From the start, my boys have amazed me.
- We were so excited to be pregnant, then we found out we were having twins! AMAZING!
- We thought we had everything we needed for these 2 babies, but still made MANY trips to BabiesRUS after they were born. AMAZING!
- We have been mesmerized by every development as they have learned to sit, crawl, stand, and even walk. AMAZING!
The boys are talking more and more each day. We still can't understand most of it, but a smile automatically comes to my face when I hear them jabbering.
The boys say the normal things kids, da-da, uh-oh. Then, we started hearing the boys say each other's names. You really have to listen close to catch Jackson saying "Lincoln", but "Jackson" is pretty clear when Lincoln says it.
I wasn't really surprised to hear them say each other's names - they hear them ALL THE TIME. However, I was surprised when Lincoln started saying tractor. Seems like a hard word for a 15 month old. Aren't they supposed to say "doggie" or "book" first? Oh no....not Brian's son. He says tractor.
I think it all started with books. We have an A-B-C's of farm book that has a tractor in it. We also have a 100 Things that go book that has a lot of tractors. Additionally, "Santa" brought the boys a My Giant Tractor book. These are now the books that Lincoln always wants to read. He will bring them to me or Brian, then sits and points at the tractors and says the word over and over. It is adorable.
Lincoln's vocabulary is growing each and every day. We hear him say "thank you" when we hand him a cracker or his drink cup. He's starting to say cup and milk. And the past few nights, he has been saying "head" - which he has learned from school and us singing the Head Shoulders Knees and Toes song. Truly AMAZING!
Lincoln is more vocal than Jackson. Jackson jabbers, but we haven't recognized as many words from him, but they are coming. We can only imagine what all they will be saying by the end of the summer!
Hope everyone is enjoying the stories we are sharing!