The boys are "visiting" the Tiny Tot room!
Ok...let me break it down. The boys are currently in the infant room at daycare. However, they are definitely more advanced than the other kids in their room. So, the next step is to transition into the Tiny Tot room.
This will mean a different schedule for them - snack at 9:00, lunch at 11:00. Then napping from noon to 2:00 (this part could be challenging with my boys!). Then another afternoon snack before mom and dad pick them up around 5:00. Please pray and keep your fingers crossed that the boys adjust to this new schedule quickly.
To help ease them into the transition, they have the boys visit for short periods of time to begin, then they keep extending the amount of time that they spend there.
Jackson went over for one afternoon last week. He had a lot of fun playing with all the "big kids". Today, both boys went over and spent some time playing, and they are both very tired tonight. (Hopefully this means I get to sleep for more than 3 hours!) Tomorrow, they are planning to have the boys visit for most of the day, including trying the new feeding/snack schedule. So, it appears that they will be Tiny Tots in no time! See, I told you my babies are growing up!
Our Family
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Who are these two little boys?
Each year, we struggle to get through the holiday season. So much to do, and no free time!
This year, we have even more to do now that our family is double the size. But before we get carried away with the hussle and bustle of shopping, decorating, and traveling, I want to share a snipet of life with our boys.
Last night, all four of us were sitting on the living room floor playing after dinner. We didn't have any toys...we were just crawling around, giggling, tickling, talking, and enjoying the moment. One of the boys started to crawl out to the kitchen, and I called to him....Jackson (sing song). And in the blink of an eye, he turned around and looked at me. Next, I said something about Lincoln, and then his little head spun around to see what I wanted.
They recognize their names, and they are starting to respond to them! This is fun!
We continued playing, and a few minutes later, one of the boys perched into a sitting position, and started clapping. The other one followed suit. We've been playing "patty cake" for the past few weeks, and they have now figured out how to clap! They get so excited - big smiles across their faces as they sit and clap their hands. It's truly amazing how much these little guys learn!
Patty cake has been a wonderful blessing in our house. We now use it to assist in cleaning them up after meals - I ask for patty cake number 1, and they give me one hand. After wiping that off, I ask for patty cake number 2, and they hold out the other hand. It's so much easier than fighting with them to get them cleaned up! They still don't like having their faces washed, but we are working on that!
We are also finding creative ways teach the boys what they should and shouldn't get into. Don't get me wrong, we still have a LONG way to go, so if anyone has suggestions, we are open to them!
The one thing that has been working for the past week is making a beeping sound whenever we get ready to close something that they are getting into (the refrigerator, pantry, dishwasher, etc.). Brian started it...BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP (imagine the sound a big truck makes when it is backing up), and we tell them to back up as the door is closing. Amazingly, they are starting to learn that when mommy or daddy make that noise, they need to back up before the door closes. Smart little boys!
Each day is more fun than the last right now. I see what they are learning, new skills they are developing, and cherish each time they react or interact with us. It is a little sad to think that my babies are growing up, but it is also exciting to think about what the future holds for ALL of us!
We wish you all a very safe, blessed, and happy holiday time. We hope you all find a few precious moments to cherish the extraordinary in your everyday life.
Love to all,
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
This year, we have even more to do now that our family is double the size. But before we get carried away with the hussle and bustle of shopping, decorating, and traveling, I want to share a snipet of life with our boys.
Last night, all four of us were sitting on the living room floor playing after dinner. We didn't have any toys...we were just crawling around, giggling, tickling, talking, and enjoying the moment. One of the boys started to crawl out to the kitchen, and I called to him....Jackson (sing song). And in the blink of an eye, he turned around and looked at me. Next, I said something about Lincoln, and then his little head spun around to see what I wanted.
They recognize their names, and they are starting to respond to them! This is fun!
