Just a little shout out to Lyn and RJ. Congratulations on 5 wonderful years of marriage! Thinking of you today, and wishing you many more happy years to come.
The Hart's
Our Family
Friday, September 24, 2010
First word!
Hi everyone -
On Wednesday (9/22) Lincoln said "Dad"!
It is now his favorite thing to say (and the only thing we can understand out of all of his jabber)!
We are still waiting on teeth to pop through for Jackson (he's fussy enough...they should be coming), and I'm working really hard to get Jackson to say "Mom", but nothing yet.
They both love to stand up - and they pull themselves up on anything they can find. We had told the ladies at daycare they were pulling themselves up to stand, but they didn't see it till Wednesday. Lincoln was in the play area, and all of a sudden they saw his little head pop up - they were so excited! Not to be outdone, Jackson followed suit on Thursday. Now all we hear is how they aren't babies anymore - they are big kids!
Please wish us well on our drive tonight. I really hope I don't have to ride in the backseat between the two car seats the whole way!
Have a great weekend - TGIF!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
On Wednesday (9/22) Lincoln said "Dad"!
It is now his favorite thing to say (and the only thing we can understand out of all of his jabber)!
We are still waiting on teeth to pop through for Jackson (he's fussy enough...they should be coming), and I'm working really hard to get Jackson to say "Mom", but nothing yet.
They both love to stand up - and they pull themselves up on anything they can find. We had told the ladies at daycare they were pulling themselves up to stand, but they didn't see it till Wednesday. Lincoln was in the play area, and all of a sudden they saw his little head pop up - they were so excited! Not to be outdone, Jackson followed suit on Thursday. Now all we hear is how they aren't babies anymore - they are big kids!
Please wish us well on our drive tonight. I really hope I don't have to ride in the backseat between the two car seats the whole way!
Have a great weekend - TGIF!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Happy 60th Birthday to Paw-pa!!!!
We just wanted to wish my dad a VERY happy birthday today. It's a big one, so we want to make sure that he knows how thankful we are to have him in our lives.
Happy birthday dad! Here are to many more healthy and happy years!
Kate and Brian
We love you Paw-pa! We can't wait to play with you this weekend!
Love, Lincoln and Jackson
Happy birthday dad! Here are to many more healthy and happy years!
Kate and Brian
We love you Paw-pa! We can't wait to play with you this weekend!
Love, Lincoln and Jackson
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
More great things to share...
Hi everyone -
Obviously, the boys are getting more and more independent each day, which gives me more time to write about all the fun things they are up to. :-) Definitely a win/win situation for everyone involved, and we get to share how awestruck we are about each new skill that the boys develop.
Last night, Lincoln managed to get some puffs in his mouth! He got some in with both his right and left hand. This just means we are one more step closer to the boys feeding themselves! (I know, don't get too excited...feeding themselves also means more mess)
Jackson sampled some potatoes that I cooked with a roast Saturday night, and liked them, so last night I let him try some instant mashed potatoes and a tiny piece of noodle. He goobled them both right up! Might have to try pancakes or french toast this weekend!
Unfortunately, Brian took Lincoln to see Dr. Korn this morning. He's fine - he just broke out in a rash sometime yesterday, and when they looked at it at daycare this morning, they didn't think he should stay. He wasn't running a fever, eating fine, and is still the happy little boy he always is. Dr. Korn looked at his rash, and concluded it must be viral. It's not contagious, so he (and the doctor's note) will head back to daycare tomorrow.
Brian went and picked Jackson up at daycare a few minutes ago, and when he got home and saw Lincoln, he got a HUGE smile on his face! Today was the first time that Jackson has went to daycare without Lincoln. I think he missed his "big" brother a little bit. Daycare said Jackson was a bit fussier than ususal, but that could be his teeth too.
Well, I think that's all on the events of the past few days. We'll write more soon!
