28 1/2 weeks, and the babies are doing great!
Went to the doctor today, and they did another ultrasound. Measurements say that "Right" weighs around 2 pounds 11 ounces, and "Left" is at 2 pounds 13 ounces. This is more than a pound more for each of them than what they weighed 4 weeks ago. This is awesome! (Especially when you consider that's 5 1/2 pounds of baby, and I've only gained 17 pounds in total so far).
The doctor is very pleased with how the babies are doing, and with how well I am doing.
I finally received my swine flu vaccine. Babies are still nice and high (not putting pressure on my cervix) and my cervix is still closed. That all means that I'm still cleared for traveling!
I've been experiencing some leg cramps (the kind that wake you from a dead sleep in the middle of the night). Doctor recommended ensuring I'm getting my calcium (Tums), potassium (banana), and magnesium (need to get a supplement). I'm willing to give anything a try!
I've had a few warm up contractions, but as long as they aren't regular, and aren't getting any stronger, nothing to worry about for now. It would just be nice if they would come when I'm not driving, as it gets pretty hard to move back and forth between the gas and the brakes when I'm having a contraction!
Hoping we get the nursery walls painted tonight, and running some other errands for the babies tomorrow. Then heading to see baby Knox and Lylah on Sunday. More traveling this week to see the Hart family for Thanksgiving as well. Here comes another busy week!
Hope everyone has a great week, and a Happy Thanksgiving.
Keep praying that things continue to go well for all of us. We appreciate everyones help!
Our Family
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
We almost forgot...
Happy Belated Birthday to Uncle RJ (Nov. 12).
Happy Anniversary to Uncle Sean and Aunt Beth (Nov. 14)
Happy early birthday to cousin Alissa (Nov. 20)
Congratulations to Uncle Rodney and Uncle Dennis on 20 years (Nov. 21)
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone next week - we hope everyone has some time to reflect on the wonderful blessings they have in their lives!
Happy Anniversary to Uncle Sean and Aunt Beth (Nov. 14)
Happy early birthday to cousin Alissa (Nov. 20)
Congratulations to Uncle Rodney and Uncle Dennis on 20 years (Nov. 21)
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone next week - we hope everyone has some time to reflect on the wonderful blessings they have in their lives!
28 Weeks!
Hi everyone -
It's been another busy week in the Hart household! Mommy and Daddy are getting tired, but they still have a lot to do to prepare for our arrival!
Last Tuesday, they attended a 3 hour long class related to multiples. They were surprised that there were 13 different couples in the class! That's a lot of twins for the Cincinnati area!
Wednesday night, they were supposed to meet with a lawyer to get their wills done, but the lawyer needed to reschedule, so they are going tonight.
Thursday evening was a painting night...Daddy finished the second coat on the nursery ceiling while Mommy painted the trim boards in the master bathroom. (She's been wanting to get those done for about 3 years now, so figured it was time!).
Friday night, we stopped and picked Uncle Aaron up after work, and we hit 75 north toward Toledo. We stopped in Dayton and had dinner, then proceeded to go visit Aunt Lyn at the hospital. They induced her on Thursday evening, but things weren't progressing very quickly. When we left the hospital around 12:30, she was having some contractions, but she was sure that she'd be going home after breakfast the next day and waiting for her baby boy to arrive when he was ready.
What a surprise we got when Aunt Lyn texted us at 1:30 to let us know her water had broken, and she was dialated to one centimeter! By 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, she was fully dialated, and waiting for the doctor to arrive. Our new baby cousin Knox Joseph Willinger was born at 7:08 a.m. on Saturday, November 14th. He weighed 8 pounds even, and was 21 1/2 inches long. He has dark hair, and looks just like his big sister Lylah did when she was born!
Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Aaron arrived at the hospital between 8:00 and 8:30 on Saturday to meet Knox. We got to see Maw-ma and Paw-pa, and Aunt Rachelle too at the hospital.
Saturday was spent visiting with Knox, Aunt Lyn, Uncle RJ, and the whole family. We got to play with cousin Lylah in the afternoon too (she even gave us kisses through Mommy's tummy).
Sunday was more visiting before heading back home.
