Brian and the boys were playing in the living room tonight while I was making dinner. I heard Brian tell Jackson to stop throwing things, then Brian went into the bathroom, followed by two curious little boys. Evidently, Jackson threw a toy tractor, and it got Brian in the nose. Cut him up pretty good, and it was bleeding a lot.
To stop the bleeding, Brian put a bandaid on the wound. Lincoln didn't like it at all. Brian thought he was scared of him because of the bandaid and blood, but I think he was just worried that Daddy wasn't ok. He warmed back up to him eventually, but it took a little bit of time.
Hopefully it won't look too bad tomorrow. Brian is going to have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow...just a matter of if he needs to wear a bandaid or not!
Our Family
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Weekend Wrap-up
We had a great weekend!
Saturday, we worked on laundry, and a few things around the house in the morning. We had an early lunch, and put the boys down for a nap around noon. Jackson went to sleep right away, but Lincoln was stubborn. First, he cried and screamed for about 10 minutes. Then decided to make the most of it, and just laid down and chattered on and on. He woke Jackson up once, but little man went back to sleep pretty quickly. It was nearly one o'clock before Lincoln finally gave in and went to sleep. Jackson woke up around 1:15, but Lincoln slept till we woke him up around 2:40.
Once Lincoln was up, we got the boys dressed, packed the diaper bag, and headed out. We spent the late afternoon/early evening at Coney Island for the TNS picnic. We hadn't been to Coney Island, and it was quite enchanting. Dinner was great, as was visiting with Brian's co-workers and their families.
We tried a few rides, but the boys didn't like them too much. We tried the carousel first. The boys loved seeing the horses, and sitting on them, but when the ride started, the horses went up and down as well as the whole thing spinning - and neither of the boys liked it! So, we spent most of the ride holding the boys, and waiting for it to stop.
Next, we went to the super slide. The boys loved going down the slide last weekend with their cousins, so I thought they would love the super slide. Jackson was ok with it, but Lincoln tensed up as soon as we started down it, and when we were done, he took off and couldn't get away fast enough!
After the rides weren't a hit, we grabbed ice cream cones and shared them with the boys. They tasted SO GOOD since it was really hot and muggy out. The boys enjoyed them too! We let the boys run around the tent site for a bit while we visited with a few of Brian's co-workers, then loaded them in the van and headed home for baths and bedtime.
Today started earlier than we were expecting. Lincoln awoke around 3:30, and woke Jackson up. All four of us were up for almost an hour. We changed diapers, and got the boys some water to drink, which helped calm them down. I thought we were going to end up with 2 boys in our bed, but thankfully genious struck. Since they were both up, I suggested we try our normal "nite-nite" routine. I told Jackson it was nite-nite time, and asked him to lead Lincoln into their room - HE DID! And the even more amazing part was that Lincoln followed. So, we said our nighttime prayer, gave hugs and kisses goodnight, and put the boys in their beds. We held our breath, but went back to bed, and were pleasantly surprised when we didn't even hear a peep. IT WORKED!
The boys went back to sleep, but Jackson awoke again around 6:30 (he's usually up around 6). Brian got up with him, but he only wanted mama. After 15 minutes of him fussing, the boys came back upstairs. Jackson crawled in bed with me, snuggled up, and went to sleep until almost 8:00. When we woke back up, he read books, and played quietly till around 8:30 when Lincoln woke up.
After lunch, we headed up to the outlet mall. We spent a few hours up there this afternoon, looking at a lot of stuff, but buying little. After we shared some cookies and Sprite, we came back home to relax.
Now the boys are in bed, and we are just enjoying some quiet before heading to bed to prepare for the week ahead.
Jackson's bottom right molar has popped through the skin. That makes 9 teeth for him. No sign of his other two bottom front teeth yet, but I'm sure they will come soon.
Lincoln is still holding at 12 teeth, but I think that will change before too long. His I-teeth on the bottom look like they are coming in, which probably explains why he was up in the middle of the night last night. He has also been quite rambunctious lately too. Hopefully they will come in quickly and we can get our patient, sweet little boy back.