We continued playing, and a few minutes later, one of the boys perched into a sitting position, and started clapping. The other one followed suit. We've been playing "patty cake" for the past few weeks, and they have now figured out how to clap! They get so excited - big smiles across their faces as they sit and clap their hands. It's truly amazing how much these little guys learn!
Patty cake has been a wonderful blessing in our house. We now use it to assist in cleaning them up after meals - I ask for patty cake number 1, and they give me one hand. After wiping that off, I ask for patty cake number 2, and they hold out the other hand. It's so much easier than fighting with them to get them cleaned up! They still don't like having their faces washed, but we are working on that!
We are also finding creative ways teach the boys what they should and shouldn't get into. Don't get me wrong, we still have a LONG way to go, so if anyone has suggestions, we are open to them!
The one thing that has been working for the past week is making a beeping sound whenever we get ready to close something that they are getting into (the refrigerator, pantry, dishwasher, etc.). Brian started it...BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP (imagine the sound a big truck makes when it is backing up), and we tell them to back up as the door is closing. Amazingly, they are starting to learn that when mommy or daddy make that noise, they need to back up before the door closes. Smart little boys!
Each day is more fun than the last right now. I see what they are learning, new skills they are developing, and cherish each time they react or interact with us. It is a little sad to think that my babies are growing up, but it is also exciting to think about what the future holds for ALL of us!
- Jackson
- officially "graduated" out of his helmet on Monday. We had his final measurement appointment, and he's continuing to grow, and his head is growing symetrically, so NO MORE HELMET!!!! (Can you tell I'm excited?)
- continuing to go to physical therapy every other week for his neck. The muscle is stretched, but we really need to be diligent in strengthening it now, so he holds his head up straight
- stands for long periods of time, and has tried to take that first step several times - but usually stumbles. I think he'll be walking by the end of the year though - he has such strong legs!
- still only the 1 lone bottom tooth, but the second one is trying really hard to pop through!
- has a million dollar smile that melts my heart every time I see it
- has the most unique and infectious just want to tickle him all the time!
- is quite the talker - especially in Meijer grocery shopping! (Hope we didn't embarrass daddy too much!)
- Lincoln
- pulls himself up on everything. will stand for long periods of time while holding on - but still not sure about letting go!
- has perfected the "death grip" on legs - you just about can walk with him holding onto you!
- has 6 teeth - 2 on the bottom, 4 on the top. He's been drooling and chewing on everything again though, so keep an eye out for more updates!
- is a bit more shy and reserved in public areas, or around large groups, but let's his true personality shine more and more through that toothy grin!
- has the "quiet laugh" that is may not necessarily hear him laugh, but it is written all over his face!
- is the "thinker"...he gives us looks occasionally like "why does his bottle have stuff in it, but mine is empty"
- is very patient and content - sitting in his high chair waiting to be cleaned up after his brother
We wish you all a very safe, blessed, and happy holiday time. We hope you all find a few precious moments to cherish the extraordinary in your everyday life.
Love to all,
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
A Thankful long week...
Throughout the month of November, we all have reflected on what we are thankful for in our lives. For me, family is always at the core of what I am most thankful for.
So, it was only fitting that we spent the week of Thanksgiving preparing to spend precious time together.
The weekend before the holiday was challenging, as Brian and I have been fighting bronchitis and sinus infections for over a week. The boys have been a bit fussy as well, and not sleeping well. Despite all of that, we were able to prepare for our visitors, and weren't too exhausted once they arrived!
The Muehlfeld clan arrived on Wednesday - Lyn, RJ, Lylah, and Knox along with Uncle Aaron were here for dinner. Mom and Dad arrived later - stressed out from the drive. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't exactly what we were hoping for. But, everyone arrived safely, and we enjoyed an evening of catching up and enjoying some cold beverages.
Thursday lunch was fabulous as usual. The turkey was perfect, as was the stuffing (thanks mom!). The green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad and rolls were great accompaniments. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and Grandma Wappes' cheesecake were the perfect toppers. Although it was challenging with the extra additions since last year, we were all able to gather around the table and share our meal. Lincoln napped a bit later than expected, but he made it up for dessert! It was a very joyous celebration!