Last night Mommy and Daddy ran lots of errands. First they stopped and got a new suit ordered for Daddy, as he is going to need one for cousin Knox's baptism, as well as ours! Then they stopped and picked a few things up at Walmart, then they were off to the dry cleaners to pick up some of Daddy's things. Finally, around 8:00 they had some dinner before heading off to the grocery store to stock up for the week. After arriving home around 9:30, they put the groceries away, then Mommy unloaded the dishwasher and did a load of laundry. By 10:30, it was time for bed, as they were both exhausted!
Lots of things to do this week: meeting with the lawyer tonight, C-section class at the hospital on Wednesday evening. Thursday and Friday night, Daddy plans to put the new ceiling fan up in our room, and hopes to get the pretty yellow paint on the walls. Mommy needs to get her thank you's for her work shower done, and hopes that her and Daddy can agree on some baby furniture for our room so they can get it ordered. Otherwise, we may arrive before the furniture does!
Saturday will be wrapping up anything that didn't get done for the week, and hopefully watching the Ohio State/Michigan football game. They will also be preparing for the busy week of Thanksgiving!
We hope you all have a great week. We'll write more after our ultrasound and appointment on Friday.
Love to you all,
Left and Right
It's been another busy week in the Hart household! Mommy and Daddy are getting tired, but they still have a lot to do to prepare for our arrival!
Last Tuesday, they attended a 3 hour long class related to multiples. They were surprised that there were 13 different couples in the class! That's a lot of twins for the Cincinnati area!
Wednesday night, they were supposed to meet with a lawyer to get their wills done, but the lawyer needed to reschedule, so they are going tonight.
Thursday evening was a painting night...Daddy finished the second coat on the nursery ceiling while Mommy painted the trim boards in the master bathroom. (She's been wanting to get those done for about 3 years now, so figured it was time!).
Friday night, we stopped and picked Uncle Aaron up after work, and we hit 75 north toward Toledo. We stopped in Dayton and had dinner, then proceeded to go visit Aunt Lyn at the hospital. They induced her on Thursday evening, but things weren't progressing very quickly. When we left the hospital around 12:30, she was having some contractions, but she was sure that she'd be going home after breakfast the next day and waiting for her baby boy to arrive when he was ready.
What a surprise we got when Aunt Lyn texted us at 1:30 to let us know her water had broken, and she was dialated to one centimeter! By 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, she was fully dialated, and waiting for the doctor to arrive. Our new baby cousin Knox Joseph Willinger was born at 7:08 a.m. on Saturday, November 14th. He weighed 8 pounds even, and was 21 1/2 inches long. He has dark hair, and looks just like his big sister Lylah did when she was born!
Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Aaron arrived at the hospital between 8:00 and 8:30 on Saturday to meet Knox. We got to see Maw-ma and Paw-pa, and Aunt Rachelle too at the hospital.
Saturday was spent visiting with Knox, Aunt Lyn, Uncle RJ, and the whole family. We got to play with cousin Lylah in the afternoon too (she even gave us kisses through Mommy's tummy).
Sunday was more visiting before heading back home.
Last night Mommy and Daddy ran lots of errands. First they stopped and got a new suit ordered for Daddy, as he is going to need one for cousin Knox's baptism, as well as ours! Then they stopped and picked a few things up at Walmart, then they were off to the dry cleaners to pick up some of Daddy's things. Finally, around 8:00 they had some dinner before heading off to the grocery store to stock up for the week. After arriving home around 9:30, they put the groceries away, then Mommy unloaded the dishwasher and did a load of laundry. By 10:30, it was time for bed, as they were both exhausted!
Lots of things to do this week: meeting with the lawyer tonight, C-section class at the hospital on Wednesday evening. Thursday and Friday night, Daddy plans to put the new ceiling fan up in our room, and hopes to get the pretty yellow paint on the walls. Mommy needs to get her thank you's for her work shower done, and hopes that her and Daddy can agree on some baby furniture for our room so they can get it ordered. Otherwise, we may arrive before the furniture does!
Saturday will be wrapping up anything that didn't get done for the week, and hopefully watching the Ohio State/Michigan football game. They will also be preparing for the busy week of Thanksgiving!
We hope you all have a great week. We'll write more after our ultrasound and appointment on Friday.
Love to you all,
Left and Right
Monday, November 9, 2009
1 Day short of 27 weeks
Happy Monday!
We've all been quite busy since Mommy's last post. Mostly running errands, getting things taken care of before we arrive.