Hope everyone has a great week! We are still patiently waiting to meet our new nephew!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Saturday, we worked on laundry, and a few things around the house in the morning. We had an early lunch, and put the boys down for a nap around noon. Jackson went to sleep right away, but Lincoln was stubborn. First, he cried and screamed for about 10 minutes. Then decided to make the most of it, and just laid down and chattered on and on. He woke Jackson up once, but little man went back to sleep pretty quickly. It was nearly one o'clock before Lincoln finally gave in and went to sleep. Jackson woke up around 1:15, but Lincoln slept till we woke him up around 2:40.
Once Lincoln was up, we got the boys dressed, packed the diaper bag, and headed out. We spent the late afternoon/early evening at Coney Island for the TNS picnic. We hadn't been to Coney Island, and it was quite enchanting. Dinner was great, as was visiting with Brian's co-workers and their families.
We tried a few rides, but the boys didn't like them too much. We tried the carousel first. The boys loved seeing the horses, and sitting on them, but when the ride started, the horses went up and down as well as the whole thing spinning - and neither of the boys liked it! So, we spent most of the ride holding the boys, and waiting for it to stop.
Next, we went to the super slide. The boys loved going down the slide last weekend with their cousins, so I thought they would love the super slide. Jackson was ok with it, but Lincoln tensed up as soon as we started down it, and when we were done, he took off and couldn't get away fast enough!
After the rides weren't a hit, we grabbed ice cream cones and shared them with the boys. They tasted SO GOOD since it was really hot and muggy out. The boys enjoyed them too! We let the boys run around the tent site for a bit while we visited with a few of Brian's co-workers, then loaded them in the van and headed home for baths and bedtime.
Today started earlier than we were expecting. Lincoln awoke around 3:30, and woke Jackson up. All four of us were up for almost an hour. We changed diapers, and got the boys some water to drink, which helped calm them down. I thought we were going to end up with 2 boys in our bed, but thankfully genious struck. Since they were both up, I suggested we try our normal "nite-nite" routine. I told Jackson it was nite-nite time, and asked him to lead Lincoln into their room - HE DID! And the even more amazing part was that Lincoln followed. So, we said our nighttime prayer, gave hugs and kisses goodnight, and put the boys in their beds. We held our breath, but went back to bed, and were pleasantly surprised when we didn't even hear a peep. IT WORKED!
The boys went back to sleep, but Jackson awoke again around 6:30 (he's usually up around 6). Brian got up with him, but he only wanted mama. After 15 minutes of him fussing, the boys came back upstairs. Jackson crawled in bed with me, snuggled up, and went to sleep until almost 8:00. When we woke back up, he read books, and played quietly till around 8:30 when Lincoln woke up.
After lunch, we headed up to the outlet mall. We spent a few hours up there this afternoon, looking at a lot of stuff, but buying little. After we shared some cookies and Sprite, we came back home to relax.
Now the boys are in bed, and we are just enjoying some quiet before heading to bed to prepare for the week ahead.
Jackson's bottom right molar has popped through the skin. That makes 9 teeth for him. No sign of his other two bottom front teeth yet, but I'm sure they will come soon.
Lincoln is still holding at 12 teeth, but I think that will change before too long. His I-teeth on the bottom look like they are coming in, which probably explains why he was up in the middle of the night last night. He has also been quite rambunctious lately too. Hopefully they will come in quickly and we can get our patient, sweet little boy back.
Hope everyone has a great week! We are still patiently waiting to meet our new nephew!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Buzz cuts
The boys have desperately been needing haircuts, and we finally went last night.
Brian has been talking all week about buzzing their hair off - as it's been so hot, and poor Jackson sweats so much. I was nervous about it - and wasn't sure how it would look on Jackson as he doesn't have as much hair as Lincoln. But now....I'm thrilled we did it!
We didn't go super duper buzz short, but it's a lot shorter than it had been. It looks super cute on both the boys, and really helped Jackson a lot. He looks like he has more hair now!
But, don't let me be the only one to comment - check out the survey in the margin and let us know what you think!
Brian has been talking all week about buzzing their hair off - as it's been so hot, and poor Jackson sweats so much. I was nervous about it - and wasn't sure how it would look on Jackson as he doesn't have as much hair as Lincoln. But now....I'm thrilled we did it!
We didn't go super duper buzz short, but it's a lot shorter than it had been. It looks super cute on both the boys, and really helped Jackson a lot. He looks like he has more hair now!
But, don't let me be the only one to comment - check out the survey in the margin and let us know what you think!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
So Blessed...