The Willinger's left shortly after lunch to head to Louisville to continue the Thanksgiving celebration. We relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day, catching up on some sleep, and chasing the boys. Friday was a busy day canning chicken, freezer shopping, and just spending time together.
Saturday we hosted the celebration for the OSU/UM game. Nothing major, just our family, then Dick and Brenda Willnger stopped along with Grandma Kathy. It was nice to spend time with our extended family. All in all, a great day.
Sunday started with church at 9:00, then a whirlwind of a breakfast at Bob Evans. Why a whirlwind? well, with 2 hungry little boys, it flys by very quickly. I couldn't cut the potatoes, sausage, and pancakes fast enough for them! Even some of the other guests were laughing at how much and how quickly the boys ate. They were covered in syrup and pancakes from head to toe, and I think their bellies were filled to the brim, but they enjoyed every bite!
After breakfast, it was time to watch as family packed up, said goodbye, and headed home. It's always a little sad after they leave. The house returns to it's previous quiet, the rooms are all empty, and the laundry is waiting.
We made the most out of the day though. The boys took a nap with their full bellies, and Brian and I began working on the Christmas tree. We almost had the branches up when the boys awoke. We brought the exersaucers into the front room so that we could keep them contained, yet finish decorating the tree. The boys were pretty patient, with the assistance of some baby gold fish (Thanks Great-Aunt Marie!).
The end result - the tree is up, the stockings are hung, and the laundry is partially caught up.
So now, it is time to start preparing for the week ahead. Much to do to prepare for celebrating Christmas in 2 weeks with my family. Shopping, wrapping, Christmas cards, birthday invitations....we'll be taking advantage of every second we can get!
Hope everyone has a great week, and remember the real reason for the season!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
So, it was only fitting that we spent the week of Thanksgiving preparing to spend precious time together.
The weekend before the holiday was challenging, as Brian and I have been fighting bronchitis and sinus infections for over a week. The boys have been a bit fussy as well, and not sleeping well. Despite all of that, we were able to prepare for our visitors, and weren't too exhausted once they arrived!
The Muehlfeld clan arrived on Wednesday - Lyn, RJ, Lylah, and Knox along with Uncle Aaron were here for dinner. Mom and Dad arrived later - stressed out from the drive. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't exactly what we were hoping for. But, everyone arrived safely, and we enjoyed an evening of catching up and enjoying some cold beverages.
Thursday lunch was fabulous as usual. The turkey was perfect, as was the stuffing (thanks mom!). The green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad and rolls were great accompaniments. Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and Grandma Wappes' cheesecake were the perfect toppers. Although it was challenging with the extra additions since last year, we were all able to gather around the table and share our meal. Lincoln napped a bit later than expected, but he made it up for dessert! It was a very joyous celebration!
The Willinger's left shortly after lunch to head to Louisville to continue the Thanksgiving celebration. We relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day, catching up on some sleep, and chasing the boys. Friday was a busy day canning chicken, freezer shopping, and just spending time together.
Saturday we hosted the celebration for the OSU/UM game. Nothing major, just our family, then Dick and Brenda Willnger stopped along with Grandma Kathy. It was nice to spend time with our extended family. All in all, a great day.
Sunday started with church at 9:00, then a whirlwind of a breakfast at Bob Evans. Why a whirlwind? well, with 2 hungry little boys, it flys by very quickly. I couldn't cut the potatoes, sausage, and pancakes fast enough for them! Even some of the other guests were laughing at how much and how quickly the boys ate. They were covered in syrup and pancakes from head to toe, and I think their bellies were filled to the brim, but they enjoyed every bite!
After breakfast, it was time to watch as family packed up, said goodbye, and headed home. It's always a little sad after they leave. The house returns to it's previous quiet, the rooms are all empty, and the laundry is waiting.
