Jackson had therapy this morning. Unfortunately, his cold is bothering him, so it wasn't as productive as it could have been.
The good news is that he has full range of motion of his head, so the muscle has been stretched out, and is staying stretched out. However, he is still tilted when he walks and sits (he does pretty good crawling). They have asked us to really work on the strengthening exercises using an exercise ball over the next few weeks. Then, they will evaluated him again in two weeks. The therapist is hoping that part of the issue is that he wasn't feeling well today. But, if there isn't much improvement, we may have to consider a collar that would help remind him to hold his head up straight.
Wish us luck!
Hope you all have a great week.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Our Family
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Pictures capture a moment in time, but they don't always tell the whole story. I'd like to share the story behind a few of our pictures in the past few weeks.
My three boys....
First up is this picture, that innocently looks like a picture of Brian and his boys playing and snuggling on the floor. However, there is more to the story.
Jackson has always been more of a "Mama's boy". On this particular evening, the boys were ready for bed, and Jackson was sitting on my lap. He fussed and wanted down, so I put him on the floor. He crawled over to Brian, and curled up next to him. Brian was so happy and proud, and is finally believing that Jackson loves him too!
Next, we have Lincoln....
Over the past few weeks, we've shared our relief and joy over how easily Jackson goes down at bedtime. The flip side of the coin is that Lincoln is VERY difficult to put to bed at night. We have to make sure he is fast asleep before we even try to put him in his crib, otherwise, he wakes up, cries, and wakes Jackson up too.
So, we've been doing the best we can - which mostly means we let Lincoln crawl and play until he looks sleepy, then we hold him till he's asleep, and put him to bed. However, one night, he was playing , then suddenly got quiet. This is how we found him! Fast asleep, laying on the floor. Unbelievable. If we put him in his nice, comfortable bed, he won't sleep, but on the hard floor - magic! This has happened a few times now, and seems to be the best way to get him to bed. Again, we are doing the best we can...
What's cooking?
I've asked my mom if any of us kids ever bothered her stove drawer, and she said no. Then, I asked my sisters...none of their kids have ever even noticed their stove drawer. So, what does this say about my kids?
The boys have been infatuated with my stove drawer for some time. It was always fun to see what they tried to hide in it from time to time. We knew it would happen eventually, and sure enough...Jackson decided to crawl into the drawer (thank goodness it wasn't on!). Getting in wasn't a problem - as he got into it on the side. However, when he tried to get out over the front of the drawer, it was a bit challenging. Don't worry - we caught him before he knocked his head (we paid good money for that beautiful, round noggin), but we got a pretty good laugh before we helped him out!
We hope you enjoy these moments as much as we did!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
My three boys....
First up is this picture, that innocently looks like a picture of Brian and his boys playing and snuggling on the floor. However, there is more to the story.
Jackson has always been more of a "Mama's boy". On this particular evening, the boys were ready for bed, and Jackson was sitting on my lap. He fussed and wanted down, so I put him on the floor. He crawled over to Brian, and curled up next to him. Brian was so happy and proud, and is finally believing that Jackson loves him too!
Next, we have Lincoln....
Over the past few weeks, we've shared our relief and joy over how easily Jackson goes down at bedtime. The flip side of the coin is that Lincoln is VERY difficult to put to bed at night. We have to make sure he is fast asleep before we even try to put him in his crib, otherwise, he wakes up, cries, and wakes Jackson up too.
So, we've been doing the best we can - which mostly means we let Lincoln crawl and play until he looks sleepy, then we hold him till he's asleep, and put him to bed. However, one night, he was playing , then suddenly got quiet. This is how we found him! Fast asleep, laying on the floor. Unbelievable. If we put him in his nice, comfortable bed, he won't sleep, but on the hard floor - magic! This has happened a few times now, and seems to be the best way to get him to bed. Again, we are doing the best we can...
What's cooking?
I've asked my mom if any of us kids ever bothered her stove drawer, and she said no. Then, I asked my sisters...none of their kids have ever even noticed their stove drawer. So, what does this say about my kids?
The boys have been infatuated with my stove drawer for some time. It was always fun to see what they tried to hide in it from time to time. We knew it would happen eventually, and sure enough...Jackson decided to crawl into the drawer (thank goodness it wasn't on!). Getting in wasn't a problem - as he got into it on the side. However, when he tried to get out over the front of the drawer, it was a bit challenging. Don't worry - we caught him before he knocked his head (we paid good money for that beautiful, round noggin), but we got a pretty good laugh before we helped him out!
We hope you enjoy these moments as much as we did!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
One year check up....FINALLY!
