Our Family

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Better buy stock now...

For a long time, I've said my boys are good eaters.  They eat most anything (when they want to) and they've always eaten a decent amount of food unless they weren't feeling well.  Everyone has told me that I'll be in trouble then when they get to be teenagers, as I won't be able to afford to feed them!

Note the stress I put on teenagers...I thought I had a few more years yet!

I have to believe that the boys are entering or getting ready to enter a growth spurt.  At least, I hope that's what's happening.  Their appetites have increased over the past week or so.  We used to split a 6 oz. yogurt between the boys, and now they each eat their own 6 oz. yogurt - along with toast or fruit - AND ask for more.

This morning, Brian made the boys Toaster Studels for breakfast, but Jackson went to the fridge, opened it, and asked for a yogurt.  When I got one out for him (and for Lincoln too - can't give it to one without the other), Brian made a comment about how they probably wouldn't eat their Toaster Strudels if they had yogurt.  I laughed at him.  Yes indeed, they both polished off their yogurt, Toaster Strudel, and 8 ounces of milk for breakfast.  Yesterday, it was the whole yogurt, a piece of toast, and some of our cereal.  I'm confident they were the first in line for snack at daycare at 9:00!

I think there are a few companies I need to buy stock in soon....
  • Yoplait - the makers of the best fruit flavored yogurt.  4 yogurts a day for our family means 2 Costco cases of 18 each week - that's around $12 a week!
  • Sweet potatoes (maybe instead of stock, I'll convince Mawmaw and Pawpaw to put more out in their garden and we'll can them next year)
  • Town House (the boys LOVE their crackers)
  • Jell-O (thank heavens for sugar free pudding)
  • Freshlike (we do love our steamed mixed vegetables)
I probably should consider some sort of clothing line too, as the way these boys eat, they will be growing out of clothes quickly!

I'm also starting to think dad may have been right...we should have gotten a half a beef instead of a quarter!  The meat supply in the freezer is already looking pretty thin!

A Special bond...

I have always had a special bond with my brothers and sisters.  We love spending time with each other, and my sister is my best friend, and also the one I go to for advice for the boys.  We are family - chosen by God to spend our lives together.

Although I have that bond with my own siblings, I still see an even deeper, special bond between my boys.  I've always heard that twins are even closer than siblings, and I firmly believe it now that I'm seeing it with my own eyes.  It is hard to explain and put into words, but it's there.  Maybe part of it is because my boys are RARELY apart, but I really believe it is a bond that started well over 2 years ago.

This morning for example, Jackson got up at 5:20 with Brian and me.  He was a very happy little guy, entertaining himself while we got ready for work.  But something was missing for him.  He kept looking at me and saying "Lincoln up Mommy?"  He wanted to go and wake his brother up to play with him!

As cute as that is, it's only part of the story.

Just before Brian was planning on getting Lincoln up, he woke up on his own.  We heard him on the monitor..."Mommy?.....Jackson?....Jackson?  Jackson?"  He had looked over into his brother's bed, and realized that his brother wasn't in there, so he was calling for him.  He missed Jackson as much as Jackson had been missing him!

The cherry on top was then watching Jackson get so excited to hear Lincoln's voice, and running down the hallway with Daddy to get Lincoln out of his bed. 

I pray that their special bond and friendship continues and lasts a lifetime.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The boys don't get to watch TV a lot - we just don't have the time in the evenings, and there is only so much Mickey Mouse you can watch on a Saturday morning (or so I thought....more on that to come!).  However, Friday's in their new room at daycare are movie days, so the boys are getting a little bit more exposure to the television.

Jackson could care less about the TV most of the time.  Watching TV requires sitting still, and that's just not Jackson.  However, Lincoln has become quite obsessed.  He's even asking to watch TV in the evenings now. 

To set the record straight, most of what we do let the boys watch is on the Sprout Channel - so it is fairly educational. 

Last night, Lincoln found a little radio piece that goes with one of their trucks.  He was pointing it at the TV trying to turn the TV on.  He was trying REALLY hard. 