We made the most out of the day though. The boys took a nap with their full bellies, and Brian and I began working on the Christmas tree. We almost had the branches up when the boys awoke. We brought the exersaucers into the front room so that we could keep them contained, yet finish decorating the tree. The boys were pretty patient, with the assistance of some baby gold fish (Thanks Great-Aunt Marie!).
The end result - the tree is up, the stockings are hung, and the laundry is partially caught up.
So now, it is time to start preparing for the week ahead. Much to do to prepare for celebrating Christmas in 2 weeks with my family. Shopping, wrapping, Christmas cards, birthday invitations....we'll be taking advantage of every second we can get!
Hope everyone has a great week, and remember the real reason for the season!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Friday, November 19, 2010
still eating...
We just keep trying new foods with the boys, and they keep eating them!
Both boys enjoyed tomato soup the other night. It was a bit messy, but that's what little boys are all about!
Last night, I made sausage and spinach stuffed shells. Jackson REALLY liked them. Each of the boys ate 1 1/2 shells, as well as some biscuit and banana.
Not sure what I'm making yet this weekend, but I'm sure they won't mind!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Both boys enjoyed tomato soup the other night. It was a bit messy, but that's what little boys are all about!
Last night, I made sausage and spinach stuffed shells. Jackson REALLY liked them. Each of the boys ate 1 1/2 shells, as well as some biscuit and banana.
Not sure what I'm making yet this weekend, but I'm sure they won't mind!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
9 month check-up and more
Unfortunately, our week didn't get much better after our last post.
First, please pray for the Thiel/Headly/Word family. They have suffered a tragic loss, and need all of the prayers and positive thoughts possible sent their way.
Please also consider being an organ donor, if you are not already. Organ donation is a tremendous gift that saves lives and provides hope for so many people in this world.
So, what were we up to last week?
Jackson's pink eye cleared up, and he returned to daycare on Wednesday.
The boys had their 9 month check-up on Thursday. They also received the second part of their flu shot. Hopefully they are all set for winter. Both boys are doing great - no concerns from the doctor at all.
The pink eye struck again! When we picked the boys up from daycare on Friday, Lincoln's right eye looked terrible. We started using Jackson's drops on him right away. However, this had some pretty big ramifications on our weekend.
The rest of this week we are continuing to clean out/organize cupboards, dressers/closets, the laundry room, and the office. Hopefully we can determine the best place to put a freezer, and also get the house cleaned up for our guests coming next week to celebrate turkey day! It's going to be a busy 8 days, but we are so looking forward to having company again!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Food update:
A few more new foods the boys have tried:
First, please pray for the Thiel/Headly/Word family. They have suffered a tragic loss, and need all of the prayers and positive thoughts possible sent their way.
Please also consider being an organ donor, if you are not already. Organ donation is a tremendous gift that saves lives and provides hope for so many people in this world.
So, what were we up to last week?
Jackson's pink eye cleared up, and he returned to daycare on Wednesday.
The boys had their 9 month check-up on Thursday. They also received the second part of their flu shot. Hopefully they are all set for winter. Both boys are doing great - no concerns from the doctor at all.
- Lincoln is 29 1/2 inches long, and weighs 21 pounds and 1 ounce.
- Jackson is 30 1/2 inches long, and weights 21 pounds even. (We don't believe Lincoln weighs more, but that's what the scale said!)
The pink eye struck again! When we picked the boys up from daycare on Friday, Lincoln's right eye looked terrible. We started using Jackson's drops on him right away. However, this had some pretty big ramifications on our weekend.
- We stayed home Friday night instead of heading to Toledo.
- We took Lincoln back to the doctor Saturday morning as he wasn't healing from his pink eye like Jackson did. They gave us some different drops, which are helping greatly.
- We finally made it to Toledo Saturday afternoon for Knox's first birthday party - and we had a great time! The boys slept nearly the whole way to Toledo.
- Saturday evening was fun celebrating RJ's 30th birthday with his family, friends, and neighbors.