A Monday where everyone was healthy. Wow, what a great feeling.
Yesterday, we took the boys for their one year check-up.
Both of the boys are doing great. Jackson is struggling with a cold, but that's winter in Ohio.
Jackson weighs 23 pounds, 4 ounces, and is 30 1/2 inches long.
Lincoln weighs 24 pounds, 4 ounces, and is also 30 1/2 inches long.
Three shots for each boy, and we were on our way. Another item to check off our to-do list!
Jackson has therapy tomorrow, so we'll have a progress report on that later in the afternoon.
Hope everyone enjoyed presidents day...we did with our little presidents! Here is to a great week ahead!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Yesterday, we took the boys for their one year check-up.
Both of the boys are doing great. Jackson is struggling with a cold, but that's winter in Ohio.
Jackson weighs 23 pounds, 4 ounces, and is 30 1/2 inches long.
Lincoln weighs 24 pounds, 4 ounces, and is also 30 1/2 inches long.
Three shots for each boy, and we were on our way. Another item to check off our to-do list!
Jackson has therapy tomorrow, so we'll have a progress report on that later in the afternoon.
Hope everyone enjoyed presidents day...we did with our little presidents! Here is to a great week ahead!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Too much to keep up on...
You know how they say time flies when you are having fun? Well, it flies when sickness abounds too!
We've had a rough few weeks. The boys had strep just after their birthday party, then picked up a stomach bug when they returned to daycare. Lots of sick days for Mommy. Heading into this week, I thought the worst was behind us. Then, Brian phoned me at work - he had the flu. So, I was "single mom" for the better half of the week. Please pray that the germs are finished with our household so our guest can come next weekend!
What's new with Lincoln?
We hope everyone has a great weekend. It's a long one for us! We'll post more stories (and pictures...because a picture is worth a 1000 words) this weekend!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
We've had a rough few weeks. The boys had strep just after their birthday party, then picked up a stomach bug when they returned to daycare. Lots of sick days for Mommy. Heading into this week, I thought the worst was behind us. Then, Brian phoned me at work - he had the flu. So, I was "single mom" for the better half of the week. Please pray that the germs are finished with our household so our guest can come next weekend!
What's new with Lincoln?
- He is officially walking as of Monday (Valentine's Day). He takes 8-10 steps between objects, and his confidence is growing each day
- He LOVES books. Daycare had told me last week that after one of their snack times, they go out to another room and read books. Lincoln now knows this, and he heads for the door after snack time. At home, he loves looking at books, and enjoys his time with Daddy at night. His favorite book is "Toes, Ears, and Nose".
- Jackson's 4th tooth arrived Thursday night. It isn't his other front tooth - it's the tooth beside the front one he has, but his other front tooth should be coming through soon
- He has really matured a lot over the past few weeks. In the Tiny Tot room, Brian and I get to go into the room at night to pick the boys up. For the longest time, Jackson would start crying as soon as he saw me - as he wanted me. Now, he smiles and patiently waits while they put his coat on to get his hugs and kisses! We still need to work on his patience at meal time, but he is growing into a fine young man.
We hope everyone has a great weekend. It's a long one for us! We'll post more stories (and pictures...because a picture is worth a 1000 words) this weekend!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Thursday, February 10, 2011
How could I forget?
I guess I have a lot on my mind these days. In updating everyone on the development of the boys, I somehow forgot to share the cutest thing that the boys have learned in the past week - they learned to "blow kisses". :-)
It all started a few days after their birthday, when they weren't feeling well. The three of us were playing, and I was going back and forth kissing each of them on the top of their head. I noticed Lincoln making a sound, and soon realized he was mimicing me. When I was kissing them on the top of their head I was also making a "Mmmmmuuuuh" sound (think of when you exaggerate kissing someone and you'll know what I mean). It was so cute! My mind instantly went to blowing kisses, and the teaching began.
At first, Lincoln just continued making the noise, without putting his hand to his mouth. However, Jackson started putting his hand to his mouth, and "blowing kisses" (without the sound). Guess that's why we have twins!
However, since that first night, Jackson has learned to make the sound, and he blows kisses frequently (in the car, in his highchair - it really doesn't matter). Lincoln is still working on putting the two together - but he laughs and giggles whenever any of us do it.
I'll work on capturing some video to share with you all soon!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
It all started a few days after their birthday, when they weren't feeling well. The three of us were playing, and I was going back and forth kissing each of them on the top of their head. I noticed Lincoln making a sound, and soon realized he was mimicing me. When I was kissing them on the top of their head I was also making a "Mmmmmuuuuh" sound (think of when you exaggerate kissing someone and you'll know what I mean). It was so cute! My mind instantly went to blowing kisses, and the teaching began.