Hope everyone is having a great week.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Obviously, the boys are getting more and more independent each day, which gives me more time to write about all the fun things they are up to. :-) Definitely a win/win situation for everyone involved, and we get to share how awestruck we are about each new skill that the boys develop.
Last night, Lincoln managed to get some puffs in his mouth! He got some in with both his right and left hand. This just means we are one more step closer to the boys feeding themselves! (I know, don't get too excited...feeding themselves also means more mess)
Jackson sampled some potatoes that I cooked with a roast Saturday night, and liked them, so last night I let him try some instant mashed potatoes and a tiny piece of noodle. He goobled them both right up! Might have to try pancakes or french toast this weekend!
Unfortunately, Brian took Lincoln to see Dr. Korn this morning. He's fine - he just broke out in a rash sometime yesterday, and when they looked at it at daycare this morning, they didn't think he should stay. He wasn't running a fever, eating fine, and is still the happy little boy he always is. Dr. Korn looked at his rash, and concluded it must be viral. It's not contagious, so he (and the doctor's note) will head back to daycare tomorrow.
Brian went and picked Jackson up at daycare a few minutes ago, and when he got home and saw Lincoln, he got a HUGE smile on his face! Today was the first time that Jackson has went to daycare without Lincoln. I think he missed his "big" brother a little bit. Daycare said Jackson was a bit fussier than ususal, but that could be his teeth too.
Well, I think that's all on the events of the past few days. We'll write more soon!
Hope everyone is having a great week.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I'm the luckiest mommy in the world...
This weekend was a great weekend. Friday night, we ran a few errands (Target and Sam's club) then came home, had a frozen pizza for dinner, and just relaxed a bit.
Saturday, we got up and cleaned the whole house - it looks so nice! The boys were great and played or napped most of the morning, which gave us 3 hours of uninterrupted time (well, mostly uninterrupted) to get the place spiffed up. We had some lunch, then Brian watched the boys for a few hours so that I could go get my hair cut and colored. When I got home, we went to the grocery store - the whole family! We can't remember the last time we ALL went to the grocery store. I appreciated having some assistance with the shopping.
Lincoln's second tooth popped in (his bottom left, right next to the first one that came in) on Saturday. We are patiently awaiting Jackson's first tooth to arrive, as he has been very fussy in the evenings. We just want our happy Jackson all the time!
Saturday night, our friends Nick and Jenny were in the neighborhood, and stopped by to see the boys and visit. It was so nice to share our little guys with them, and to catch up with what is going on.
Last night was a bit rough - both of the boys were up off and on throughout the night, so Brian got up with the boys this morning, and let me sleep in. Once I decided to get out of bed and start the day, we rushed around and went to church. After church, we ate a bit of lunch, then Brian headed off to Fort Recovery to see how his mom is doing now that she is home. So, it was just me and the boys all afternoon. It was so nice to spend time with them. They each napped a bit which allowed me to go through their clothes and pack up some of their smaller things. Hard to believe how much they have grown over the past 8 months.
However, the highlight of the weekend was later this afternoon when we were all sitting on the floor, and both of the boys crawled up in my lap. They were both very happy, laughing, and trying to climb all over me. That was when I realized I am the luckiest mommy in the world, because I have two of the best little guys ever. They continue to amaze me each day with the different things they learn, the smiles they flash at just the right time, and the hugs and laughs that they share with us. This is what we fought so hard for, and this is what really matters in life. It just doesn't get any better than having two happy babies sitting on your lap, just sharing their love with you.
Hope everyone has a great week. Please pray for my mom that when they remove her catheter AGAIN tomorrow, that her bladder has healed enough and functions properly so that she doesn't have to have it reinserted.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Saturday, we got up and cleaned the whole house - it looks so nice! The boys were great and played or napped most of the morning, which gave us 3 hours of uninterrupted time (well, mostly uninterrupted) to get the place spiffed up. We had some lunch, then Brian watched the boys for a few hours so that I could go get my hair cut and colored. When I got home, we went to the grocery store - the whole family! We can't remember the last time we ALL went to the grocery store. I appreciated having some assistance with the shopping.