- Unfortunately, the trip home Sunday wasn't as good as the drive Saturday. The boys slept part of the way, but were fussy the rest of the time. I rode in the back with the boys for about half of the trip - and ended up extremely car sick. We were all glad to be home Sunday night!
The rest of this week we are continuing to clean out/organize cupboards, dressers/closets, the laundry room, and the office. Hopefully we can determine the best place to put a freezer, and also get the house cleaned up for our guests coming next week to celebrate turkey day! It's going to be a busy 8 days, but we are so looking forward to having company again!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Food update:
A few more new foods the boys have tried:
- chicken fried rice
- grilled cheese
- lasagna
- blueberries, melon
- artichoke dip
- shredded turkey
- meat balls
- birthday cake (YUM! YUM! Carrott and Lemon Poppyseed)
- ice cream cake (thanks Daddy)
- stuffed pepper soup
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Another long week?
Well, I hope yesterday isn't an indicator for how our week is going to be!
We started out the day with Jackson's helmet appointment. We got some great news - his growth is slowing, and he is still in that acceptable range! This means we can begin weaning Jackson out of his helmet. Over the next two weeks, he only needs to wear his helmet for naps, bedtime, and car rides over 1 hour long. Then, starting the week of Thanksgiving - we will be helmet free! Brian and I are so excited! It will be like introducing our handsome little man to everyone all over again! We have one follow-up appointment on Monday after Thanksgiving just to ensure everything is going well.
Unfortunately, our good day ended there.
Jackson had awoken with a bit of a bloodshot eye, but we thought it was just that his cold was getting worse. However, daycare called around 1:30 - as the redness, and matter was now in both eyes. So, off to the doctor we went. He has pink eye. We have drops to put in both eyes three times a day (which is quite challenging with a 9 month old). We are also being very cautious to wash our hands, clean the towels frequently, and keep Lincoln away from him. Wish us luck!
The bright side - he is still our happy, smiley boy. Well, at least while the sun is shining. :-) Oh...and hungry!
Love to you all,
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
We started out the day with Jackson's helmet appointment. We got some great news - his growth is slowing, and he is still in that acceptable range! This means we can begin weaning Jackson out of his helmet. Over the next two weeks, he only needs to wear his helmet for naps, bedtime, and car rides over 1 hour long. Then, starting the week of Thanksgiving - we will be helmet free! Brian and I are so excited! It will be like introducing our handsome little man to everyone all over again! We have one follow-up appointment on Monday after Thanksgiving just to ensure everything is going well.
Unfortunately, our good day ended there.
Jackson had awoken with a bit of a bloodshot eye, but we thought it was just that his cold was getting worse. However, daycare called around 1:30 - as the redness, and matter was now in both eyes. So, off to the doctor we went. He has pink eye. We have drops to put in both eyes three times a day (which is quite challenging with a 9 month old). We are also being very cautious to wash our hands, clean the towels frequently, and keep Lincoln away from him. Wish us luck!
The bright side - he is still our happy, smiley boy. Well, at least while the sun is shining. :-) Oh...and hungry!
- When we picked the boys up from daycare, Miss Jen was sharing with us how bad Jackson's eyes looked, but commented how otherwise, he was quite himself. Then, she commented on what the boys ate for lunch - pancakes! She was amazed yet again by how much the boys eat. She showed us that a pancake is roughly 4 inches in diameter, then proceeded to tell us that Jackson ate 3 of them, and Lincoln ate 4 - as well as 2 turkey sausage links! And they each polished off their bottle on top of that!
- Last night for dinner, each of the boys ate 1/2 a Grands biscuit with sausage gravy, some broccoli and cheese, and half a banana for dinner. Then, Jackson had 10 oz of formula (vs. 6 usually) before he went to bed. Even with all that, he was back up at 6 a.m. for another 6 oz of formula.
Love to you all,
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson
Saturday, November 6, 2010
More teeth? Seriously....