Today was my 37th birthday.
My day started out with Jackson getting up early - he just couldn't wait to wish me a happy birthday. Brian and Lincoln also sang to me and made me feel very special.
Next, the texts and emails started - from friends, co-workers, and family.
I went out to lunch with friends from work to celebrate my special day.
On the way home from daycare, I called and talked to Lylah. She sang happy birthday to me, and asked me all about my birthday plans. She also told me about her day with cousins Peyten and Brady, and how she is still waiting for her new baby brother to arrive. Lyn returns to the doctor tomorrow to determine next steps. No baby on my birthday, but that's ok - he needs his own special day.
Dad called as we were preparing dinner. He wanted to let me know he was thinking of me today (and to call me an old battle ax - that's my dad!). I talked to mom for a few minutes as well, even though we traded emails throughout the day. After I wrapped up that phone conversation, Aunt Shirley called with her birthday wishes, and to check in and see how the boys are doing.
For dinner, we grilled steaks, had sweet potatoe casserole and sauteed zucchini and onions. A perfect meal for a perfect day. Aaron made me my favorite cake - pineapple upside down cake - for dessert.
After visiting with Aaron, my brother Rod called, and I just finished catching up with him.
Some people dread birthdays and growing older. But for me, my birthday is such a great reminder of how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life who love and care for me.
Thank you to everyone for their birthday wishes, and for remembering me today. You all hold a very special place in my heart.
My day started out with Jackson getting up early - he just couldn't wait to wish me a happy birthday. Brian and Lincoln also sang to me and made me feel very special.
Next, the texts and emails started - from friends, co-workers, and family.
I went out to lunch with friends from work to celebrate my special day.
On the way home from daycare, I called and talked to Lylah. She sang happy birthday to me, and asked me all about my birthday plans. She also told me about her day with cousins Peyten and Brady, and how she is still waiting for her new baby brother to arrive. Lyn returns to the doctor tomorrow to determine next steps. No baby on my birthday, but that's ok - he needs his own special day.
Dad called as we were preparing dinner. He wanted to let me know he was thinking of me today (and to call me an old battle ax - that's my dad!). I talked to mom for a few minutes as well, even though we traded emails throughout the day. After I wrapped up that phone conversation, Aunt Shirley called with her birthday wishes, and to check in and see how the boys are doing.
For dinner, we grilled steaks, had sweet potatoe casserole and sauteed zucchini and onions. A perfect meal for a perfect day. Aaron made me my favorite cake - pineapple upside down cake - for dessert.
After visiting with Aaron, my brother Rod called, and I just finished catching up with him.
Some people dread birthdays and growing older. But for me, my birthday is such a great reminder of how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life who love and care for me.
Thank you to everyone for their birthday wishes, and for remembering me today. You all hold a very special place in my heart.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Videos to share from Saturday
We were in Fort Recovery on Saturday for Brian's niece's high school graduation party.
The boys LOVED playing outside the entire day. Luckily, there was a huge tree over the play area which provided some much needed shade.
First, here is Lincoln enjoying his first horsey ride!
The boys also enjoyed going down the slide. First, here is Jackson - this wasn't one of his best runs, but the only one I caught on video!
Lastly, here was Lincoln enjoying the slide. Don't blink!
The boys LOVED playing outside the entire day. Luckily, there was a huge tree over the play area which provided some much needed shade.
First, here is Lincoln enjoying his first horsey ride!
The boys also enjoyed going down the slide. First, here is Jackson - this wasn't one of his best runs, but the only one I caught on video!
Lastly, here was Lincoln enjoying the slide. Don't blink!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Monday Monday...
Monday night was exciting in the Hart household.
We had given both the boys a bath, and I was reading a book to Jackson in the rocking chair in our bedroom. For some reason, Brian was heading back into the bathroom, and Lincoln ran after him. Unfortunately, he lost his balance, and fell into the door jam.
At first I didn't realize he hit the door jam - just thought he hit the floor, but then Brian said something about blood. I put Jackson down and went to scoop up Lincoln. He was bleeding pretty bad, so I just held him, and asked Brian to get me a cold wet washcloth. Lincoln fought me a bit, but I had to put pressure on his mouth to try to stop the bleeding. It worked for a while, but he had a pretty bad gash on the inside of his bottom lip. Brian went and got some ice cubes, and we let Lincoln just suck on an ice cube - strategically placed over the cut. :-)
Unfortunately though, he also had a cut on the outside, just under his lip. The more I tried to touch it, the more upset Lincoln got. We ended up giving Lincoln his bedtime milk to help calm him down, and he let me hold a wet paper towel on the cut on the outside to stop the bleeding.