Lincoln's second tooth popped in (his bottom left, right next to the first one that came in) on Saturday. We are patiently awaiting Jackson's first tooth to arrive, as he has been very fussy in the evenings. We just want our happy Jackson all the time!
Saturday night, our friends Nick and Jenny were in the neighborhood, and stopped by to see the boys and visit. It was so nice to share our little guys with them, and to catch up with what is going on.
Last night was a bit rough - both of the boys were up off and on throughout the night, so Brian got up with the boys this morning, and let me sleep in. Once I decided to get out of bed and start the day, we rushed around and went to church. After church, we ate a bit of lunch, then Brian headed off to Fort Recovery to see how his mom is doing now that she is home. So, it was just me and the boys all afternoon. It was so nice to spend time with them. They each napped a bit which allowed me to go through their clothes and pack up some of their smaller things. Hard to believe how much they have grown over the past 8 months.
However, the highlight of the weekend was later this afternoon when we were all sitting on the floor, and both of the boys crawled up in my lap. They were both very happy, laughing, and trying to climb all over me. That was when I realized I am the luckiest mommy in the world, because I have two of the best little guys ever. They continue to amaze me each day with the different things they learn, the smiles they flash at just the right time, and the hugs and laughs that they share with us. This is what we fought so hard for, and this is what really matters in life. It just doesn't get any better than having two happy babies sitting on your lap, just sharing their love with you.
Hope everyone has a great week. Please pray for my mom that when they remove her catheter AGAIN tomorrow, that her bladder has healed enough and functions properly so that she doesn't have to have it reinserted.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Thursday, September 16, 2010
For those of you waiting...
The Good Lord headed my prayers last night. Jackson slept until 4:50 this morning. :-)
Little Lincoln would sleep till 7:00 or so, but we had to wake him up at 5:45.
Happy Thursday!
Little Lincoln would sleep till 7:00 or so, but we had to wake him up at 5:45.
Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What a beautiful day!
Wow, today was one of those days where everything was either going terribly wrong, or wonderful.
However, at the end of the day, the high points of the day outweigh the low points.
It's just been a frustrating few days with TWO teething little boys. (Sigh)
So, althought I'm exhausted, and the house looks like a tornado hit it, I'm very thankful for the blessings that God bestowed on us today...even the cranky little guys who now look like perfect angels sleeping in their bed. Maybe God will grant us just one more miracle for today and they will both sleep till 5:30? OK...I'm just being greedy. Guess I'll retire, recharge my battery, and prepare to tackle tomorrow. Besides, the weekend is right around the corner!
God Bless you all.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
However, at the end of the day, the high points of the day outweigh the low points.
- After nearly 4 months, Grandma Hart went home today! She was checked out of the Drake Center before 1:00. We definitely had our moments over the past few months wondering if this day would ever come. We are thankful the surgery was a success, and she was able to overcome her breathing obstacles. She still has a bit of work with regaining her strength, and learning what and how much of things to eat, but that will all come in due time.
- Mawma was released from the hospital. She had a bit of a setback after leaving, and had to return to the ER and have a catheter reinserted, but she is now home, and resting . The catheter will be removed again on Friday, and hopefully her bladder will be healed and working appropriately.
- Jackson had a wonderful therapy session! Since Grandma Hart was released so early today, Brian was able to go to therapy with us. Hopefully, he'll have more time at home now, and can become more involved in JT's therapy. We need to continue stretching his muscle in his neck, but we are getting close to being ready to switch our focus from stretching to strengthening. Yeah!
- Jackson surprised his therapist a bit today....as he took 5 really good "steps" crawling today! I guess we can officially say he is crawling (althought somewhat unconventionally at times), as when he raced Lincoln last night across the kitchen floor, Jackson definitely was quicker!