At first, Lincoln just continued making the noise, without putting his hand to his mouth. However, Jackson started putting his hand to his mouth, and "blowing kisses" (without the sound). Guess that's why we have twins!
However, since that first night, Jackson has learned to make the sound, and he blows kisses frequently (in the car, in his highchair - it really doesn't matter). Lincoln is still working on putting the two together - but he laughs and giggles whenever any of us do it.
I'll work on capturing some video to share with you all soon!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Special dates in February...
February 17th - Eric and Daphne Wolff - 4 years
Happy Anniversary!
A special note of congratulations to Uncle John Hart. He officially retired from the Coke plant. We wish him the best of luck in this new chapter of his life.
- February 1st - Matt Wappes turns 26
- February 5th - Mom (Judy Muehlfeld) turns 62
- February 10th - Aunt Sue Lynn turns 62
- February 15th - Aunt Marie Wolff turns 54
- February 19th - Uncle Larry Maier turns 64, Madison Ginter turns 14
- February 21st - Aaron (Muehlfeld) turns 30
- February 23rd - Brenda Willinger turns 55
- February 24th - Seth Coles turns 27
- February 25th - Nick Wappes
- February 26th - Aunt Pam Hart turns 65
February 17th - Eric and Daphne Wolff - 4 years
Happy Anniversary!
A special note of congratulations to Uncle John Hart. He officially retired from the Coke plant. We wish him the best of luck in this new chapter of his life.
Bottle Free....since Sunday
I've fallen behind on posting regarding the boys development. It's catch up time!
A few weeks back we started working on transitioning the boys off their bottles. Eliminating bottles during the day went well, and since then, the boys have only gotten a bottle before they go to bed. Since Sunday though, they've been taking their milk at night in a sippy cup as well. So happy to be packing up the rest of the bottles.
We've been trying to teach the boys to say hi and wave. Lincoln is starting to catch on. He waves, and makes a noise - it doesn't sound exactly like Hi, but he's trying. It's very cute, but we still have some work to do!
The boys are using their hands and arms more to try to communicate. Both of them hold their hands up over their heads when they want picked up, or want out of their high chairs. It is much better than just sitting their crying, leaving us guessing what they want.
Lincoln is really close to walking. He walks along the wall mostly, but just patting the wall with his one hand. We've seen him take 3-4 steps in between things. He just needs a bit more confidence and he'll be fully mobile.
Jackson has been walking for a few weeks, but when he would fall down, he would crawl to a wall or piece of furniture to pull himself back up. However, the night before his birthday, he just popped back up in the middle of the room! He really doesn't crawl much at all now, only when he's really tired.
I'm sure the boys will be learning more, and developing new skills really soon, and we'll be sure to share their accomplishments with everyone as quickly as we can!
Have a great week!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
A few weeks back we started working on transitioning the boys off their bottles. Eliminating bottles during the day went well, and since then, the boys have only gotten a bottle before they go to bed. Since Sunday though, they've been taking their milk at night in a sippy cup as well. So happy to be packing up the rest of the bottles.
We've been trying to teach the boys to say hi and wave. Lincoln is starting to catch on. He waves, and makes a noise - it doesn't sound exactly like Hi, but he's trying. It's very cute, but we still have some work to do!
The boys are using their hands and arms more to try to communicate. Both of them hold their hands up over their heads when they want picked up, or want out of their high chairs. It is much better than just sitting their crying, leaving us guessing what they want.
Lincoln is really close to walking. He walks along the wall mostly, but just patting the wall with his one hand. We've seen him take 3-4 steps in between things. He just needs a bit more confidence and he'll be fully mobile.
Jackson has been walking for a few weeks, but when he would fall down, he would crawl to a wall or piece of furniture to pull himself back up. However, the night before his birthday, he just popped back up in the middle of the room! He really doesn't crawl much at all now, only when he's really tired.
I'm sure the boys will be learning more, and developing new skills really soon, and we'll be sure to share their accomplishments with everyone as quickly as we can!
Have a great week!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Friday, February 4, 2011
Do we have a pattern here?
Both of the boys slept through the night again! I cannot tell you all how happy I am...and Brian too.
The boys are also sleeping in later in the morning, which makes things easier. This morning, we got up at our regular time, but we loaded tables in the truck and took out all of the garbage from the birthday party - yet walked out the door 10 minutes earlier than normal. We even had time to PLAY with the boys a bit. It was so refreshing.
