a while to get him calmed down and to stop the bleeding, and this morning, it looked a little swollen and sore. Poor little man - his nose has taken a beating in the 2+ years of his life!
Thankfully, no ER visit was needed, but I'm just waiting to make that trip the ER to "brand" the boys as Muehlfeld decendents. After all, my mom tells me all the time how much the boys are like my brothers!
So...this is for you Rodney!
The joke in our family is how soon till my boys and Lyn's boys get the "Muehlfeld eyebrow scar". You see, somewhere between 2 and 3 years old, Rod had to go to the ER for stiches above his eybrow. 11 years later, Aaron collected almost an identical matching scar! Most scoffed and thought it was just a coincidence.
Then, Rachelle finally had her son, and guess what? Yes, somewhere between his 2nd and 3rd birthday Brady made a trip to the ER for the Muehlfeld eyebrow scar. (Brady has been there for a few other visits as well...he was an adventurous boy!)
Well, for a moment last night, I thought it was our turn.
Brian and Lincoln went down the hall into the boys room to do something while Jackson was in our bedroom with me. Suddenly, Jackson wanted to go see Daddy, so off he went tearing down the hallway. Lincoln got all excited as he could hear Jackson coming, and decided to run out to greet him.
They collided at the bend in the hallway.
I will tell you, it was a sound I won't ever forget - kind of like the night the deer ran into the side of my truck.
Both the boys were crying, and as I ran down the hallway I saw the blood. Luckily (I guess) it was just a bloody nose for Jackson. It took a while to get him calmed down and to stop the bleeding, and this morning, it looked a little swollen and sore. Poor little man - his nose has taken a beating in the 2+ years of his life!
Thankfully, no ER visit was needed, but I'm just waiting to make that trip the ER to "brand" the boys as Muehlfeld decendents. After all, my mom tells me all the time how much the boys are like my brothers!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The fire alarm...
We have a very sensitive fire alarm. It can be annoying sometimes, but gives us piece of mind that if there was ever anything wrong, we'd definitely know about it early!
Last night, I made homemade pizza for dinner. I was baking the crust on a higher temperature than I usually use in the oven, and there was something on the bottom of the oven that had spilled over from something else I had made. Well, the fire alarm went off. It scared the boys a bit, especially Jackson. We reassured him that everything was ok, opened the window, and it quickly turned off.
Brian had an appointment to give blood, so he left. Soon, the alarm started going off again. I opened the patio door, flagged the air around the detector, and again reassured Jackson that everything was fine. I told him it was ok to be scared, and that when the alarm goes off, he should listen to mommy, daddy, or whoever is around.
It wasn't long till dinner was done, and I was sitting at the table eating with the boys. They were chatting about random things like usual. Then, I heard Jackson start in with "Toot.....Toot......Toot.....". I wasn't sure what he was saying, but then Lincoln chimed in with his fire truck noise! They were imitating the fire alarm! (Our alarm signals 3 times, then says "Fire! Fire!" - so Jackson was the 3 signals, then Lincoln decided to bring in the fire truck)
Those can't get anything past them. Only wish Brian would have been there to see it, or that I would have thought to grab the video camera!
Last night, I made homemade pizza for dinner. I was baking the crust on a higher temperature than I usually use in the oven, and there was something on the bottom of the oven that had spilled over from something else I had made. Well, the fire alarm went off. It scared the boys a bit, especially Jackson. We reassured him that everything was ok, opened the window, and it quickly turned off.
Brian had an appointment to give blood, so he left. Soon, the alarm started going off again. I opened the patio door, flagged the air around the detector, and again reassured Jackson that everything was fine. I told him it was ok to be scared, and that when the alarm goes off, he should listen to mommy, daddy, or whoever is around.
It wasn't long till dinner was done, and I was sitting at the table eating with the boys. They were chatting about random things like usual. Then, I heard Jackson start in with "Toot.....Toot......Toot.....". I wasn't sure what he was saying, but then Lincoln chimed in with his fire truck noise! They were imitating the fire alarm! (Our alarm signals 3 times, then says "Fire! Fire!" - so Jackson was the 3 signals, then Lincoln decided to bring in the fire truck)
Those can't get anything past them. Only wish Brian would have been there to see it, or that I would have thought to grab the video camera!
Daddy shirts!
Every once in a while, the boys wet through their diapers at night. Not a big deal, it doesn't happen that often. However, this winter, they hated it when we would take their wet jammies off - "Cold! Cold!" they would say. And it always seemed to happen when they had their FAVORITE jammies on - so they didn't want to put different ones on.