It's just been a frustrating few days with TWO teething little boys. (Sigh)
- They want to be held constantly, which is getting more challenging the bigger and more mobile they get.
- Spit ups have become more common for both of them.
- Bedtime is just chaos. They are so tired, but fight going to sleep.
- Jackson is going through a phase where he swats his bottle away and doesn't want to drink it - this usually happens when he is tired, and he knows that if he drinks his bottle, he will relax and go to sleep.
So, althought I'm exhausted, and the house looks like a tornado hit it, I'm very thankful for the blessings that God bestowed on us today...even the cranky little guys who now look like perfect angels sleeping in their bed. Maybe God will grant us just one more miracle for today and they will both sleep till 5:30? OK...I'm just being greedy. Guess I'll retire, recharge my battery, and prepare to tackle tomorrow. Besides, the weekend is right around the corner!
God Bless you all.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Catching up...
Today, we have LOTS of good news to share!
Hopefully by end of day tomorrow, we will have all Grandparents HOME!
Grandma Hart is scheduled to be released from the Drake center tomorrow. It has been a very long 3 1/2 months, and she is greatly looking forward to going home. Thank you to everyone for the prayers and support during this time!
My mom had her surgery yesterday to repair her bladder. Everything went VERY WELL. She was sitting up, talking, and eating chicken broth, jello, and ice cream treats when we left the hospital last night. Definitely a much better day than January 7th! The doctor is hopeful that she will find relief, and will be on her way home tomorrow as well.
So, now we just need to get Jackson to 100%, and we can hopefully stay away from the doctor other than check-ups for a while. Jackson is getting there - still improving on his head measurements, and therapy keeps adding new stretches/strengthening exercises. We will get there!
So, what have we been doing otherwise?
August 28th we traveled to Fort Recovery for the Hart Reunion. It was so great to see everyone, and to introduce quite a few people to the boys. Good food, conversation, and beautiful weather made it a great day!
Congratulations to Joe and Marie Shaneyfelt - they welcomed a precious baby girl on 8/27! Welcome to the family Mackenzie!
Labor Day weekend we spent in Cincinnati with my parents. Mom and Dad hadn't seen the boys in 4 weeks, so they were anxious to see how they had grown and what new skills they have. We went to church Saturday evening, and Jackson met his future wife. :-) There was a little girl probably a few months older than the boys sitting in the pew in front of us. The two of them sat and smiled and laughed at each other through most of the homily. Unfortunately, we drew attention to ourselves as Jackson's laugh is adorable - and very loud (especially in a quiet church that echos). It was very cute none-the-less! After church, we grilled steaks and spent a nice quiet night in.
Sunday we made breakfast, then went to visit Grandma Hart for a bit. After an early dinner, we packed snacks and drinks in the van and traveled downtown for Riverfest. It was the boys first experience with fireworks. They really didn't bother Jackson at all. Lincoln however was a bit more jumpy, and cried after the "tests" went off. Once the big show started, he was just fine (as long as he was on Mommy's lap). Both the boys were drawn to the bright colors....for about 10 minutes. Then, they understood what all the hooplah was about, and went to sleep.
Monday brought a trip to Five Guys for lunch with Aaron, Mom, and Dad before they hit the road for home. We took the boys to visit Grandma Hart again, then settled in for a relaxing night.
This past weekend we traveled to Toledo on Saturday morning so I could pick Lyn, RJ, Lylah and Knox up at the Detroit airport that afternoon. They had a great week in Texas, but wish it would have been under better circumstances.
Sunday was church, breakfast, then a special little treat. My cousin Chad and Cassie had a beautiful baby boy early on Saturday morning, so we went to visit and welcome the newest member of the Muehlfeld clan! Levi Michael joined us at 2:11 a.m. on 9/11. He was 19 inches long, and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. He is perfect! Congratulations Chad and Cassie - the boys can't wait to play with Levi at future family get togethers!