The key? Getting completely around for work, loading the tables, taking the garbage out, packing our lunches and the boys bag for daycare before waking the boys up. It's easier and faster to get things done without 2 little boys trying to steal your attention! Plus, once we get them up, we can give them our full attention.
TGIF! Hope everyone has a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
The boys are also sleeping in later in the morning, which makes things easier. This morning, we got up at our regular time, but we loaded tables in the truck and took out all of the garbage from the birthday party - yet walked out the door 10 minutes earlier than normal. We even had time to PLAY with the boys a bit. It was so refreshing.
The key? Getting completely around for work, loading the tables, taking the garbage out, packing our lunches and the boys bag for daycare before waking the boys up. It's easier and faster to get things done without 2 little boys trying to steal your attention! Plus, once we get them up, we can give them our full attention.
TGIF! Hope everyone has a great Friday, and a wonderful weekend!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Jackson was as easy to put to bed tonight as he was last night! This is HUGE!
Lincoln took a bit more effort, but eventually went to bed. So far, not a peep.
Let's pray that it's another full night of sleep!
Lincoln took a bit more effort, but eventually went to bed. So far, not a peep.
Let's pray that it's another full night of sleep!
Oh what a night...
Sleeping the past few months has been a bit rough. If Lincoln sleeps through the night, Jackson doesn't. Since the boys share a room, we have to be careful when one of them wakes up that they don't wake the other one. So, for the past few weeks, one of the boys usually ends up sleeping in the pack and play in our room for part of the night.
Last night was different - right from the beginning.
As usual, the boys started getting restless around 8:00 when they normally go to bed. We bundled them in their sleep sacks, and gave them their milk. This usually puts them to sleep, and then we can lay them in their beds. However, last night, they drank their 4 ounces, and were still wide awake. So, we gave them 2 more ounces, and again, when they finished, they were wide awake.
I was feeding Jackson, but after the additional 2 ounces, I could tell he didn't want more milk. He was fidgety...didn't want down, yet didn't want me to hold him either. So, I decided I would just take him upstairs and put him to bed. Figured he might cry for a bit, but would eventually go to sleep. To my surprise, when I laid him in bed, he rolled over and went right to sleep! Not a peep!
Brian was shocked when I returned downstairs. We've read that night time can be that easy, but had never experienced it. We figured we would pay for it later.
Brian was still struggling with a fussy Lincoln, so I took over. Within just a few minutes, Lincoln was fast asleep in my arms. As an added bonus, he actually stayed asleep when I put him in his crib!
I enjoyed the rest of the evening, cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry, and finally retired to bed around 10:30. Imagine my surprise when I awoke and it was 4:47! The boys had actually slept through the night (and so did I)! They continued sleeping until just after 6:00 when we had to wake them so we could start our day.
I really hope that this means we are turning a corner, and that bedtime will involve a lot less drama. Please pray that tonight goes as smoothly!
Last night was different - right from the beginning.
As usual, the boys started getting restless around 8:00 when they normally go to bed. We bundled them in their sleep sacks, and gave them their milk. This usually puts them to sleep, and then we can lay them in their beds. However, last night, they drank their 4 ounces, and were still wide awake. So, we gave them 2 more ounces, and again, when they finished, they were wide awake.
I was feeding Jackson, but after the additional 2 ounces, I could tell he didn't want more milk. He was fidgety...didn't want down, yet didn't want me to hold him either. So, I decided I would just take him upstairs and put him to bed. Figured he might cry for a bit, but would eventually go to sleep. To my surprise, when I laid him in bed, he rolled over and went right to sleep! Not a peep!
Brian was shocked when I returned downstairs. We've read that night time can be that easy, but had never experienced it. We figured we would pay for it later.
Brian was still struggling with a fussy Lincoln, so I took over. Within just a few minutes, Lincoln was fast asleep in my arms. As an added bonus, he actually stayed asleep when I put him in his crib!
I enjoyed the rest of the evening, cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry, and finally retired to bed around 10:30. Imagine my surprise when I awoke and it was 4:47! The boys had actually slept through the night (and so did I)! They continued sleeping until just after 6:00 when we had to wake them so we could start our day.
I really hope that this means we are turning a corner, and that bedtime will involve a lot less drama. Please pray that tonight goes as smoothly!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
We're surviving...barely
Over the past few months, we've been planning and preparing for the boys first birthday. We were very excited as Uncle Rodney was coming in for the party too - and he hadn't seen the boys since they were just a few days old.
Unfortunately, the weekend didn't turn out quite like we had planned.