Well, we found the solution - Daddy shirts!
When the boys wet through, we would let them put on one of Brian's t-shirts instead of putting other jammies on. The boys look super cute in them, but they do create other challenges, like walking down the stair steps. But, if it helps us get them out of their wet jammies, we are fine with that!
This morning, Lincoln had wet through a bit, so Brian was offering up a Daddy shirt to him. Then, I heard Jackson quietly asking for one as well! These boys sure do love their daddy!
Well, we found the solution - Daddy shirts!
When the boys wet through, we would let them put on one of Brian's t-shirts instead of putting other jammies on. The boys look super cute in them, but they do create other challenges, like walking down the stair steps. But, if it helps us get them out of their wet jammies, we are fine with that!
This morning, Lincoln had wet through a bit, so Brian was offering up a Daddy shirt to him. Then, I heard Jackson quietly asking for one as well! These boys sure do love their daddy!
Monday, April 2, 2012
As a parent, I am continually reflecting upon the boys lives, and how much they have changed over the past 2+ years. They start out so small and helpless, unable to tell us what they need. We quickly figure out each of their different cries, and we adjust.
Then, these little human beings grow bigger. They learn to crawl and walk. They begin eating real people food. They smile, laugh, and blow kisses.
Then, they begin talking. First, just making sounds over and over again, but then they start forming words, and repeating after us. They sing songs, and melt our hearts the first time they say "I love you" after we tell them first.
We think we've seen it all, and then there they go...blowing our minds again!
We picked the boys up from daycare on Friday, and started down our normal path of asking them if they had a good day, and what they did. Usually, we get a resounding "No!" from both of them when we ask if they had a good day, but lately, we've been getting a "Yes!" from Jackson (Lincoln still insists it wasn't a good day...but he's coming around.)
So, Friday, we asked if they had fun instead. Both said yes. So, then we started asking what they did.
Mommy/Daddy: Did you play outside today?
Boys: Yes. Slide! And Swing!
Mommy/Daddy: What else did you do today?
Boys: (Silence)
Mommy/Daddy: Oh - it was movie day. What movie did you watch?
Boys: Gabba Gabba!
Mommy/Daddy: (SILENCE)
Brian and I just looked at each other in complete disbelief. We actually just had a conversation with our boys! We asked them questions, and they answered! The Gabba Gabba really threw us, as they normally watch Elmo or Sesame Street movies.
But then, we asked them who their favorite character was on Gabba Gabba.
The response....Plex!
Wow...they will be asking for the car keys soon, won't they?
Then, these little human beings grow bigger. They learn to crawl and walk. They begin eating real people food. They smile, laugh, and blow kisses.
Then, they begin talking. First, just making sounds over and over again, but then they start forming words, and repeating after us. They sing songs, and melt our hearts the first time they say "I love you" after we tell them first.
We think we've seen it all, and then there they go...blowing our minds again!
We picked the boys up from daycare on Friday, and started down our normal path of asking them if they had a good day, and what they did. Usually, we get a resounding "No!" from both of them when we ask if they had a good day, but lately, we've been getting a "Yes!" from Jackson (Lincoln still insists it wasn't a good day...but he's coming around.)
So, Friday, we asked if they had fun instead. Both said yes. So, then we started asking what they did.
Mommy/Daddy: Did you play outside today?
Boys: Yes. Slide! And Swing!
Mommy/Daddy: What else did you do today?
Boys: (Silence)
Mommy/Daddy: Oh - it was movie day. What movie did you watch?
Boys: Gabba Gabba!
Mommy/Daddy: (SILENCE)
Brian and I just looked at each other in complete disbelief. We actually just had a conversation with our boys! We asked them questions, and they answered! The Gabba Gabba really threw us, as they normally watch Elmo or Sesame Street movies.
But then, we asked them who their favorite character was on Gabba Gabba.
The response....Plex!
Wow...they will be asking for the car keys soon, won't they?
The boys have been learning their colors!
Last week, Lincoln learned that monkeys are brown (and just to update you....he now knows they eat bananas too - I hear it every time I ask him if he wants a banana!).
After that, the boys started telling us what color their spoons or forks are - green, orange, blue, yellow. Most of the time they get them right too!
This is coming in very handy, as the boys received a "Tot Clock" for their birthday. It is a clock that you can set for different times of the day, and it changes color. It is blue at night when it's time to go to bed, and yellow in the morning when it's time to get up. You can also turn it red for time out, and other settings too (Brian and I are still figuring it out).