That afternoon, Brian and I got a taste of what it would be like to be parents of 4 kids, as we watched Lylah and Knox for a few hours. It was challenging, but everyone survived and no body parts were lost! We all enjoyed a nice dinner together, then conversation to catch up on the Willinger's trip to Texas. Everett Caldwell will always be remembered, and Melody and her girls were so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful man in their lives!
Monday was a very long day. Lincoln was up at 4:30 for breakfast, then Jackson was up around 6:00 (this is the downside to getting them up early through the week - no sleeping on on the weekend!). We got ready for our day, and packed as much of our stuff up as we could in the morning. Mom and Dad stopped by Lyn's around 9:30 to visit a bit before heading to the hospital. We grabbed lunch quick, then headed to the hospital around 12:15. The adults were able to see mom quickly before they took her into surgery, then it was more waiting. So, we took my dad to visit Chad, Cassie and Levi to help pass the time.
Around 3:00, we talked with one of the doctor's involved in the surgery, and were notified that everything went great. However, it wasn't until nearly 6:00 that we got to see mom. By that time, she was fully awake, and in her hosptial room. She looked great, and was talking to all of us. What a relief.
Brian, the boys and I left the hospital around 6:30, went to Lyn's, and then the whirlwind began. We were packing the car, eating dinner, and feeding the boys - all at the same time. God Bless Lyn and RJ for heating up soup for us for dinner, and helping with feeding the boys so that we could get on the road. We left Toledo around 7:45, knowing it would be late when we arrived home. The construction and an accident around Dayton didn't help us, and it was about 11:40 before we arrived home. It was a very late night, but we are so glad that we were able to spend the day with Dad and my sisters, and be there to support mom this time, since we weren't able to be there in January.
This week will likely fly by like the past few, since it is Tuesday already. Tonight, we are taking the boys to visit Grandma Hart one last time before she heads home tomorrow. Uncle John and Aunt Pam are coming down to visit today too, so we are looking forward to seeing them for a bit.
Tomorrow is therapy for Jackson, so my work day gets broken up a bit.
The rest of the week I'll be spending trying to put the house back together, as we are expecting some friends to stop by and see the boys this weekend.
The weekend is all ours - hopefully we can organize the house, the boys clothes, do a little shopping, and I'm evening crossing my fingers that I can get my hair cut! Plus, we'll have to spend time with the boys!
We'll keep posting as the boys develop new skills. It is so much fun to see what they learn each day!
Hope everyone is having a great September, and we'll write more again soon.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson.
Special dates to note:
Hopefully by end of day tomorrow, we will have all Grandparents HOME!
Grandma Hart is scheduled to be released from the Drake center tomorrow. It has been a very long 3 1/2 months, and she is greatly looking forward to going home. Thank you to everyone for the prayers and support during this time!
My mom had her surgery yesterday to repair her bladder. Everything went VERY WELL. She was sitting up, talking, and eating chicken broth, jello, and ice cream treats when we left the hospital last night. Definitely a much better day than January 7th! The doctor is hopeful that she will find relief, and will be on her way home tomorrow as well.
So, now we just need to get Jackson to 100%, and we can hopefully stay away from the doctor other than check-ups for a while. Jackson is getting there - still improving on his head measurements, and therapy keeps adding new stretches/strengthening exercises. We will get there!
So, what have we been doing otherwise?
August 28th we traveled to Fort Recovery for the Hart Reunion. It was so great to see everyone, and to introduce quite a few people to the boys. Good food, conversation, and beautiful weather made it a great day!
Congratulations to Joe and Marie Shaneyfelt - they welcomed a precious baby girl on 8/27! Welcome to the family Mackenzie!