We were pretty worried about how hard he hit, so I didn't want to give him any pain medication initially, so I held him until he went to sleep. He woke up about an hour later, and seemed fine, so we gave him some motrin then. However, we had him sleep in the Pack and Play in our room for the night so that we could keep a closer eye on him.
We were able to get the blood out of his clothes, and mine. There was a little drop of blood on the carpet, but I think Brian was able to take care of that. It really is amazing how much blood can come out of a lip!
Little guy has looked pretty rough the past few days, but its actually healing nicely. Brian has been applying Neosporin to the rug burn (door jam burn) so hopefully he won't have a scar!
That's the third busted lip in the past 3 weeks. Can we catch a break now?
First, Jackson pulled the highchair over on himself at mom and dad's Relay weekend and busted up his top lip. Then, Lincoln fell (well, Jackson accidentally tripped him) on the way into daycare a few days later, and he tore up his bottom lip. Guess we better keep a close eye on Jackson - it's his turn!
We had given both the boys a bath, and I was reading a book to Jackson in the rocking chair in our bedroom. For some reason, Brian was heading back into the bathroom, and Lincoln ran after him. Unfortunately, he lost his balance, and fell into the door jam.
At first I didn't realize he hit the door jam - just thought he hit the floor, but then Brian said something about blood. I put Jackson down and went to scoop up Lincoln. He was bleeding pretty bad, so I just held him, and asked Brian to get me a cold wet washcloth. Lincoln fought me a bit, but I had to put pressure on his mouth to try to stop the bleeding. It worked for a while, but he had a pretty bad gash on the inside of his bottom lip. Brian went and got some ice cubes, and we let Lincoln just suck on an ice cube - strategically placed over the cut. :-)
Unfortunately though, he also had a cut on the outside, just under his lip. The more I tried to touch it, the more upset Lincoln got. We ended up giving Lincoln his bedtime milk to help calm him down, and he let me hold a wet paper towel on the cut on the outside to stop the bleeding.
We were pretty worried about how hard he hit, so I didn't want to give him any pain medication initially, so I held him until he went to sleep. He woke up about an hour later, and seemed fine, so we gave him some motrin then. However, we had him sleep in the Pack and Play in our room for the night so that we could keep a closer eye on him.
We were able to get the blood out of his clothes, and mine. There was a little drop of blood on the carpet, but I think Brian was able to take care of that. It really is amazing how much blood can come out of a lip!
Little guy has looked pretty rough the past few days, but its actually healing nicely. Brian has been applying Neosporin to the rug burn (door jam burn) so hopefully he won't have a scar!
That's the third busted lip in the past 3 weeks. Can we catch a break now?
First, Jackson pulled the highchair over on himself at mom and dad's Relay weekend and busted up his top lip. Then, Lincoln fell (well, Jackson accidentally tripped him) on the way into daycare a few days later, and he tore up his bottom lip. Guess we better keep a close eye on Jackson - it's his turn!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
What are the boys up to?
First, Jackson is now up to 8 teeth! Yesterday, he let me put my finger in his mouth and feel around. Sure enough, his upper left molar is through the skin. Still waiting on those other bottom teeth though! I sure hope those come in before his bottom molars!
The boys are talking, talking, talking and learning, learning, learning!
There are several animals that if you ask them, they will tell you what noise each animal makes. Started out with ducks (as they have 4 rubber ducks in the bathtub), then we added cows, and sheep (they love to sing BaBa Black Sheep). They now know puppies, chickens, and horses too! We are trying to get them to "gooble gooble" for a turkey, and snort like a pig...that's a work in progress!
They love to sing songs - so we sing in the van, at dinner time, in the bath tub, and definitely during diaper changes! Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (as well as the Peek a Boo books) are helping the boys learn the different parts of their bodies. They really like the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If you're happy and you know it. If you ask them to sing the sheep song, they just say BaBaBaBaBaBa. It's totally cute.
