Our Family

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

October special dates....

  • October 15 - Sean O'Connor celebrates a birthday
  • October 24 - Justin Zank turns 29
  • October 31 (Halloween) - Peyten Young turns 15
  • October 5 - Bob and Norma Gels celebrate their 43rd wedding anniversary
  • October 9 - Larry and Shirley Maier celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary
  • October 10 - Pat and Barb Brocki celebrate their wedding anniversary
  • October 28 - Jim and Marie Woff celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary
  • October 29 - Grandma Emmie and Pete Hug celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary

Is it possible to get the "first born" wrong with twins?

As my "babies" turn 20 months old today, I have found myself reflecting on all their achievements and continued development.  It really is amazing how fast they grow up.

Several of the girls at daycare have asked periodically which of the boys is technically older.  When we tell them Lincoln, they usually say "Really?".  I've come to expect their surprise.  Jackson is definitely more independent, and at daycare, more outgoing.  You may recall that when they moved into Tiny Tots (their current room), they tried to take Lincoln over there a few times, and he cried, but once they moved Jackson, Lincoln was fine since his brother was there. 

Both of the boys are doing great on their development, but at home, Jackson definitely is mastering skills faster than Lincoln.  He is a great helper too - puts his toys back where they belong, picks up his books when he's asked to, and even fights with daddy for the broom and dust pan so he can "help" sweep up the mess on the floor after dinners.  Last night, he even went up a few stairs without holding onto anything!  Gotta love my little independent man.

The cutest thing happened last night, which has me wondering if it is possible that the doctor pulled the wrong child out of my uterus first.  After baths, we were heading downstairs for milk.  Lincoln has been refusing to walk up and down the stairs - easier to be carried.  Brian is trying to be steadfast that this is the "week of walking up and down the stairs".  Well, Lincoln was having no part of it last night.  Jackson was holding my hand going down the stairs, and Lincoln was throwing a fit.  Brian tried asking if Lincoln wanted to hold mommy's hand instead, but to no avail.  We were talking things through, trying to get Lincoln to come down the stairs on his own.  Next thing we knew, Jackson turned around, walked back up the 3 stairs he had come down, and stood beside his brother.  He reached over and took Lincoln's hand - like he was going to help him down!  It was so cute and adorable...and made my heart melt.  Not only does Jackson like to help mommy and daddy with things around the house, he's trying to be "big brother" and help Lincoln too.  I wish I would have had my camera. 

After seeing Jackson do this, I also remember the times that he's given Lincoln his sippy cup, or taken a toy to him (usually after he's swiped it in the first place, but still...).  He may be the little brother (in both birth order and size), but he definitely looks out for and tries to help take care of his little brother. 

I hope and pray that their close relationship continues for many years to come.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September special dates

Yeah, I'm behind on a lot of things this month.  Trying to catch up!

Congratuations to Chad and Cassie (Scott) Muehlfeld! They were married on September 10th!

  • September 9 - Craig Lynn turns 65
  • September 11 - Levi Muehlfeld turns, Stephani Haas turns 20
  • September 12 - Doug Maier turns 43
  • September 13 - Beth O'Connor turns 35
  • September 19 - Kelan Wolff turns 3
  • September 22 - Brother Boy and Drama (my brother's dogs) turn 4
  • September 23 - Don Muehlfeld (my dad) turns 61 
  • September 24 - Bill Muehlfeld turns 58
  • September 29 - Maria Hart turns 30
  • September 30 - Ruth Wappes celebrates a birthday
  • September 10 - Tim and Karen Zank celebrate their 23rd wedding anniversary
  • September 24 - Lyn and RJ Willinger celebrate their 6th wedding anniversary

Family matters...

Wow...it's been a long month or so!

Baby Nash is doing much better.  For those who didn't know, he was put in the hospital the end of August with spinal meningitis.  It was a long week for the Willingers, and rough on the rest of us to see a little 4 week old suffer so much!  They gave him medicine in the hospital, ran tests, and we were all relieved when it was NOT bacterial.  Little man is doing much better...growing, and thriving.  We are all very thankful for Nash's quick recovery!

Things have been rough on the Hart side of the family too.  A few weeks ago, we found out that Brian's mom's cancer is back.  She's been having a rough time keeping food down for some time.  Tests have been run throughout the summer, without many answers.  Her cancer is in her stomach, liver, and lungs.  She is seeing her cancer doctor in Celina, and was scheduled to have a swallow test yesterday, and is supposed to get her catheter/port in this week.  She will start chemo on Monday.  Please keep all of the Hart's in your prayers over the next few months.

Our little family of 4 has been doing well, other than fighting runny noses and coughs with this inconsistant weather.  I love the cooler weather, watching the leaves change color and fall to the ground.  However, I do not like what the weather does for my allergies/sinus - and unfortunately, the boys are following my lead!  Right now, we are just praying that this winter is healthier than last!

Hope everyone is having a blessed day!

Last molar...

Jackson is up to 12 teeth now!  His last molar (lower, left side) popped through Tuesday or Wednesay of last week.  We had a rough couple of nights where he was up crying, inconsolable, but we are through the worst of it now.  Not looking forward to his I-teeth coming in!