Labor Day weekend we spent in Cincinnati with my parents. Mom and Dad hadn't seen the boys in 4 weeks, so they were anxious to see how they had grown and what new skills they have. We went to church Saturday evening, and Jackson met his future wife. :-) There was a little girl probably a few months older than the boys sitting in the pew in front of us. The two of them sat and smiled and laughed at each other through most of the homily. Unfortunately, we drew attention to ourselves as Jackson's laugh is adorable - and very loud (especially in a quiet church that echos). It was very cute none-the-less! After church, we grilled steaks and spent a nice quiet night in.
Sunday we made breakfast, then went to visit Grandma Hart for a bit. After an early dinner, we packed snacks and drinks in the van and traveled downtown for Riverfest. It was the boys first experience with fireworks. They really didn't bother Jackson at all. Lincoln however was a bit more jumpy, and cried after the "tests" went off. Once the big show started, he was just fine (as long as he was on Mommy's lap). Both the boys were drawn to the bright colors....for about 10 minutes. Then, they understood what all the hooplah was about, and went to sleep.
Monday brought a trip to Five Guys for lunch with Aaron, Mom, and Dad before they hit the road for home. We took the boys to visit Grandma Hart again, then settled in for a relaxing night.
This past weekend we traveled to Toledo on Saturday morning so I could pick Lyn, RJ, Lylah and Knox up at the Detroit airport that afternoon. They had a great week in Texas, but wish it would have been under better circumstances.
Sunday was church, breakfast, then a special little treat. My cousin Chad and Cassie had a beautiful baby boy early on Saturday morning, so we went to visit and welcome the newest member of the Muehlfeld clan! Levi Michael joined us at 2:11 a.m. on 9/11. He was 19 inches long, and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. He is perfect! Congratulations Chad and Cassie - the boys can't wait to play with Levi at future family get togethers!
That afternoon, Brian and I got a taste of what it would be like to be parents of 4 kids, as we watched Lylah and Knox for a few hours. It was challenging, but everyone survived and no body parts were lost! We all enjoyed a nice dinner together, then conversation to catch up on the Willinger's trip to Texas. Everett Caldwell will always be remembered, and Melody and her girls were so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful man in their lives!
Monday was a very long day. Lincoln was up at 4:30 for breakfast, then Jackson was up around 6:00 (this is the downside to getting them up early through the week - no sleeping on on the weekend!). We got ready for our day, and packed as much of our stuff up as we could in the morning. Mom and Dad stopped by Lyn's around 9:30 to visit a bit before heading to the hospital. We grabbed lunch quick, then headed to the hospital around 12:15. The adults were able to see mom quickly before they took her into surgery, then it was more waiting. So, we took my dad to visit Chad, Cassie and Levi to help pass the time.
Around 3:00, we talked with one of the doctor's involved in the surgery, and were notified that everything went great. However, it wasn't until nearly 6:00 that we got to see mom. By that time, she was fully awake, and in her hosptial room. She looked great, and was talking to all of us. What a relief.
Brian, the boys and I left the hospital around 6:30, went to Lyn's, and then the whirlwind began. We were packing the car, eating dinner, and feeding the boys - all at the same time. God Bless Lyn and RJ for heating up soup for us for dinner, and helping with feeding the boys so that we could get on the road. We left Toledo around 7:45, knowing it would be late when we arrived home. The construction and an accident around Dayton didn't help us, and it was about 11:40 before we arrived home. It was a very late night, but we are so glad that we were able to spend the day with Dad and my sisters, and be there to support mom this time, since we weren't able to be there in January.
This week will likely fly by like the past few, since it is Tuesday already. Tonight, we are taking the boys to visit Grandma Hart one last time before she heads home tomorrow. Uncle John and Aunt Pam are coming down to visit today too, so we are looking forward to seeing them for a bit.
Tomorrow is therapy for Jackson, so my work day gets broken up a bit.
The rest of the week I'll be spending trying to put the house back together, as we are expecting some friends to stop by and see the boys this weekend.