So, Monday night, Lincoln got his 4th tooth. We were expecting that. He gets another one every few weeks or so. Imagine my surprise last night when I was feeding him dinner, and I see that TWO MORE have popped through! Yes, he has all 4 of his front top teeth through the gum now, then the two middle ones on the bottom.
Today, the little man wasn't quite himself - a little fussier than usual, but who could blame him! I think if he would quit bonking his face into the coffee/end tables, he'd be in a little bit better mood.
No new teeth to report for Jackson. He may only have one tooth so far, but man can he eat!
Last night, we picked up City Barbeque for dinner - pulled pork with BBQ sauce, sweet potato casserole, and mac and cheese. (Brian evidently promised the boys Friday morning that they could have mac and cheese for dinner - how could we not deliver!) Also came with corn bread. The boys really liked everything - especially the sweet, moist corn bread.
Tonight, we had chili for dinner, but something I put in it made it pretty spicy. Jackson ate the beans and meat, but not the tomatoes. Luckily, we had mac and cheese left! Dinner was topped off with tapioca pudding (homemade from Thursday) - and this time, neither of the boys threw it back up!
Hmmm....what should we try to feed the boys tomorrow?
Today, the little man wasn't quite himself - a little fussier than usual, but who could blame him! I think if he would quit bonking his face into the coffee/end tables, he'd be in a little bit better mood.
No new teeth to report for Jackson. He may only have one tooth so far, but man can he eat!
Last night, we picked up City Barbeque for dinner - pulled pork with BBQ sauce, sweet potato casserole, and mac and cheese. (Brian evidently promised the boys Friday morning that they could have mac and cheese for dinner - how could we not deliver!) Also came with corn bread. The boys really liked everything - especially the sweet, moist corn bread.
Tonight, we had chili for dinner, but something I put in it made it pretty spicy. Jackson ate the beans and meat, but not the tomatoes. Luckily, we had mac and cheese left! Dinner was topped off with tapioca pudding (homemade from Thursday) - and this time, neither of the boys threw it back up!
Hmmm....what should we try to feed the boys tomorrow?
Special dates in November...
- November 1 - Our 2nd wedding anniversary
- November 3 - Daphinie Wolff celebrates a birthday
- November 12 - RJ Willinger turns 3-0!!!!
- November 14 - Knox Willinger turns 1
- November 14 - Stephanie Wappes turns 23
- November 14 - Beth and Sean O'Connor's 12th wedding anniversary
- November 20 - Alissa O'Connor turns 7
- November 21 - Rod and Dennis' 21st anniversary
- November 25 - Dennis and LoisAnn Brunswick's 56th wedding anniversary (WOW)
- November 28 - Pete Hug turns 88
- November 28 - Wedding anniversary of Albert and Marceal Hart (Brian's Grandparents)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Visits, Visits, Teeth, Food, and Words
It's been quite a week!
Medical Visits for the boys:
Last Friday, we had a therapy appointment for Jackson. Still doing good - just need to continue working on his strengthening. This is getting harder the more mobile he gets! All we can do is keep trying.
Next week, we have a helmet check-up on Monday. Please pray that it is our last one, and we can start weening our handsome little man out of that helmet!
Next Thursday, the boys have their 9 month check-up, and second flu shot. Can't wait to see how much they have grown, and what the doctor thinks about everything they are eating!
Next Friday will be therapy again, so another busy week for us.
Visiting Family
After therapy last Friday, we packed everyone up in the car and headed north. The boys slept until we got to Greenville, so we stopped and grabbed some dinner. Next stop was Grandma Harts. The boys put on their Halloween costumes for her, and received a few treats from the Fort Recovery clan. Brian fed the boys their cereal and fruit, we visited a bit, then we were back on the road heading north for another 2 hours.
When we got to mom and dad's house, Lincoln was ready to go! He played with mom and dad for a while, and was awake till about 12:30. Jackson decided to wake up around midnight, and was well rested. So, we were up till 2 in the morning, and off and on all night with very restless boys.