I had the best surprise this morning though. Jackson was up at six as usual, but Brian got up with him. They played a bit, and Brian got him some milk, but brought Jackson upstairs around 7:00. He asked me to watch him so he could get a few things done. So, Jackson crawled in bed and snuggled with me. He was being really good (usually he crawls all over the bed) and cuddling up with me. We were talking, and I asked him where his belly was. Unfortunately, he had a onsie on, so he couldn't find his belly. Being a silly mommy, I pulled my shirt up a little, and showed him my belly. He laughed, and tickled my belly a little bit, and I thought that was the end of it....until he bent down and blew raspberries on my belly! We both laughed, and he kept doing it! I'll tell you, I can handle being woken up like that anyday!
Jackson has definitely mellowed out, and grown up a lot over the past few weeks. He's still very stubborn, and doesn't like to sit still, but he's getting there.
Lincoln is mostly even tempered, and still very patient. He's a bit taller than Jackson, and starting to learn that he's just as strong. It could be interesting in the coming months! But for every fight they have, they usually end up giving each other hugs too!
Long week ahead, but we'll be sure to share any fun facts that we experience!
Hope everyone has a great week.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
The boys are talking, talking, talking and learning, learning, learning!
There are several animals that if you ask them, they will tell you what noise each animal makes. Started out with ducks (as they have 4 rubber ducks in the bathtub), then we added cows, and sheep (they love to sing BaBa Black Sheep). They now know puppies, chickens, and horses too! We are trying to get them to "gooble gooble" for a turkey, and snort like a pig...that's a work in progress!
They love to sing songs - so we sing in the van, at dinner time, in the bath tub, and definitely during diaper changes! Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (as well as the Peek a Boo books) are helping the boys learn the different parts of their bodies. They really like the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If you're happy and you know it. If you ask them to sing the sheep song, they just say BaBaBaBaBaBa. It's totally cute.
I had the best surprise this morning though. Jackson was up at six as usual, but Brian got up with him. They played a bit, and Brian got him some milk, but brought Jackson upstairs around 7:00. He asked me to watch him so he could get a few things done. So, Jackson crawled in bed and snuggled with me. He was being really good (usually he crawls all over the bed) and cuddling up with me. We were talking, and I asked him where his belly was. Unfortunately, he had a onsie on, so he couldn't find his belly. Being a silly mommy, I pulled my shirt up a little, and showed him my belly. He laughed, and tickled my belly a little bit, and I thought that was the end of it....until he bent down and blew raspberries on my belly! We both laughed, and he kept doing it! I'll tell you, I can handle being woken up like that anyday!
Jackson has definitely mellowed out, and grown up a lot over the past few weeks. He's still very stubborn, and doesn't like to sit still, but he's getting there.
Lincoln is mostly even tempered, and still very patient. He's a bit taller than Jackson, and starting to learn that he's just as strong. It could be interesting in the coming months! But for every fight they have, they usually end up giving each other hugs too!
Long week ahead, but we'll be sure to share any fun facts that we experience!
Hope everyone has a great week.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
July bits and pieces so far
Hard to believe it is already the 10th of July!
After the long Relay weekend, we decided to stay home for the 4th of July weekend. Saturday we did a few things up around the house, and Brian worked outside on the lawn and landscaping.
Sunday, Brian went to early church at 9, and I went at 11. We've found that we each get more out of it if we go separately. The boys laid down for a nap after I got back from church, and once they woke up, we went out to run a few errands. Monday was a lazy day as we geared up for the week ahead.
This weekend we were home again. The boys were up by 7:00 yesterday, so we headed off to Winton Woods. We were hoping to take the boys to Parky's farm to show them the animals, but that didn't open till 11:00 - and we were there before 9:00. So, we lathered the boys and ourselves with sunscreen, strapped the boys in the wagon, and took a lap around the lake. After our walk, we let the boys explore the playground. It took a bit of convincing, but they finally came down the slide - very, very slowly. Of course, the camera was in the car. :-( But, you can trust me, it was really cute. Jackson crawled through the clown tunnel a few times, but Lincoln couldn't be convinced.
We left the park and stopped at Costco to get gas, and to pick up a few things that we needed before heading home. We heated up some leftovers for lunch, then tried to put the boys down for a nap. It didn't go so well. Each of them had napped a bit in the car, and they really didn't want to go to sleep. Unfortunately, I had a horrible headache, so Brian got stuck with the cranky tired boys who didn't want to nap.