Thursday was the boys actual birthday. It started out great - the boys slept in, ate a light breakfast, played, and were ready for birthday pancakes at 11:00. They love pancakes - each of them ate two large ones for lunch. Everything was going as planned, until that afternoon - when Jackson started running a 102 degree plus fever. We weren't too worried as he was still eating and drinking, so we gave him some pain reliever, and hoped he would be better on Friday. No luck. In fact, it got worse, as Lincoln started running a fever too. Called the doctor Friday evening when Jackson's fever returned after only 3 hours, but we didn't get much help. Saturday morning, we took the boys to see the doctor, but walked away without too many answers. Doctor felt it was just a cold or viral infection, and as long as the boys were eating and drinking, we'd just have to wait for it to run it's course.
Guests for the big birthday party started arriving, and we warned everyone that the boys were under the weather, and they may want to keep their distance. Jackson only wanted me, but Lincoln was very content playing with his cousins. The boys perked up a bit opening gifts, and I was optimistic that the cake eating would be entertaining. Unfortunately our guests didn't really get to see the amazing personalities that the boys have developed. Lincoln reached for the candle, which stung his finger. After that, he didn't even want to look at or touch his personal little cake. Jackson was getting ready to dig into his cake, but the crowd got excited, and it scared him. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the party anyway.
Sunday was a rough day...the boys were less and less interested in eating and drinking, and it was time to say goodbye to family. The boys slept most of the day, which we felt they needed.
Monday, I stayed home from work with the boys, and we went back to the doctor in the afternoon. We were scheduled to have the boys 1 year check up, but it turned into a follow-up on the boys illness. We finally got an answer...but it was unusual. Our pediatrician told us it is very rare for kids this young to get strep, but he wouldn't say it was impossible. So, he did a strep test, to collect information and documenation. Both the boys tested positive for strep. So much for it being rare, right?
The boys have now had 4 doses of amoxicillin, and we are definitely seeing improvement. Jackson ate at all 3 meals today, and I saw him smile for the first time in a few days. Lincoln is still very fussy and clingy, but only slept for an hour today, so he is definitely feeling better too. Hopefully a few more days, and I'll have my sweet baby boys back.
Thanks to all our family and friends who joined us for the party. We loved seeing and visiting with everyone. Sorry if we infected any of you. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon, when the boys are feeling better.
Hope everyone has a great week...and stays healthy.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Unfortunately, the weekend didn't turn out quite like we had planned.
Thursday was the boys actual birthday. It started out great - the boys slept in, ate a light breakfast, played, and were ready for birthday pancakes at 11:00. They love pancakes - each of them ate two large ones for lunch. Everything was going as planned, until that afternoon - when Jackson started running a 102 degree plus fever. We weren't too worried as he was still eating and drinking, so we gave him some pain reliever, and hoped he would be better on Friday. No luck. In fact, it got worse, as Lincoln started running a fever too. Called the doctor Friday evening when Jackson's fever returned after only 3 hours, but we didn't get much help. Saturday morning, we took the boys to see the doctor, but walked away without too many answers. Doctor felt it was just a cold or viral infection, and as long as the boys were eating and drinking, we'd just have to wait for it to run it's course.
Guests for the big birthday party started arriving, and we warned everyone that the boys were under the weather, and they may want to keep their distance. Jackson only wanted me, but Lincoln was very content playing with his cousins. The boys perked up a bit opening gifts, and I was optimistic that the cake eating would be entertaining. Unfortunately our guests didn't really get to see the amazing personalities that the boys have developed. Lincoln reached for the candle, which stung his finger. After that, he didn't even want to look at or touch his personal little cake. Jackson was getting ready to dig into his cake, but the crowd got excited, and it scared him. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the party anyway.
Sunday was a rough day...the boys were less and less interested in eating and drinking, and it was time to say goodbye to family. The boys slept most of the day, which we felt they needed.
Monday, I stayed home from work with the boys, and we went back to the doctor in the afternoon. We were scheduled to have the boys 1 year check up, but it turned into a follow-up on the boys illness. We finally got an answer...but it was unusual. Our pediatrician told us it is very rare for kids this young to get strep, but he wouldn't say it was impossible. So, he did a strep test, to collect information and documenation. Both the boys tested positive for strep. So much for it being rare, right?
The boys have now had 4 doses of amoxicillin, and we are definitely seeing improvement. Jackson ate at all 3 meals today, and I saw him smile for the first time in a few days. Lincoln is still very fussy and clingy, but only slept for an hour today, so he is definitely feeling better too. Hopefully a few more days, and I'll have my sweet baby boys back.
Thanks to all our family and friends who joined us for the party. We loved seeing and visiting with everyone. Sorry if we infected any of you. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon, when the boys are feeling better.
Hope everyone has a great week...and stays healthy.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
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