Saturday was a great day. Jackson was up around 6:30, but we just played until Lincoln got up around 7:30. At 8:00 we fed the boys some banana bread and grapes for breakfast. Gaylan came to see the little ghouls around 11:30, and we enjoyed her visit. Aunt Lyn, Uncle RJ, Lylah and Knox arrived around noon, and we made homemade pizza for lunch - for the boys too!
After lunch, it was time to dress all the kids up in their costumes. We stopped by Great Grandma Emmie's first for Trick-Or-Treating. Then we were off to Great Aunt Marie's as well. Thanks to everyone for the great treats that we received!
We went to Blakeslee church at 4:00, then home to mom and dads. Great Aunt Ruth and Great Uncle Dave joined us for dinner so that they could meet the boys. They were amazed at how many potaotes and carrots the boys ate for dinner (plus roast and biscuits too). It was so nice seeing them and catching up. We wish Aunt Ruth luck with getting her surgery scheduled soon!
Great Uncle Larry and Great Aunt Shirley stopped by later in the evening. Lincoln went to bed fairly early, but Jackson didn't give in until after he had some apple pie and Carmel Cheesecake ice cream. thankfully, the boys slept better Saturday night, so Brian and I got some much needed rest. A great ending to a wonderful day.
Sunday was another fun day. The boys were up around 7:00 again, and had more banana bread to snack on. We made Cracker Barrel pancakes with real maple syrup for breakfast around 9:30. Jackson really tore into those. With everything he ate Saturday night, we couldn't believe how much he ate again Sunday morning. Guess he's a growing boy!
After breakfast, Lyn and RJ went to do some Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, we had to pack up and head back to Cincy. We were home shortly after 4:00, made dinner, and ate quickly. It was just before 6:00 when we were finishing up, and putting the boys in their costumes. They were so cute! We only took them to the one neighbors house, but we had fun passing out candy. It was a great first Halloween for the boys.
Monday, it was back to work, but we were far from having an ordinary week.
Staying home this weekend, and hopefully getting things around the house organized for our Thanksgiving guests, Christmas gifts wrapped, and maybe even a little bit of shopping done!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
We'll write more soon.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
New foods:
Cheese Rite's from MaidRite (it's a Mercer County thing)
Banana Bread
Homemade pizza
Roast, potatoes, and carrots
Homemade Cracker Barrel pancakes
Chicken and noodles
Broccoli, Rice and Cheese casserole
O'Charlie's biscuits
Baked potatoe soup
Chicken noodle casserole (daycare)
Spaghetti (daycare)
Turkey hotdogs (daycare)
Butter bread
Medical Visits for the boys:
Last Friday, we had a therapy appointment for Jackson. Still doing good - just need to continue working on his strengthening. This is getting harder the more mobile he gets! All we can do is keep trying.
Next week, we have a helmet check-up on Monday. Please pray that it is our last one, and we can start weening our handsome little man out of that helmet!
Next Thursday, the boys have their 9 month check-up, and second flu shot. Can't wait to see how much they have grown, and what the doctor thinks about everything they are eating!
Next Friday will be therapy again, so another busy week for us.
Visiting Family
After therapy last Friday, we packed everyone up in the car and headed north. The boys slept until we got to Greenville, so we stopped and grabbed some dinner. Next stop was Grandma Harts. The boys put on their Halloween costumes for her, and received a few treats from the Fort Recovery clan. Brian fed the boys their cereal and fruit, we visited a bit, then we were back on the road heading north for another 2 hours.
When we got to mom and dad's house, Lincoln was ready to go! He played with mom and dad for a while, and was awake till about 12:30. Jackson decided to wake up around midnight, and was well rested. So, we were up till 2 in the morning, and off and on all night with very restless boys.