Waffles and sausage for dinner seemed to do wonders for all of us. My headache finally started to ease up, and the boys love waffles. After dinner, we talked about going for a walk, but decided to take the boys to the pool for the first time this summer. We started out in the kiddie pool, but the boys were very tentative. They were uncertain about walking around, and didn't want to sit down in it either. I finally got Lincoln to lay back in my arms, and he was kicking and having a bit of fun, so I decided to try taking him to the big pool. He loved it. I put my arms under his and let him float. He laid his head back on my chest, and kicked his legs, and giggled. Seeing how much fun his brother had, Jackson then wanted to come in the big pool with mommy. So, Lincoln got out, and Jackson got to float around for a bit. However, it was getting late, so we headed back to the house for baths, milk, and bedtime.
Today, Brian and I went to separate churches again, and the boys napped for a bit this afternoon. Brian trimmed some more bushes, and worked in the flower beds while I cleaned up the kitchen from lunch, and prepared dinner. When the boys woke up, we made a trip to Meijer for groceries, and Dairy Queen for a cool treat. After sharing our blizzards, Brian began working on the picnic table. I helped for a while, but then needed to tend to the boys. Jackson somehow flipped a plastic container up into his face, and got a bloody nose. After playing nurse, it was time to make dinner, clean up, give the boys baths, and put them to bed.
Not looking forward to a full week of work, but hoping it goes fast!
After the long Relay weekend, we decided to stay home for the 4th of July weekend. Saturday we did a few things up around the house, and Brian worked outside on the lawn and landscaping.
Sunday, Brian went to early church at 9, and I went at 11. We've found that we each get more out of it if we go separately. The boys laid down for a nap after I got back from church, and once they woke up, we went out to run a few errands. Monday was a lazy day as we geared up for the week ahead.
This weekend we were home again. The boys were up by 7:00 yesterday, so we headed off to Winton Woods. We were hoping to take the boys to Parky's farm to show them the animals, but that didn't open till 11:00 - and we were there before 9:00. So, we lathered the boys and ourselves with sunscreen, strapped the boys in the wagon, and took a lap around the lake. After our walk, we let the boys explore the playground. It took a bit of convincing, but they finally came down the slide - very, very slowly. Of course, the camera was in the car. :-( But, you can trust me, it was really cute. Jackson crawled through the clown tunnel a few times, but Lincoln couldn't be convinced.
We left the park and stopped at Costco to get gas, and to pick up a few things that we needed before heading home. We heated up some leftovers for lunch, then tried to put the boys down for a nap. It didn't go so well. Each of them had napped a bit in the car, and they really didn't want to go to sleep. Unfortunately, I had a horrible headache, so Brian got stuck with the cranky tired boys who didn't want to nap.
Waffles and sausage for dinner seemed to do wonders for all of us. My headache finally started to ease up, and the boys love waffles. After dinner, we talked about going for a walk, but decided to take the boys to the pool for the first time this summer. We started out in the kiddie pool, but the boys were very tentative. They were uncertain about walking around, and didn't want to sit down in it either. I finally got Lincoln to lay back in my arms, and he was kicking and having a bit of fun, so I decided to try taking him to the big pool. He loved it. I put my arms under his and let him float. He laid his head back on my chest, and kicked his legs, and giggled. Seeing how much fun his brother had, Jackson then wanted to come in the big pool with mommy. So, Lincoln got out, and Jackson got to float around for a bit. However, it was getting late, so we headed back to the house for baths, milk, and bedtime.
Today, Brian and I went to separate churches again, and the boys napped for a bit this afternoon. Brian trimmed some more bushes, and worked in the flower beds while I cleaned up the kitchen from lunch, and prepared dinner. When the boys woke up, we made a trip to Meijer for groceries, and Dairy Queen for a cool treat. After sharing our blizzards, Brian began working on the picnic table. I helped for a while, but then needed to tend to the boys. Jackson somehow flipped a plastic container up into his face, and got a bloody nose. After playing nurse, it was time to make dinner, clean up, give the boys baths, and put them to bed.
Not looking forward to a full week of work, but hoping it goes fast!
June activities
Obviously, we've been very busy (too busy to blog).