Friday night, Mommy went to a shower for us that her work hosted. It was a really lovely evening spending time with the ladies that Mommy works with. All of them are curious about how this whole twin thing works! Mommy doesn't have all the answers...she just keeps saying they will figure things out! Thanks to everyone who came to the shower, and for all of the wonderful things for us.
While Mommy was at the shower, Daddy was at home working on the nursery. He was able to pound the nails in that popped out, put screws in to anchor the dryway, and had everything patched up. Daddy is working really hard to get our room ready for us!
Saturday, Daddy went to Grandma Hart's to take care of things. Mommy spent the morning running errands - dry cleaner, Target, the mall, Meijer, and the garden center to get fertilizer for the yard. She also went to get her blood drawn for her glucose test (more on this later).
In the afternoon, Mommy worked on laundry, and put a first coat of paint on some new shelves for the family room. After all that running around, and the yucky stuff for the glucose test, she was pretty tired by 5:00. She spent the rest of the night catching up on TV shows on the DVR, and talked to Maw-ma and Paw-pa Muehlfeld before Daddy got home.
Sunday was another busy day - church, then a trip to Home Depot to get the paint for the nursery. Daddy mowed the yard, and put the winter fertilizer on while Mommy made lunch, dinner, and another meal for later this week. She also emptied the dishwasher and cleaned up the whole kitchen.
After lunch, Mommy and Daddy took Uncle Aaron his lawn mower, visited with him for a little while (and convinced him to come help paint the nursery ceiling). Daddy and Uncle Aaron got the first coat of paint on the ceiling while Mommy worked on taping the baseboards, and put the second coat of paint on the shelves for the living room. They all enjoyed some chili for dinner after all their hard work. Hopefully they will finish the ceiling tonight, and move onto the walls later this week!
Mommy took us to our doctor's appointment this morning. All good news to report! Mommy passed her glucose test (which is very surprising, as they had told her to prepare for the worst since there are 2 of us, and she is 35 years old). Mommy is very happy - she really wasn't looking forward to having to drink more of that yucky stuff! Doctor let Mommy listen to both of our heart beats again - still very strong (and Right is still kicking Left), and still VERY different!
Mommy has been worrying that she hasn't gained any more weight since her last appointment, but the doctor said not to worry. The babies are still growing, so as long as Mommy feels good, she should keep doing what she is doing and not worry about what the scale says. Mommy's belly is continuing to measure bigger each time, and we are right on schedule!
We go back to the doctor next Friday for a visit and an ultrasound, so Mommy and Daddy should have more pictures of us to share!
That's all for this week's recap. We'll have more to share next week, hopefully including news that our new baby cousin has arrived!
Have a great week everyone!
Left and Right
We've all been quite busy since Mommy's last post. Mostly running errands, getting things taken care of before we arrive.
Friday night, Mommy went to a shower for us that her work hosted. It was a really lovely evening spending time with the ladies that Mommy works with. All of them are curious about how this whole twin thing works! Mommy doesn't have all the answers...she just keeps saying they will figure things out! Thanks to everyone who came to the shower, and for all of the wonderful things for us.
While Mommy was at the shower, Daddy was at home working on the nursery. He was able to pound the nails in that popped out, put screws in to anchor the dryway, and had everything patched up. Daddy is working really hard to get our room ready for us!
Saturday, Daddy went to Grandma Hart's to take care of things. Mommy spent the morning running errands - dry cleaner, Target, the mall, Meijer, and the garden center to get fertilizer for the yard. She also went to get her blood drawn for her glucose test (more on this later).
In the afternoon, Mommy worked on laundry, and put a first coat of paint on some new shelves for the family room. After all that running around, and the yucky stuff for the glucose test, she was pretty tired by 5:00. She spent the rest of the night catching up on TV shows on the DVR, and talked to Maw-ma and Paw-pa Muehlfeld before Daddy got home.
Sunday was another busy day - church, then a trip to Home Depot to get the paint for the nursery. Daddy mowed the yard, and put the winter fertilizer on while Mommy made lunch, dinner, and another meal for later this week. She also emptied the dishwasher and cleaned up the whole kitchen.
After lunch, Mommy and Daddy took Uncle Aaron his lawn mower, visited with him for a little while (and convinced him to come help paint the nursery ceiling). Daddy and Uncle Aaron got the first coat of paint on the ceiling while Mommy worked on taping the baseboards, and put the second coat of paint on the shelves for the living room. They all enjoyed some chili for dinner after all their hard work. Hopefully they will finish the ceiling tonight, and move onto the walls later this week!