Saturday was a great day. Jackson was up around 6:30, but we just played until Lincoln got up around 7:30. At 8:00 we fed the boys some banana bread and grapes for breakfast. Gaylan came to see the little ghouls around 11:30, and we enjoyed her visit. Aunt Lyn, Uncle RJ, Lylah and Knox arrived around noon, and we made homemade pizza for lunch - for the boys too!
After lunch, it was time to dress all the kids up in their costumes. We stopped by Great Grandma Emmie's first for Trick-Or-Treating. Then we were off to Great Aunt Marie's as well. Thanks to everyone for the great treats that we received!
We went to Blakeslee church at 4:00, then home to mom and dads. Great Aunt Ruth and Great Uncle Dave joined us for dinner so that they could meet the boys. They were amazed at how many potaotes and carrots the boys ate for dinner (plus roast and biscuits too). It was so nice seeing them and catching up. We wish Aunt Ruth luck with getting her surgery scheduled soon!
Great Uncle Larry and Great Aunt Shirley stopped by later in the evening. Lincoln went to bed fairly early, but Jackson didn't give in until after he had some apple pie and Carmel Cheesecake ice cream. thankfully, the boys slept better Saturday night, so Brian and I got some much needed rest. A great ending to a wonderful day.
Sunday was another fun day. The boys were up around 7:00 again, and had more banana bread to snack on. We made Cracker Barrel pancakes with real maple syrup for breakfast around 9:30. Jackson really tore into those. With everything he ate Saturday night, we couldn't believe how much he ate again Sunday morning. Guess he's a growing boy!
After breakfast, Lyn and RJ went to do some Christmas shopping. Unfortunately, we had to pack up and head back to Cincy. We were home shortly after 4:00, made dinner, and ate quickly. It was just before 6:00 when we were finishing up, and putting the boys in their costumes. They were so cute! We only took them to the one neighbors house, but we had fun passing out candy. It was a great first Halloween for the boys.
Monday, it was back to work, but we were far from having an ordinary week.
- Lincoln got his fourth tooth Monday night! His top right front tooth finally popped through! Yeah. Aunt Beth says they will fall out in the same order as they come in, so we are keeping track to see if that is true.
- Tuesday, the boys ate the school lunch for the first time. Chicken noodle casserole, carrots, and applesauce. Miss Jenn's first words to us when we picked them up - Man did they chow down on lunch! They had 2 helpings of both the chicken noodle casserole and carrots, and would have eaten applesauce all day long if she would have let them. They are enjoying eating real people food, and are such big kids at school now. Makes Brian and I happy too - we are hopeful we can cut out ALL BABY FOOD in the next few weeks.
- Tuesday night brought another very sweet surprise. Jackson said his first word - MaMa! My heart grew 2 sizes. Every day I look at my two beautiful boys and think I couldn't love them any more than I already do. Then they do something like that and prove me wrong!
- Wednesday night, Uncle Aaron came over for dinner and to visit with the boys. While he was here, Jackson decided he was going to stand up on his own! It was only for a few seconds, but he wasn't holding onto anything! Only a matter of time now...they will both be walking before we know it!
- Thursday night, both the boys were very happy and content. they played nicely on the kitchen floor while I made dinner and washed bottles. We played a little bit too. (check out week 40 pictures once I post them) :-) They ate great for dinner - roast beef, corn, applesauce, and butter bread. The two of them ate a whole piece of butter bread - on top of their meat, vegetables, and fruit! We may need to take out a second mortgage to feed these boys!
Staying home this weekend, and hopefully getting things around the house organized for our Thanksgiving guests, Christmas gifts wrapped, and maybe even a little bit of shopping done!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
We'll write more soon.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
New foods:
Cheese Rite's from MaidRite (it's a Mercer County thing)
Banana Bread
Homemade pizza
Roast, potatoes, and carrots
Homemade Cracker Barrel pancakes
Chicken and noodles
Broccoli, Rice and Cheese casserole
O'Charlie's biscuits
Baked potatoe soup
Chicken noodle casserole (daycare)
Spaghetti (daycare)
Turkey hotdogs (daycare)
Butter bread
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