June definitely kept us hopping. Last we blogged, Grandma Hart was down to visit for a few days while she underwent some testing. Didn't find much out, but trying a few medications, and seeing how it goes.
Aunt Lori (and soon to be Uncle Tyler) graduated from The Ohio State University on June 12th. Brian went to the ceremony by himself, as there was no way the boys could have sat through over 3 hours in the stadium. Wishing Lori and Tyler both luck with the job hunt!
For Father's Day, Brian wanted to take the boys to the Fort Recovery Jubilee Parade. He was sure that Lincoln would go nuts seeing the tractors. Instead, Lincoln chilled in a little lawn chair, and just watched everything go by. We ended up chasing Jackson around of course, but still fun other than the rain that fell toward the end of the parade. After the parade, we celebrated cousin Seth's 5th birthday with a jello cake and presents!
Brian's birthday was the 23rd. I made him a cake, but we were busy preparing to leave town, so he didn't even get a piece of cake for his birthday! We had a delicious chicken dinner with sweet potato casserole from Boston Market though, so he was happy!
We headed out around 8:30 a.m. on Friday 6/24 to head north for the Relay for Life event. We were able to join Mawma, Pawpa, Pete and Great-Grandma Hug for fish at Sam's just after noon. Jackson was more impressed with the tartar sauce than the fish, but they were both really good while we were out for lunch. While at lunch we saw Dick and Sally Steffes, and are so happy to hear that they are going to be grandparents again! Congratulations to Kim, Matt, and Bowen!
The Relay event itself was a very fun experience. We arrived at the fair grounds around 3:00 on Friday, and we were there till after noon on Saturday. The boys stayed with us the whole time. They love being outdoors! It was a bit chilly on Friday, and we had to break out blue jeans and coats for the boys (who would have thought we would need those in June). The event kicked off at 6:00 with the survivors lap, caregivers, then everyone walked. We walked for a while, then found some food for the boys (and us). Most of the evening was spent visiting with family and friends. The boys were up until around 10 that night, just because there were so many people around. After they completely checked out the tent, they laid down and went to sleep. Brian stayed and napped with the boys while I helped man the cookies and walked. Somewhere around 2:00 they both woke up - mostly as they rolled off the airmattress and were startled, not knowing where they were. We wrapped them in blankets, and snuggled them back to sleep pretty quickly. I decided to rest with the boys for a little while, so Brian took to the track from 2:00 till around 4:00 in the morning. I rested till around 6:00, then went back to fullfilling our team duties for the event.
Jackson slept till around 7:00, and Lincoln till almost 8:30. We were able to grab some pancakes and sausage, and then enjoyed the closing ceremonies. It was shortly after noon when we had the entire campsite cleaned up, and headed to mom and dad's house.
I am very proud to say that our "Counting Our Blessings" team raised nearly $5,000 for cancer research! This is more than twice our original goal, and quite good considering we didn't even start talking about the event until late January. Thanks to everyone who made a donation and supported our team in this endeavor!
The rest of the weekend was busy. We had a bit of lunch when we got back to mom and dads house, then went to cleaning things up, and preparing dinner. We had prime rib, baked potatoes, and salad for dinner, follwed by cake (Brian's birthday cake) and homemade ice cream. Thanks to Uncle Bryce for the prime rib, and for coming over to visit and spend time with all of us. Uncle Dave and Aunt Ruth came over later and had ice cream with us as well.
Sunday morning was packing things up, and getting things ready for Great Grandma Emmie's 83rd birthday party. It was great to see all of our aunts, uncles, cousins, and 10 of Gram's 11 great-grandchildren. the family has grown SO MUCH in the past 4 years! We hit the road around 4:00 to head back to Cincy, very tired from a great, but very long weekend.
All in all, June was a great month, full of celebrations and time with family. We hope you all enjoyed the first month of summer just as much!
June definitely kept us hopping. Last we blogged, Grandma Hart was down to visit for a few days while she underwent some testing. Didn't find much out, but trying a few medications, and seeing how it goes.
Aunt Lori (and soon to be Uncle Tyler) graduated from The Ohio State University on June 12th. Brian went to the ceremony by himself, as there was no way the boys could have sat through over 3 hours in the stadium. Wishing Lori and Tyler both luck with the job hunt!