I can't wait to see if he find the radio again tonight!  And I think we need to only watch the Goodnight Show one or two nights a week - or we will have a total couch potatoe on our hands!

Smart babies

A few weeks ago, Lincoln ran a little bit of a fever, so we kept him home from daycare the next day.  It was very different taking just one little boy to daycare.  Jackson seemed fine in the van on the way to school, although he did keep looking at his brother's empty car seat and saying "Lincoln?" in his sweet little voice.  He was fine until we got into the building, and I started to unzip his coat - then he completely burst into tears.

Jackson is my creature of habit and routine.   He can get upset by the simplest little change in our schedule.  I knew he would be fine, so I handed him off to a caregiver, and left as I knew the sooner I left, the better he would be.

That afternoon, I went to pick Jackson up from daycare by myself again.  He had a great day, and was the happiest little man to see me (and was anxious to see his brother and daddy).  The ride home was one that I don't want to ever forget.  Usually, Lincoln is the chatty one in the car, but without him there, Jackson stepped right up.  I quickly heard him singing his A-B-C's, and I was astounded when he sang them all the way through the letter I.  Yes - I!  And he did it all by himself!

Hearing those precious letters come out of his mouth took me back two and a half years, which seems like a lifetime ago now.  It was our "transfer" day...the day the doctors put 2 little embryos in my uterus, and we prayed and prayed that it would result in a baby.  Before the embryos were transferred, the nurse was talking us through everything.  We already knew that we had 5 embryos in total.  Our nurse (sweet Mandy) told us that we had very smart embryos - they were all A's - which is the highest rating.  We giggled at the time at the thought of us having "Straight A's", but reiterated that we would love any baby, we didn't need super smart ones.

Well, our prayers were answered 2 fold, and hearing my amazing little man sing his A-B-C's brought the letter comparison back very vividly.  Thanks to Mandy and all the doctors who selected the best embryos in the world for us.

Bringing "Silly Time" back...

I spent most of the weekend cleaning the house, and preparing things for the boys upcoming birthday party.  The weather was crappy, so the only time we left the house all weekend was to go to church.  By Sunday night, I think the combination of exhaustion and being a bit stir crazy got to me.  However, the result was amazing!

After dinner, Brian was cleaning things up, and I was feeling a little guilty about neglecting my boys for part of the afternoon trying to get things done.  So, I crawled on the floor to play with them.  I don't even know how it started until it happened, but "Silly Time!" resurfaced.

(Side note - Silly time originated back when the boys were first crawling and getting mobile.  It was always after dinner, before bath time.  It was a release time to have fun, expend some energy, and just have some very special family bonding.  I don't know how it ever disappeared!)

Somehow, Jackson ended up sitting on my lap in the middle of the kitchen floor, and Lincoln was running around us in circles.  I must have said "Boo!" or something and that's how it started.  Lincoln would sneak behind my back, and when he would come into view, I would say Boo! or something else...and BOTH boys would just laugh and laugh.  I'm talking big ole belly laughs!  Before I knew it, both of the boys were running around me, and laughing so hard that they could barely stay on their feet - literally.  Lincoln took a few nose dives into the cupboards, stove, and refrigerator - but laughed the entire time.  I bet we did this for 20 minutes or so - just laughing all the cares of the day away.  It was Silly Time!

Unfortunately, it had to end, but I'm definitely working on carving out some time in our nightly schedules for Silly Time!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Reading books....

Christmas time brought many wonderful gifts for the boys from family and friends. 

Some of my favorite gifts are the books that the boys received - especially the Sandra Boynton books!  They received the Barnyard Dance, The Going to Bed Book (which I proved to Brian the other night I could almost recite word for word from memory), and the Moo Baa La-La-La book.

I love all 3 of them, but right now the Moo Baa La-La-La book is the most fun!

Why is it the most fun, you might ask?  Because the boys help me read it!  Yes, that's right....they help me read it.  It is one of Lincoln's favorite books right now.  We finish reading it, and he immediately says "Again!" as he wants to read it over and over. 