Mommy took us to our doctor's appointment this morning. All good news to report! Mommy passed her glucose test (which is very surprising, as they had told her to prepare for the worst since there are 2 of us, and she is 35 years old). Mommy is very happy - she really wasn't looking forward to having to drink more of that yucky stuff! Doctor let Mommy listen to both of our heart beats again - still very strong (and Right is still kicking Left), and still VERY different!
Mommy has been worrying that she hasn't gained any more weight since her last appointment, but the doctor said not to worry. The babies are still growing, so as long as Mommy feels good, she should keep doing what she is doing and not worry about what the scale says. Mommy's belly is continuing to measure bigger each time, and we are right on schedule!
We go back to the doctor next Friday for a visit and an ultrasound, so Mommy and Daddy should have more pictures of us to share!
That's all for this week's recap. We'll have more to share next week, hopefully including news that our new baby cousin has arrived!
Have a great week everyone!
Left and Right
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
6 Months already! (26 weeks)
It is really hard to believe that it has been 6 months since this miracle started!
Brian and I greatly enjoyed a very quiet and serene weekend in Hocking Hills. Our cottage was perfect (after Brian got over the initial shock of NOT having a TV). Saturday we checked out some of the sites - Old Man's Cave, Cedar Falls, and Ash Cave before grabbing some lunch. In the afternoon, we indulged in a couple's massage - which we both greatly needed. In the evening, we enjoyed a delicious meal (including dessert), before retiring early.
Sunday was our first wedding anniversary, and started with breakfast before we checked out of our cottage. We took a nice stroll through the woods to find Rose Lake, which we hadn't visited on our previous trip to Hocking Hills. We walked through Conkle's Hollow after that, enjoying the beauty of the gorge and the waterfalls. Unfortunately, the time went too fast, and we began our drive home.
We stopped during our drive for an ice cream treat, then we stopped again in Jeffersonville at the outlet malls. We were able to find some Christmas presents for our nieces and nephews there, then finished our drive home. We celebrated All Saints day by going to 7:00 mass, then exchanged our anniversary gifts. The rest of the evening was just spent together, relaxing in preparation for the coming week.
Monday night was our final Childbirth Class - we sure hope we are ready! We definitely learned a lot over the past 5 weeks, and we are looking forward to getting to hold our little miracles in the next few months. We know time will be challenging when we bring them home, but we are also reminded that the good times will far outweigh the bad.
Tonight we are planning to run some errands (Auto Zone, grocery...who knows where else) and continuing to plan our week.
We hope you all enjoy the fading leaves and the cooler temperatures of fall, as Winter is around the corner!
Kate and Brian
Brian and I greatly enjoyed a very quiet and serene weekend in Hocking Hills. Our cottage was perfect (after Brian got over the initial shock of NOT having a TV). Saturday we checked out some of the sites - Old Man's Cave, Cedar Falls, and Ash Cave before grabbing some lunch. In the afternoon, we indulged in a couple's massage - which we both greatly needed. In the evening, we enjoyed a delicious meal (including dessert), before retiring early.
Sunday was our first wedding anniversary, and started with breakfast before we checked out of our cottage. We took a nice stroll through the woods to find Rose Lake, which we hadn't visited on our previous trip to Hocking Hills. We walked through Conkle's Hollow after that, enjoying the beauty of the gorge and the waterfalls. Unfortunately, the time went too fast, and we began our drive home.
We stopped during our drive for an ice cream treat, then we stopped again in Jeffersonville at the outlet malls. We were able to find some Christmas presents for our nieces and nephews there, then finished our drive home. We celebrated All Saints day by going to 7:00 mass, then exchanged our anniversary gifts. The rest of the evening was just spent together, relaxing in preparation for the coming week.
Monday night was our final Childbirth Class - we sure hope we are ready! We definitely learned a lot over the past 5 weeks, and we are looking forward to getting to hold our little miracles in the next few months. We know time will be challenging when we bring them home, but we are also reminded that the good times will far outweigh the bad.
Tonight we are planning to run some errands (Auto Zone, grocery...who knows where else) and continuing to plan our week.
We hope you all enjoy the fading leaves and the cooler temperatures of fall, as Winter is around the corner!
Kate and Brian
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