For Father's Day, Brian wanted to take the boys to the Fort Recovery Jubilee Parade. He was sure that Lincoln would go nuts seeing the tractors. Instead, Lincoln chilled in a little lawn chair, and just watched everything go by. We ended up chasing Jackson around of course, but still fun other than the rain that fell toward the end of the parade. After the parade, we celebrated cousin Seth's 5th birthday with a jello cake and presents!
Brian's birthday was the 23rd. I made him a cake, but we were busy preparing to leave town, so he didn't even get a piece of cake for his birthday! We had a delicious chicken dinner with sweet potato casserole from Boston Market though, so he was happy!
We headed out around 8:30 a.m. on Friday 6/24 to head north for the Relay for Life event. We were able to join Mawma, Pawpa, Pete and Great-Grandma Hug for fish at Sam's just after noon. Jackson was more impressed with the tartar sauce than the fish, but they were both really good while we were out for lunch. While at lunch we saw Dick and Sally Steffes, and are so happy to hear that they are going to be grandparents again! Congratulations to Kim, Matt, and Bowen!
The Relay event itself was a very fun experience. We arrived at the fair grounds around 3:00 on Friday, and we were there till after noon on Saturday. The boys stayed with us the whole time. They love being outdoors! It was a bit chilly on Friday, and we had to break out blue jeans and coats for the boys (who would have thought we would need those in June). The event kicked off at 6:00 with the survivors lap, caregivers, then everyone walked. We walked for a while, then found some food for the boys (and us). Most of the evening was spent visiting with family and friends. The boys were up until around 10 that night, just because there were so many people around. After they completely checked out the tent, they laid down and went to sleep. Brian stayed and napped with the boys while I helped man the cookies and walked. Somewhere around 2:00 they both woke up - mostly as they rolled off the airmattress and were startled, not knowing where they were. We wrapped them in blankets, and snuggled them back to sleep pretty quickly. I decided to rest with the boys for a little while, so Brian took to the track from 2:00 till around 4:00 in the morning. I rested till around 6:00, then went back to fullfilling our team duties for the event.
Jackson slept till around 7:00, and Lincoln till almost 8:30. We were able to grab some pancakes and sausage, and then enjoyed the closing ceremonies. It was shortly after noon when we had the entire campsite cleaned up, and headed to mom and dad's house.
I am very proud to say that our "Counting Our Blessings" team raised nearly $5,000 for cancer research! This is more than twice our original goal, and quite good considering we didn't even start talking about the event until late January. Thanks to everyone who made a donation and supported our team in this endeavor!
The rest of the weekend was busy. We had a bit of lunch when we got back to mom and dads house, then went to cleaning things up, and preparing dinner. We had prime rib, baked potatoes, and salad for dinner, follwed by cake (Brian's birthday cake) and homemade ice cream. Thanks to Uncle Bryce for the prime rib, and for coming over to visit and spend time with all of us. Uncle Dave and Aunt Ruth came over later and had ice cream with us as well.
Sunday morning was packing things up, and getting things ready for Great Grandma Emmie's 83rd birthday party. It was great to see all of our aunts, uncles, cousins, and 10 of Gram's 11 great-grandchildren. the family has grown SO MUCH in the past 4 years! We hit the road around 4:00 to head back to Cincy, very tired from a great, but very long weekend.
All in all, June was a great month, full of celebrations and time with family. We hope you all enjoyed the first month of summer just as much!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
July special dates
July 9 - Great Uncle Shorty and Great Aunt Eileen Bruns celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary
July 12 - Nick and Monica Wappes celebrate their 8th wedding anniversary
July 25 - Seth and Angie Coles celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary
- July 6 - Great Aunt Jean Muehlfeld turns 52
- July 17 - cousin Addison Young turns 13
- July 20 - cousin Andrea Haas turns 18
- July 21 - Kate Hart turns 37
- July 22 - Pat Brocki turns 47
- July 24 - Great Uncle John Hart turns 63
- July 28 - Great Aunt Shirley Maier turns 64
- July 29 - cousin Wes Maier turns 4-0!!!!
July 9 - Great Uncle Shorty and Great Aunt Eileen Bruns celebrate their 62nd wedding anniversary
July 12 - Nick and Monica Wappes celebrate their 8th wedding anniversary
July 25 - Seth and Angie Coles celebrate their 2nd wedding anniversary
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