The boys continue to grow, change, and develop each and every day. They are our "little men" now.
Earlier this month, the boys celebrated their first St. Nick day. St. Nick was very kind and brought the boys a dinosaur toy on wheels that they can walk behind, and eventually ride on. Jackson took right to it, and was buzzing around the kitchen in NO time. Since he was doing so well with the toy, I decided on 12/7 I would try putting him a few steps away from me to see how he did - and he took 4 steps to me! Of course, he wouldn't show the Muehlfeld clan this new talent when we celebrated Christmas on 12/11, but on Christmas Eve, he did quite well when we were celebrating Christmas with the Hart's. He's still just taking a few steps at a time, but he's getting stronger every day.
Lincoln was apprehensive of the dinosaur, but after a few days, he decided he could handle it. He grins from ear to ear pushing it around. Sometimes, his feet can't keep up with him. He is starting to take a few steps on his own, but most of the time he just leaps for me or Brian - forgetting to move his feet. He'll catch on soon enough, and then we'll really be in trouble.
What else is new with the boys? Well, Jackson finally sprouted a second tooth! His other bottom tooth (right bottom as you look at him) popped through on 12/9 when the boys spent the day at home with daddy (they were under the weather, running a bit of a fever). His top two front teeth are starting to come down, so although he didn't get his "two front teeth" for Christmas, I have no doubt they will be here before his first birthday!
Lincoln is holding at 6 teeth currently, but he's been drooling and chewing on everything. I probably need to get brave and put my finger in his mouth and check things out. However, he's been biting, and those little teeth are sharp!
The boys are REALLY good at giving "high fives". They laugh and giggle when their hand connects with mine. They still love to "Patty cake", enjoy hearing the "ABC's" (thank goodness, or we would never get their diapers back on), and are growing quite fond of the "Itsy Bitsy Spider". I guess all in all, they love being sung to - even if I'm not the best singer in the world.
The boys talk more and more each day. Lincoln gave me the best Christmas present when he finally said "MaMa" a few days before. For a while we would have "arguments" - I would say MaMa, and he would say DaDa....and laugh. Now he says both MaMa and DaDa, as well as BaBa, and other random syllables.
They both continue to enjoy food - pretty much whatever you put in front of them. They still love their fruit though - bananas, berries, pear, applesauce. They are so much like their daddy in that respect!
They love sweet potatoes, and of course pumpkin pie! They eat whatever I make for Brian and I for dinner, and we really don't have too many problems with them being picky about things.
Hard to believe that they are 11 months old. We are planning their birthday party, and look forward to celebrating this first milestone.
Hope everyone is well, and we'll write more soon.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Our Family
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Special dates in December...
I'm a little behind, but here are all the important days to celebrate the wonderful people in our lives!
- December 2 - Bill and Jean Muehlfeld celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary
- December 9 - Todd and Pat Burkholder celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary
- December 10 - Karen Zank celebrated a BIG birthday
- December 13 - Mom and Dad celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary
- December 15 - Cassie Scott celebrated her 25th birthday
- December 19 - Payden Schug turned 14
- December 26 - Joey O'Connor turned 11
- December 28 - Zoe Maier will turn 9 years old
- December 28 - Jerry Haas celebrates a birthday
- December 30 - Matt Schug turns 36
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