The weekend is all ours - hopefully we can organize the house, the boys clothes, do a little shopping, and I'm evening crossing my fingers that I can get my hair cut! Plus, we'll have to spend time with the boys!
We'll keep posting as the boys develop new skills. It is so much fun to see what they learn each day!
Hope everyone is having a great September, and we'll write more again soon.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson.
Special dates to note:
- Happy Belated Birthday to Craig Lynn on 9/9
- Happy Belated Anniversary to Aunt Karen and Uncle Tim on 9/10
- Happy Belated birthday to Stefani on 9/11
- Happy Belated birthday to my cousin Doug on 9/12
- Happy Belated birthday to Beth on 9/13
- Happy Birthday this Sunday to Kelan on 9/19 - he's turning 2!
- Happy Birthday to Drama and Brother boy on 9/22
- Happy Birthday to Dad on 9/23 - the big 6-0!
- Happy Birthday to Uncle Bill on 9/24
- Happy 5 year wedding anniversary to Lyn and RJ on 9/25
- Happy Birthday to Maria Hart on 9/29
- Happy Birthday to Aunt Ruth on 9/30
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday - Finally!
Lots to do tonight to get ready to spend time with the Willinger's this weekend.
Mom's surgery is Monday, so please say lots of prayers.
Will post more on what we've been up to, and how mom is doing later!
Check out week 31 pictures to the right! I'm only a week behind now...but hope to share week 32 soon!
Lots to do tonight to get ready to spend time with the Willinger's this weekend.
Mom's surgery is Monday, so please say lots of prayers.
Will post more on what we've been up to, and how mom is doing later!
Check out week 31 pictures to the right! I'm only a week behind now...but hope to share week 32 soon!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Jackson's helmet update
Hi all -
Jackson had an appointment this morning to check and see how his head is doing, and to adjust the fit of his helmet. His head grew some more, and the variance in measurement is down to 7 mm (vs. 9 at his last appointment). They shaved a little bit out of the forehead of his helmet, so we are all set for the next 3 weeks. At this rate, he should definitely have it off for Christmas!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Jackson had an appointment this morning to check and see how his head is doing, and to adjust the fit of his helmet. His head grew some more, and the variance in measurement is down to 7 mm (vs. 9 at his last appointment). They shaved a little bit out of the forehead of his helmet, so we are all set for the next 3 weeks. At this rate, he should definitely have it off for Christmas!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Officially Crawling!!!
Just a quick note...today, we are officially claiming that Lincoln is crawling! He has been scooting for quite some time, but tonight, he crawled clear across our bedroom without touching his belly to the ground! So exciting! He's getting quite big for his britches, as he is pulling himself up to stand too - using his bouncer no less! I have a feeling he will be walking way before he turns one year old!
will write more tomorrow (hopefully)!
will write more tomorrow (hopefully)!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Prayers for comfort...
Hi everyone -
I just wanted to write a quick post and ask everyone to please keep the Caldwell family in your thoughts and prayers. The Caldwell's are part of the Willinger family, and they have suffered a great loss. Everett passed away yesterday after a very brave fight with melanoma. Melody and her two young daughters need all the prayers for comfort they can get right now. Please pray for Brenda, Dick, Kelly (Dave), RJ, Lyn, Lylah, and Knox for safe travels to Texas so that the entire family (including Grandma Kathy) can be together to celebrate Everetts life.
Thank you!
I just wanted to write a quick post and ask everyone to please keep the Caldwell family in your thoughts and prayers. The Caldwell's are part of the Willinger family, and they have suffered a great loss. Everett passed away yesterday after a very brave fight with melanoma. Melody and her two young daughters need all the prayers for comfort they can get right now. Please pray for Brenda, Dick, Kelly (Dave), RJ, Lyn, Lylah, and Knox for safe travels to Texas so that the entire family (including Grandma Kathy) can be together to celebrate Everetts life.
Thank you!
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