Here is how reading this book goes:

(Mommy) - A cow says....
(Lincoln/Jackson) - Moooo!
(Mommy) - A sheep says....
(Lincoln/Jackson) - Baaaaaa!
(Mommy) - Three singing pigs say....
(Lincoln/Jackson) - La-La-La!
(Mommy) - No! No you say, that isn't right.  A pig says....
(Lincoln/Jackson) - OINK!
(Mommy) - all day and night.  Rhinoceros snort and Snuff, and little dogs say...
(Lincoln/Jackson) - Ruff Ruff Ruff!
(Mommy) - Some other little dogs say
(Lincoln/Jackson) - Bow wow wow
(Mommy) - and cats and kittens say
(Lincoln/Jackson) - MEOW
(Mommy) - A duck says...
(Lincoln/Jackson) -QUACK
(Mommy) - A horse says
(Lincoln/Jackson) - Neigh
(Mommy) - It's quiet now, what does Lincoln and Jackson say?
(Lincoln/Jackson) - Hi! Hi! Hi!  (this is an adaptation from the Wheels on the Bus)

See why I love reading books WITH my boys???

Moon.....and cow?

We've been reading a lot of books with the boys lately, and one of the their favorites is Goodnight Moon.  They love listening to the words, and finding the various items that we read about in the pages.
I think they've been learning about the moon and the sun at daycare too, so not only are we reading about the moon, but the boys like trying to find it each night after baths.  The moon doesn't always cooperate though!

Yesterday morning as we were pulling out of the garage, Brian pointed out the moon to the boys.  They were trying to find it (unfortunately, we weren't heading in the right direction most of the time to see it).  Suddenly, we heard Lincoln asking if there was a cow too!  In Goodnight Moon, there is a picture of the cow jumping over the moon...so Lincoln wanted to see it for real!  It's amazing how much they each comprehend, and they soak more and more in everyday!  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I mentioned that I made French Toast for the boys a few nights ago, and yesterday morning they enjoyed the leftovers for breakfast.  So, this morning, Lincoln first asked for "toast", but didn't want regular toast.  I told him sorry, but Mommy didn't have any French Toast.  I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, and he exclaimed "Pancakes!".
First, I broke the little guys heart, as I told him I didn't have any pancakes, but promised to make him some this weekend for breakfast.  He was very persistent...he just kept asking for pancakes.  Thankfully, I remembered I had a few small frozen ones in the freezer yet.  Yeah - Mommy came through!

Now, what am I going to do for breakfast tomorrow morning?  I might have to make some pancakes or french toast tonight after the boys go to bed!

Two very important ladies...

Like last month, I forgot 2 very important ladies on my list of Special dates for January.

Aunt Joyce Gels celebrates her 81st birthday on January 22.
Aunt Normal Gels celebrates her 78th birthday on January 28.

Happy Birthday laides - I've added you to my list so you won't be forgotten next year!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

French toast

Tonight, I made french toast for dinner. 

The boys love it just as much as pancakes!

Nothing beats sitting in the barn...

Yes, you all read that title right!  I know...not a statement I thought I would ever say!

This past weekend, the boys found the barn play tent/tunnel in their closet.  We pulled it out to play with, as it fits perfectly with their birthday party theme!  The boys have LOVED playing with it the past few days.  They crawl through the tunnel, crawl in and out of the barn door and window.  They have a really great time with it!

Well, Daddy has crawled through the tunnel and played along with the boys a few times.  Tonight though, he was cleaning up the kitchen, so it was my turn to play with the boys.  I'm not up for crawling through the tunnel yet as my back is still a bit tender, but I did sit in the barn and play with the boys.  Jackson loved just sitting on my lap in there, and peering down the tunnel to see if he could see Lincoln or Daddy.  Lincoln was very rambunctious...running around, crawling in the window or door and making his way around me in very tight corners, then down the tunnel again. 

Even if it takes sitting in a barn, I'll do it if it means getting to spend QUALITY time with my boys!

Here is a video of the boys playing in the barn tent on Saturday!

My hero...