One morning last week, after we changed the boys diapers, we headed back into their room to pick out their clothes. The clock had changed since the boys got up, but it didn't get past Jackson. He looked at the clock, pointed to it, and said "Clock - yellow!". I let him know he was correct, and he was a good boy, and that yellow meant it was time to be up! He was so proud and excited!
Guess we need to figure out all the settings on the clock and start using it more. The boys just LOVE it!
Last week, Lincoln learned that monkeys are brown (and just to update you....he now knows they eat bananas too - I hear it every time I ask him if he wants a banana!).
After that, the boys started telling us what color their spoons or forks are - green, orange, blue, yellow. Most of the time they get them right too!
This is coming in very handy, as the boys received a "Tot Clock" for their birthday. It is a clock that you can set for different times of the day, and it changes color. It is blue at night when it's time to go to bed, and yellow in the morning when it's time to get up. You can also turn it red for time out, and other settings too (Brian and I are still figuring it out).
One morning last week, after we changed the boys diapers, we headed back into their room to pick out their clothes. The clock had changed since the boys got up, but it didn't get past Jackson. He looked at the clock, pointed to it, and said "Clock - yellow!". I let him know he was correct, and he was a good boy, and that yellow meant it was time to be up! He was so proud and excited!
Guess we need to figure out all the settings on the clock and start using it more. The boys just LOVE it!
Miss Kristen!
The boys stole another heart last Thursday...
When I went to pick the boys up from daycare, one of their caregivers met me at the door, and she was talking a mile a minute. She began by telling me that she couldn't believe the boys knew her name!
She proceeded to tell me that they had been outside playing, and Lincoln looked at her and said "No-no Miss Kristen. Go down the slide!" Miss Kristen was completely dumbfounded -she had never heard the boys say her name! And she was even more impressed that he knew that SHE was Miss Kristen!
A little while later, she heard Jackson calling for her across the playground, "Miss Kristen!"
I know they made her day....and she was so happy and excited, and couldn't wait to share it with me!
When I went to pick the boys up from daycare, one of their caregivers met me at the door, and she was talking a mile a minute. She began by telling me that she couldn't believe the boys knew her name!
She proceeded to tell me that they had been outside playing, and Lincoln looked at her and said "No-no Miss Kristen. Go down the slide!" Miss Kristen was completely dumbfounded -she had never heard the boys say her name! And she was even more impressed that he knew that SHE was Miss Kristen!
A little while later, she heard Jackson calling for her across the playground, "Miss Kristen!"
I know they made her day....and she was so happy and excited, and couldn't wait to share it with me!
"What Hap-pened?"
Last week, we finally got our new front door installed (it looks MARVELOUS!).
The night before they were coming to install it, Brian cleared out the front hall to give the guy plenty of room to work with. He did this, of course, after the boys went to bed.
Thursday morning, when we brought the boys downstairs for breakfast, Jackson stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and just kept looking around. Then, he put his little arms out, palms up, shaking his head back and forth, wearing the most puzzled look on his face, and exclaimed "What hap-pened?"
He just kept saying it over and over again as he scanned the front entryway.
We explained that we were getting a new front door, so Daddy had to move things out. He reluctantly accepted that and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Brian had moved the plants from the hall onto the window seat in the breakfast knook, so upon entering the kitchen, Jackson then excitedly said "There's the trees!".
The "trees" are still in the breakfast knook, and the hallway is still bare as we need to paint some of the trim, so we still go through the "What hap-pened?" at least once a day. Only now, it is followed by "New. Front. Door!" Guess Jackson is just an observant little man like his daddy!
The night before they were coming to install it, Brian cleared out the front hall to give the guy plenty of room to work with. He did this, of course, after the boys went to bed.
Thursday morning, when we brought the boys downstairs for breakfast, Jackson stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and just kept looking around. Then, he put his little arms out, palms up, shaking his head back and forth, wearing the most puzzled look on his face, and exclaimed "What hap-pened?"
He just kept saying it over and over again as he scanned the front entryway.
We explained that we were getting a new front door, so Daddy had to move things out. He reluctantly accepted that and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Brian had moved the plants from the hall onto the window seat in the breakfast knook, so upon entering the kitchen, Jackson then excitedly said "There's the trees!".
The "trees" are still in the breakfast knook, and the hallway is still bare as we need to paint some of the trim, so we still go through the "What hap-pened?" at least once a day. Only now, it is followed by "New. Front. Door!" Guess Jackson is just an observant little man like his daddy!
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