Somehow I hurt my back Saturday afternoon/evening, and I was out of commission most of the day on Sunday.  I couldn't pick the boys up to change their pants, to put them in their cribs, or just to carry them upstairs to the bathtub or bed.
The boys were both very good and understanding.  Daddy kept telling them that mommy wasn't feeling good and that she couldn't pick them up.  They were concerned as they wanted mommy to be ok, but they were also very patient.
The best part of the weekend though was having my one little guy, Jackson, try to take care of me.  He held my hand so he could "help" me walk up the stair steps.  He crawled up on the couch and stood beside me, and put his little arm around my shoulders to comfort me. 

He is such the little caregiver...but we have to be careful, as he is starting to repeat us when we correct Lincoln, and we have to remind him that he is NOT the daddy/mommy!  None the less, I loved having him try to take care of me!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

UH-OH. Tree all gone!

Saturday afternoon while the boys napped, Brian and I took down the Christmas tree.  We knew it was time to take it down, but we were also hesitant to do so.  Over the past month, the boys have so greatly enjoyed the Christmas lights and the tree.  The tree has become a vital part of the boys lives, including being on the list of things they told goodnight.  We knew there would be some fallout.

So, we carefully took the tree apart, and packed it away in the basement while they peacefully slept.

When they awoke, we were nervous and anxious to see how they would react.  They walked down the stair steps, and peered into the front room.  Their eyes grew wide with confusion.  Then, they looked at us and simply asked "Tree all gone?", and we simply agreed and told them the tree was put away.

On Sunday afternoon, we were all down in the basement organizing things.  Lincoln found the Christmas tree box, so we explained to him that yes, that was the tree, and it would be in the basement till the Christmas season next year.  Surprisingly, the boys were ok with that answer!

Lincoln seems to have moved on, but Jackson is still a bit lost without the tree.  Each morning, and each evening when we come down the stair steps, Jackson longingly looks into the front room and says "Uh-Oh.  Tree Away" or "Tree All gone".  He isn't upset - just stating the facts.  I just wonder how long this will last - hopefully not until the tree reappears next year!

Perfect description

Ms. Bryanna has been the boys caregiver since they moved into the Toddler room.  Unfortuantely, her last day at the daycare was this week.  She's starting beauty school, and we wish her LOTS of luck.

I hope that she knows what an amazing girl she is.  We only knew her for a few weeks, but in that short amount of time, she saw the true personalities of our boys.  Before leaving, she wrote us a sweet note telling us that she will miss the boys - Lincoln's bubbly personality, and Jackson's kind heart. 

Those few sentences in her card perfectly described our boys....even better than we ever could have.  Lincoln is definitely the fun loving, easy going little man.  Jackson continues to play the role of helper, and he really can be the kindest gentlest little boy ever.

We'll miss Bryanna, and hope that she knows that she touched our hearts as well.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Long neck...

For many months, we've heard all sorts of animal sounds as the boys learned them.  They know lots of animal sounds, but some animals don't really make noise.  Daycare has definitely helped out with those animals.  For example, we don't ask what a bunny rabbit says, we ask what a bunny rabbit does - and the boys exclaim "hop hop hop!". 

Well, some things are just too cute not to share and document for the future.

Like the bunny rabbit, a giraffe doesn't make any noise.  Therefore, the boys have been able to say "giraffe" for quite some time.  In the past month or so, Lincoln has shown us the giraffe, then tipped his head way back, and raised his hand to his chin.  He then proceeds to say "looooonnnnggg neck!" and drag his hand down his neck to his chest.  It is so freaking adorable!  I'm going to try to capture it on video so I can embarrass him greatly one day with it!  Just talking about it makes both me and Brian giggle!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Unfortunately, Christmas mass wasn't as magical as we had hoped.  In fact, it was the worst church ever for us.  So, for New Years Eve weekend, Brian and I went to different masses to avoid taking the boys.  But this week, we thought we would try it again.
Actually, it was one of the best church experiences ever!
The best part was during the petitions.  After the congregation would say "Lord, hear our prayer", Lincoln would then say Amen!  He associates prayer and Amen!

I think the people around us got quite a kick out of it, and I was actually quite proud of him.  At least he knows what prayer is, and that Amen is part of it!